Chapter 16

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Why would he just leave me? I didn't understand what was going on. I looked around the house trying to find a note or maybe even something that'll tell me where he was going. I looked for my phone and seen no texts. Looking around the house and seen no notes or anything. He just left without telling me. I decided to call Annabel up and tell her about what had just happened.

"Hey," Annabel said. She sounded so energetic on the phone.


"What's up?"

"Nothing just at Zayn's house."

"What about his girlfriend? What's her name, Claire right?"

"Well, ex girlfriend. And yes, her name is Claire."

"What happened between them?"

"He um broke up with her--"


"I'm getting there! He, well, he cheated on her with m-me."

"Jacquelyn Nicole Walker, why would you do such a thing?"

"I didn't like sleep with him or anything we just kissed. You already know this Annabel!" I could feel her shaking her head just like my mother. That movement knew that we did something wrong.

"Still Jackie that's just . . . I don't even know."

"He kissed me though!"

"Alright, alright where are you now again? Oh yeah Zayn's house, where is he by the way?"

"That's what I wanted to call about. I have no clue actually. He went to go get the door and he just disappeared."

"Is he outside?"

"Not that I know of."

"Well call me back if you found him. I need to go Mason just threw up."

"Alright bye," I hung up the phone and sat on the couch. I heard a knock at the door. I went to go look out the window but I couldn't see anybody. Should I open it? I opened the door to see Matt standing there with a smirk.

"Matt get out of here."

"Where's loverboy?"

"He's just, um, in the bathroom."

"Really huh, in the bathroom? Well last time I checked he was with his ex well, not anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Jacquelyn, darling, you're so naive."

"I'm not naive."

"Just a tad bit." He moved closer to me. I could smell his cologne from her. He always wore the same cologne, even before he turned. The smell brought back good and bad memories. "Jacquelyn remember when we first became friends."

"Matt what does that have to deal with anything? You're just--"

"Just hush for a bit." I remained quiet not wanting to upset him.

"Do you remember? You wore that yellow dress that just came to, well about here." He touched my thigh and I flinched. He noticed and put his hand back up. "You were so quiet when you met me. I mean I don't know why, you were around your friends."

"It's because I didn't know you like that. You know I'm really shy around other people." He chuckled and sat down on the couch.

"Come sit next to me."

"I-I don't know Matt."

"It's alright really. I have some things I would like to discuss actually."

"Like what?"

"I'd rather not discuss it here. I don't want Mr. Loverboy to go crazy since, you know, he's in the 'bathroom'."

"Where would you like to discuss it at?"

"To that little coffee shop down the road from here." My heart started to race. He was acting so calm, too calm.

"I don't know."

"Please, let me show you what I wanted to tell you."

"Why can't you just, you know, tell me here?"

"Because I know you Jacquelyn, I mean Jackie. I know for one you probably don't trust me. After all that stuff I did to you that I regret so much. I know, I know you won't trust me. But let me show you that I have changed. I know I can't just tell you, you're not an audible person. I must show you that I have changed." I was torn between what he said. He said all the right words, but I don't know if I am able to believe him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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