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"What do you mean you can't track her down?! Then what have you guys been doing this entire time! I need to know where she is and who has her! She could be getting hurt right now and I'm not there to save her!" Calum furiously yelled at the two police officers who came to the apartment after not finding any trace of the internet source.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down.. We're doing everything we ca-"

"Everything you can?! If you really were then you would have found her by now!" Calum yelled as Avia lightly grabbed his arm in attempt to calm him down but it wasn't working.

"Calum we should talk..." Avia whispered in his ear.

Calum ignored her and continued on telling off the cops.

"Sir, listen please, we already contacted the FBI so that they can trace the source since they have more updated equipment, they told us if they found anything that they'd contact us personally, but as of now, we can't really do much besides looking around," one of the cops answered, his voice filled with sympathy.

But he didn't want sympathy. He wanted Aspyn.

He yanked his arm away from Avia and stormed back into his room letting the tears fall once again. He just wanted his little girl back, was that too much to ask for?

There was a small knock on the door and it slowly opened, Avia's head peeking through the small crack.

"Hey can I come in?" She asked nervously.

"Well your heads already in..." Calum mumbled, wiping his tears away.

She smiled a bit, rubbing her eyes a little as her mascara smeared more on her face. She walked into his room, taking a seat on his bed and sighs," Calum we need to talk."

"Look.. If you're going to tell me off more for being a bad parent, I'm really not in the mood to hear it," Calum sighed, sitting down next to her and burying his face in his hands.

"You're not the bad parent here... I am... Look Calum, I honestly don't know how to tell you this.."

"What is it?" Calum asked, taking his face out of his hands and looking at Avia curiously as she played with a strand of her hair.

She stayed quiet just staring straight ahead of her and after a few minutes she took a deep breath and looked over at Calum. He searched her face and all he saw was fear and sadness.

"Avia what's wrong? Do you know something about Aspyn that I don't?" Calum asked, putting his hand over hers.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she slowly nodded, then the tears came.

"Avia, I want you to tell me what you know," Calum pleaded, looking at her helplessly.

She cried as she brought her hands up to her mouth shaking her head," I'm sorry," she kept on repeating.

Calum looked at her completely lost and unaware of what was going on.

"I-I know the day that I ca-ame back into your life I-I should've j-just turned back... This was never going to work I told myself, but I surprised m-myself when I saw it did," Avia explained through her tears and shaky voice.

"I'm still not understanding.. You're being vague Avia.. C'mon talk to me." Calum whispered, trying to put together the words that she was saying.

"C-Calum... I'm s-so sorry...... So so-orry... Aspyn... She's not... She's not your kid... She's Jose's... The guy you saw m-me with outside of t-the roller skating p-place, I-I was just u-using you for the money si-ince Jose didn't have a job at the time and I-I needed help with Aspyn," she cried out and Calum felt his heart break right then and there.

Unplanned Parenthood ➸ c.h. au || COMPLETED || ** EDITING **Where stories live. Discover now