Chapter 3

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Previously on Psychiatric Love. . .

"Jackie. . . D-Don't do anything you'll regret please."

" 'don't do anything you'll regret please.' Regret is the last thing I worry about. Whatever is do here makes my time longer. Longer in hell." I chuckled remembering my first time here, funny long story. "And to think I was starting to actually like you. But you're only like the others just doing your job. Only trying to get answers to find out who I am to find out the right medication to find what's wrong with me! Only to get the big check heading your way! I can't believe it! I'm so naive. I should've known!"

My voice getting higher and higher as I came closer to her. She closed her eyes while I saw the shiny metal in her pocket.

"What the-" feeling the pain shoot through my leg. Feeling the medicine come through my body as my eyes felt tired. Soon darkness took over me as I laid unconscious on the floor.


"Who are you and why are you here?"

"I guess we didn't introduce ourselves correctly." He stood up extending his hand. "Hello my name is Dr. Malik you're new Psychiatrist, but you can call me Zayn."


I just stared at him. My eyes searching for answers. Why do these people put me with so many psychiatrist?

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just asked one." He laughed as no smile appeared onto my lips.

"Not funny?"

"My lips showed no smile, so of course not. Is that your way of telling me no?"

"No, anyway sure ask me anything."

"Why do psychiatrist keep coming to me? Honestly I am perfectly fine. Its not like I'm depressed wanting to kill myself."

"But Jackie. . . I can call you Jackie right," I nodded as he continued, "I honestly don't want to bring this up again, but you did blame the killing of both your parents and tried to kill yourself also am I correct?"

I took a deep breath as a I nodded looking down.

"And of your best friend Stacy?"

"N-No I didn't see Stacy's death," I said in a whisper. For the first time in four years I actually talked to my psychiatrist. Especially about this situation.

"So you see why you're here? You may not think you're depressed, but there are other reasons to why. I'm going to go all technical, but since you witnessed both your parents death and the fact you have known Stacy is dead you have post tramdic stress. All of it went to your head. You thought it was your fault. So to take that stress and pain away killing yourself was your only option." Hot tears fell as I cried into my hands. He was right. 110% right.

"W-When Stacy saw me with the pills in my hand I don't know why she stopped me. I should've left this world. I-I caused her death also. I know I did. When I last saw her she acted so weird."

"Why do you think caused both their deaths? Your parents and Stacy? Why was she acting weird?"

"I. . . I can't say."

"That's fine. I don't like stressing people to tell me. You'll tell me when you're ready. But I do want to ask you a question?"


"Why is it every therapist you have disappear after a month?"

"I hate them all. Especially Heather."

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