Chapter 12

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Clarie's POV


I am so upset, no beyond furious. Who does she think she is? Who does he think he is? To disrespect me infront of . . . infront of those maniacs! Annabel and her psychotic sister Jacquelyn. Her, that little psycho that ruined my relationship with the guy I loved. The guy I probably would've married. How dare she?

I walk inside of little café, that I have never seen and sit down at the nearest booth. I sightly pulled my dress down as I sit waiting paitently for a waitress to come up to me. But it wasnt a waitress it was a man. He looked about Jacquelyn's age. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He sat down at my booth.

"What's a pretty girl like you sitting alone at this time of night?"

"Nothing." Short talk him Clarie maybe he'll leave.

"What's the matter? I could tell you've been crying."

"Can you just leave me alone?"

"I won't do that if yore crying."

"Well, I'd sugget that."

"Anyway, why were you crying?"

"My boyfriend-- ex-boyfriend is a jerk."

"What'd he do?"

"He basically left me for some psycho slut."

"Psycho slut?" He asked confused.

"Yeah she's crazy like she's been in mental asylum and all." I just remembered I'm not susposed to be saying this since it's illegal, but I doubt Jacquelyn would even know.

"A mental asylum really? I actually had a girlfriend who was admitted to one before. It's absoultely crazy you know? She seemed so innocent, yet crazy. Sad I know, being in a relationship with her."

"I actually am a psychiatrist sp maybe I know her. What's her name?"

"Jacquelyn," I froze as he laughed. "Do you know her?"

"She's the psycho slut I was talking about?"

"Really now? Huh, she found somene so quickly. She just got out of that place. I knew she was a slut, before and now."

"What's your name by the way?"



Jackie's POV


I sat down on the booth bobbing my head up and down to the music. I got up amd smoothed out my dress as started to walk. Zayn left somewhere and I walked to the bathroom. I was pulled into one. My heart was beating fast as looked seeing Zayn. His eyes were puffy and red.

"Z-Zayn are you alright?"

"No. . . No I'm not. Jackie I did something bad."

"What'd you do?"

"I broke up with Claire. Well, not really, but I wish too."

"What? Why? She was perfect for you Zayn."

"Can we go to your house," I looked away as he grabbed my hips making me look up to him. "Please."

"Come on," We got inside of a cab leaving Niall and Annabel. The whole time Zayn's eyes were closing but he tried to keep the open. He looked like a bear plush toy.

"Zayn . . . Zayn where here."

He opened his eyes and got out. I paid the cab driver and unlocked my door.

"So what did you want to talk to me about."

"I dont know."

"Zayn are you fre--"


He put his finger on my mouth as I backed up a bit as he ran upstairs. I rolled my eyes and followed him. In this big house I walked into the kitchen grabbing a few snacks. I set the down on the counter and walked upstairs the hallway was dark except one room. I looked seeing Zayn in my parents rooms looking through some old pictures. I sat on the bed as he turned around and dropped the picture.

"S-Sorry I was just . . . I was just looking?"

"It's fine really. I haven't looked at these pictures in so long," I looked at at one pictures and smiled. "In this picture we at L.A. I seen so many nice things. I even met Tom Cruise, crazy I know. Good times we had back then. If only I could go."

I looked up and saw Zayn staring at me. He walked up to me and hugged me. I was a little starled, but then calmed down and hugged him back. I back down in the bed and just stared out the window. He full moon glowed and shinned inside even though the light was on.

"You know," He started. "I wasn't even drunk. This whole time I've been sober."

"But all the scotch you drank."

"It was watered down."

"What about Claire?"

"I told you I broke up with her."

"Why would you pretend to be drunk?"

"Kind of a long story, but I must tell it to someone yeah? Well, after I kissed you I knew I had feelings for you. I knew that one day I shouldn't feel this guilt inside me. I needed to break up with her, but I just couldn't. I couldn't risk seeing her hurt, or even seeing you with someone else if I was too late to catch you up. So I pretended to be drunk in order to maybe break up with her. I like you Jackie a lot."

"I-I do too, but I don't know Zayn."

"What, tell me Jackie? Tell me what's on your mind."

"I have this bad feeling that you should be with Claire instead of me."

"Why would you think that?"

"I-I don't know I'm tired that's all."

'It's that you know you're not right for him. You don't want another relationship like before.'

I got up and walked to my room. I changed out if my dress and into some shorts and a black shirt. As I was about to get into bed there was a soft knock at my door.

"Can I just stay the night here? If that's not okay then I can just--"

"No, no it's fine stay here. I'll grab some covers for the both of us."

"Both of us?"

"Have you seen this place it's freaky when you're alone." I chuckled grabbing the covers.

I went down stairs getting the covers and the snacks off the counter.

"What do you want to watch first?" I asked going through the guide.

"Let's watch um . . . Spongebob. You can never go wrong with Spongebob you know?"

"Yeah, yeah you can't."

It's when it started it all.



So it's 12:53 (00:53) in the morning and I am soo tired, but yeah I'm on my phone so excuse the many typos if possible! XD

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