Chapter 7

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Not edited please excuse typos I'm on my phone xx

This silence was killing me. I'm in silence almost 24/7. It's been killing me on the inside and out.

"I have to ask this question, but what happened after I left?" He asked getting his pen ready. I know he knows; he just wants me to say it.

"I-I went to sleep duh." I said trying to act hard, but on the inside I was shaking. I dont want to repeat it. It was a terrible nightmare that I just want to disappear. It wasnt real.

But it was real, Stacy did die. Not in your arms but she did die. You did try and kill yourself. It replied the whole terrible night that I wish never happen.

"No, or the nurses wouldn't have sedated you. Now tell me what happened?"

"What happened to not pressuring me! Why do you want to know so badly! Why do you even care? Because you're my psychiatrist, well new flash Dr. Malik you're just an intern! I dont have to tell you nothing!"

"Jackie I'm not an intern cause I got my medical degree and my license so news flash I am your doctor. I was in the process of getting my license, so now that I have it I'm your full time doctor. I wasnt going to pressure you, but you leave me no choice! I'm here to help you! I'm not here for the paycheck! I didnt spend ten years in school just to do nothing! I didnt spend more than $10,000 dollars just to do nothing. I care Jackie. I care about your health, I care about wanting to know what goes on in your head, and most of all I care about you. I want to know these things! I want to know the dreams you had! I want to know! Is that wrong? It is so wrong to care Jackie? Yeah, so what I care about you a bit more. Why? Is that wrong too? So this news flash things is done! Now answer this question again without arguing! Why did you get sedated?"


I was speechless.

His chest rising and falling faster than normal as his eyes stared into mine. I was about to open my mouth, but no words escaped. I was just speechless. He cares. He likes me more than the rest of them. My heart swelled as my eyes were wide.

"Well? Care to explain?"

"I-I had a dream, and it wasnt a good one. I was back in Oxford, and I seen Stacy. Her hair flowing and she had tears in her eyes. She ran to my bathroom banging on the door asking my to open up. I knew exactly what was going on. It was when I was going to um . . . K-Kill my-myself. Then when she kicked the door down she held me. She held me and she cried into my shoulder. Telling me it'll be okay. Then someone came in. He was tall. He had tan skin. Hazel eyes. Black hair. He was dressed in all black as he rasied the gun and shot her. Then he shot me. I woke up and I kept screaming and crying. I hit the guards and nurses cause I needed to escape."

Hopefully he got the despcription of himself when I described him. His eyes went wide as he looked up at me. His jaw dropped as he stopped writing.

"It was me." He whispered. I started to cry as I got some tissue.

"B-But how? I didnt even know you?"

"I dont know Zayn you're the psychiatrist."

"I just dont get it! Why would I be in your dream and--" He stopped talking and got up. He came and hugged me tightly. His cologone filled my nose as I smiled. The way his arms hugged around my small waist fit perfectly. He stopped the hug and still held me but looked into my eyes.

"I dont ever want to be in another dream like that. I dont want you to ever have dreams like that ever again. I will help you and will be here whenever okay?" He wiped my tears as he smiled.

My eyes went to his eyes to his lips. So plump and pink. When he smiled his teeth were so white. I quickly snapped out of it as he walked to his chair.

"Well considering it is 10:00 in the morning this will be hour session for today. There might even be a surprise later. Have a good day Jackie and remember good dreams. Think good thoughts."

"Alright goodbye."


Whem he closed the door I stopped it just before it closed. I looked seeing one of the guards. I wanted and needed a shower.

"Yes Jackie?" Asked one of them.

"Can I have a shower?"

"Yes come with me." I grabbed a hold of my wrist bringing me to the showers. The walls were covered in dirt and flith. I got out of the uniform as I set aside the clean one and my towel. The water luke warm loosened my muscles as I washed up.

~Ten Minutes Later~

I changed walking into my room. I smelled pancakes when I entered the room. I seen a note on my little desk.

Here's the little surprise I told you about ;) Enjoy! Check under your bed . . . There's more than that.

~Zayn aka Dr. Malik

I looked under my bed seeing food. My eyes widen as they started to water. There was pancakes and bacon with a side of hasbrowns. I seen there was a water bottle filled with orange juice. I seen the packets of syrup as I poured them over the pancakes. With one bite I moaned to the delicousness inside my mouth.

I ate the pancakes and put it in the small trash can. I put tissues over the evidence and sat on my bed. That was so nice of him. I smiled and laid down. There was a knock as a guard came in.

"You have a visitor." I quickly got up and walked to the visting center.

"Oh my god." My eyes widen as my jaw dropped.


Sorry for the late update even though it's just a day. Also the shortness, but left you off at a cliffhanger ;) sorreh !

Alright byyyeee

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