Chapter 9

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A/N: So I just need to say this . . . I have sooo many twist and turns to this story! I'm very excited about it! Okay that's it I'm done alright read on! Eeeppp!


Zayn's POV


I drove home as I felt so lonely. Maybe I should give Jackie a call. No, I don't want to seem needy. Wait, why would I seem needy for seeing how my ex-patient is doing? I was about to start the call when I quickly hung up. I feel like I'm having doubts on calling her. I'm not a teenager anymore just call the damn phone! Soon, I was home and I entered the house. Claire came out the room as she smiled at me.

"Hey babe!" She said as she gave me a kiss.

"Hey how was the interview?" Claire was currently looking for a new job. She didn't want to work at my job anymore. I don't know why though. We barely see each other. We even drive at different times.

"Not so good, I don't think I want to leave, yet."

"I don't think you should either. Cause I wouldn't be able to see your beautiful face everyday." I kissed her as she smiled. Claire reminded me of someone. I honestly don't know who.

"Zayn you barely even see me!" She swatted my shoulder.

"But when I do see your face, my heart beats a thousand times faster than usual. Seeing you in your skirts and dresses showing off that--"

"Stop it right now." She laughed going into the kitchen.

"What I was going to say your legs?"

"Yeah sure, so Jackie she's out now?"

"Yeah her sister--" I stopped in mid sentence.

"What were you going to say?"

"H-Her sister got her out. That's it though."

"Oh." She turned around. Her long blonde hair and green eyes glistened to the room light as I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked so close to Annabel it was crazy. The blonde hair, the green eyes . . . Yeah any girl with those two descriptions can be anyone, but Annabel and Claire . . . They had this thing about them that seemed so similar.

"Claire where are you from again?"

"We've been dating for almost two years and you don't even know where I'm from?"

"No, no, no! I am just curious, like, you're from Oxford right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Just curious."

Wouldn't you get suspicous if you two girls looked so similar, and are from the same town? Maybe, maybe not, but right now I have a feeling something is up.

"Where are you going," Claire asked as I put on my coat.

"I need to go back to work."


Jackie's POV


"So Jackie it's nice to see you out of that mental asylum," Matt said.

"Mental asylum?"

Jess was probably confused. I mean I wouldn't blame her.

"Yes, 'mental asylum' I was there."

"What why? Why wouldn't you tell me? Does Stacy know? Where is Stacy anyway? I haven't seen her in literally forever!"

"Where have you been! It's like you were deaf to the world Jess! Has the drugs and alcohol messed up your life and brain that you don't know what's going on with current events! She's dead! D-E-A-D dead! I don't even know why you got me out of that place Annabel. Being here has too many memories," I started to walk away back to the car as Annabel came running towards me.

"I want to go home Annabel - I mean Anna," She nodded going into the car.

"Can I see your phone?" She handed me the phone as I typed in Dr. Malik. I wanted - no needed to talk to him. After three rings he finally picked up.

"Annabel? Is there something wrong?"

"No its me Jackie. Can you come to my house, I need to talk to you?"

"Sure, I'm on my way."

I hung up and texted him ny address as Annabel pulled into my driveway. I got my bags and unlocked the door, but Annabel never came out the car.

"Are you coming?" I asked as she shoke her heads.

"I'll be back later." I nodded and closed the door. I unpacked my new clothes putting them onto my old closet. Soon the door rang as I went to go get it. Zayn was there as he smiled.

"You wanted to see me?" He asked. I invited him in as he took a seat on my bed.

"What was the problem?" He asked.

"I was at the mall today and I seen some old collegees. And I kind of heard some things I knew would take a toll on me."

"What was it about?"


"What did they say?"

I told him and I was in full blown tears. I miss her so much. She was my best friend, even my sister and she was gone.One shot took her life. One shot took a piece of my heart away.

"She must've not known Jackie. Maybe she lived else where. I don't know though."

"Yeah you're right. But I just really miss her. She was my best friend." I kept crying as he came and hugged me. I loved his hugs so much. I knew I felt safe inside his arms.

"Shhh Jackie don't cry. It's going to be alright. Stop crying please."

I looked up at him as he wiped my tears with his thumb. I smiled as we sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry. I'm probably always crying in front of you."

"You are." He chuckled as I laughed. I looked out the window then looked at him. My eyes went to his eyes then lips. He did the same as he started to lean in. I did also he I closed my eyes. His lips came in contact as I felt sparks. His hands cupped my cheek as his lips molded perfectly with mine. My hands were behind his neck. He pulled back as my lips were cold.

"S-Sorry." He said getting up.


"Because I don't know I need to go. I forgot about Clarie," My eyes widen.

"Wait Zayn, no I'm sorry

"It wasn't your fault--"

"Yes it is I ruined your relationship--" I felt his lips touch mine as he pulled away. I stayed glued on the floor as he smiled.

"It's not your fault cause I liked it." He closed the door as I stayed shocked.


*Harry's Voice*


I didnt realise today was thursday unless my phone is playing tricks on me. I want to thank @Fic_Book_Covers for the new cover it's amazing and I love it! I almost cried! haha that's it bye :)

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