Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

Staring at the white walls while hearing mine and my psychiatrists' breaths. Silence had a come as she just stared at me. I finally looked into the she devil herself as she pushed up her glasses. Her long blonde hair intimidating me as my shoulder length hair shrivelled and knotted. Her freshly tan skin, and bright green eyes staring into my soul searching for answers. I honestly hated her. Don't really ask me why 'cause I had no idea. Maybe because she looks so perfect. All the money she gets for asking questions into my personal life, but then again I hated all therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist I've had. They all had that something in them I hated. Weather their nose was too big, or voice was to high pitched. I just hated them.

"Jackie dear you must talk to me. We're getting no where."

"Don't call me dear."

"Ahh she speaks."

"Ahh she's still here!" I mocked her voice as she wrote something down.

"What did you write down?" I snapped at her as she looks at me writing more things down.

"I don't like being ignored now what did you write!"

"I'm taking notes." She said not affected by my sudden actions.

"Taking notes of what?"


I just stared at her as she kept writing more things down.

"Now Jacquelynne-"

"My name is Jackie" Jacquelynne was my name before I was here. Now I hated it. No one calls me Jacquelynne anymore. Not the nurses. Not the guards. No one. Not even myself.

"Why not Jacquelynne?"

"Because I hate that name! Now don't call me J-Jacquelynne." My voice stuttered as it was hard to even say it.

"Did something happen back in your past that you don't like being called that?"

"I mean-"

"Your session is up." The guards told me as I got up to them.

I hurried out going into my cell. Sitting down on the chair. Seeing the scratches on the wall from my finger nails; as I looked down seeing my nails at its lowest point. They used to hurt, but now they're numb. I have no feeling in any parts of my body. Looking at the circular clock seeing the minutes pass by. . .

1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . . 5.

Hearing the door unlock looking at my guard.

"You have a vistor."

"And I could care why?"

"Get up Jackie." The guard said as I got up and walked to the vistor center. My breath hitched in my mouth seeing the person before me.

"Hello Jackie." He said with a wicked smirk. He tapped a seat indicating me to sit next to him.

"Come sit, sit."

"N-No. . . Please don't make me." The guard sat me down as he left.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh Jackie you must rememeber me."

His hand came to my thigh as I moved it.

"D-Don't touch me. You didn't answer my q-question. Why are y-you here."

"I came to see ny beloved Jackie."

"Max please stop with the harassment" My pleads were nothing to him.


Sitting down on my couch at my house watching reruns of Spongebob hearing the front door unlock. I turned my head seeing Max stumble inside.

"Max are. . . Are you drunk?"

"Yeah so?" His voice slurred as he went into the kitchen going inside the fridge.

"Max you need to sit down and drink water; to get that alcohol out your system."

"Why don't you get out of my face!" He pushed me as I went into the counter. My back ached as I whimpered in pain.

"Max please don't make dumb choices. Just lay down for me please!"

He slapped me cheek as tears fell down. The stinging sensation throbbed as I layed down and cried.

"I told you to get out my face!" He slapped me again as I cried harder.

This is where it began. . .

{Flashback Over}

I didn't notice the hot tears falling down as I quickly wiped them.

"You must of rememebered the rule." Max said caressing my cheek.

"Don't cry, crying only makes the pain worse. Crying was for the weak."

"But what did you continue to do?"

"I continued to cry."

"What is crying for?"

"The weak."

"And you are. . ."

"I am weak."

"Exactly." He punched my thigh as I whimpered in pain.

"Stop." My voice small almost a whisper.

"What was that?"

"I said stop. Stop with the abuse. Stop the pain. Just stop. What happened to the Max in high school? What happpened?"

"He was gone a long time ago." He whispered into my ear as I felt his smirk.

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