Chapter 10

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Jackie's POV


I was shocked. Uterally shocked. Soon Annabel came as she closed the door.

"Come on lets go downstairs! I have so many stories to tell!"

I walked downstairs as she sat down with a big bag.

"What's in here?"

"Just some food and things. You should probably go to the store later on." She smiled as I laughed.

"So how long was Dr. Malik here for?"

"About an hour or, so. But some 'stuff' went down."

"What kind of stuff?" Annabel said grabbing some chips.

"Should I just explain everything then, it's sorta a long story but--"

"I'm all ears."

I told her the story from Claire to the kiss. Having a huge smile talking about the pancakes; and how his family is down in Bradford. Annabel looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Jackie you have to date him!"

"Annabel we are not in high school anymore! I can't just randomly walk up to him and be like 'hey we should date'. Plus, he has a girlfriend."

"I know, you're right. Okay then we should go out--"

"Annabel," I swear she never listens to me. What part of 'girlfriend' does she not comprehend? I don't think I want to see Zayn after what just happen. And most of all Zayn probably doesn't want to see me either.

"No, no, no hear me out. Me, you, Zayn, Claire, and Niall, hell maybe even the kids, should eat out for a dinner here, at home. Then, we go out to you know maybe a club. We're all old enough to go and drink. I mean most of us have degrees were we are working 24/7. I think we deserve a little break; and trust me I have the perfect outfit for you."

This plan seemed to good to be true. I feel like I would be seeing Zayn too soon. What am I talking about I'm not dating the guy? Yet, here I am complaining inside my head about seeing him.

When you see him the tension in the air would be too thick for your comfort. Would you actually risk seeing Claire and Zayn all lovey dovey in front of you? Can you risk the possibilities for doing this? God Jackie, you're such a whore for doing this to yourself. You shouldn't have kissed back. You knew he had a girlfriend, you knew the had a long term relationship and here you come into his life and crush, yet another human beings life. And Claire; you know how much you can't stand her. How much you despise her for even trying to "help" you, when her help was crap.

"I don't think I can do it Anna. I-It's too soon, for me."

"It's kind of too late I already talked to Claire since Zayn wasn't there and they're coming! She thought it would be a wonderful idea!"

"Great," I said sarcastically.

"Go get dressed and look presentable, they should be here any moment."

"I look presentable!"

"No, ugh, Jackie curl your hair not a lot but just a little bit and change into a nice summer dress."

"It's at least twenty degrees outside why a summer dress?"

"Do I have to fight you on what to wear? We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

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