Chapter 4

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Previously on Psychiatric Love. . .

We both laughed. Zayn looked at the time and his eyes went wide.

"What's wrong?"

"I was suppose to be home a hour and an half ago!" He quickly gathered his stuff. "Time flies when you're having fun." Zayn said looking at me with a grin. He had white teeth that anyone would die for. I nodded as he waved me a goodbye, hearing the large metal door close. Making an echo flow through the room.

Loneliness struck me like a lighting bolt on a bad storm. After not having company in years that burst of pain in my chest came again. Seeing these familiar white walls. Hearing that familiar sound that goes tick on the clock every second. Speaking the familiar silence that was with me for four years. It came so fast. Now I knew why I hated here. Aside from the terrible food, or uncomfortable bed the thing I hated most of all was being lonely. Sitting up here on my bed with just me, myself, and I.


I've been up for three hours. I really hate silence now. It makes you crazy, and you just have these thoughts. Deep thoughts. Zayn is a really good 'doctor' I feel. For me being his first actual patient and all. We weren't even talking to me about my problems. We just talked liked friends. Why can't all doctors be like that?

"Jackie you have to go down to the cafeteria for food."

'No duh, what else is a cafeteria for?' I thought. I don't even want to speak now. I just want silence. The guards put me handcuffs as we walked to the cafeteria. There was this silence that came when I entered. There's always that silence when anyone came. Small little chats came here or there.

I sat down at the table I was assigned to as I looked at the broccoli. So hard, yet a bit cold. I saw my tray move across the table falling to the ground as I got up. My eyes scanned the whole cafeteria as I looked seeing the woman next to me having a panic attack.

"Are you serious!" I screamed as she pushed me out the way trying to escape. The guards caught her as she sticking a needle in her shoulder blade. She laid in the guards arms as they carried her out. One of the nurses walked over to me as she cleaned up the spilled mess.

"Are you alright hun?"

"My name isn't 'hun'. It's Jackie, and yes I'm fine."

"Sorry for what happened to your food and all. That woman has schizophrenia, I don't know why they would sit her here."

"Don't apologize. I wasn't hungry anyway." I sat down as I propped my feet on the table.

"Do you want some on my lunch? I kind of packed a bit too much."

"Well isn't that a coincidence."

"Yeah, somewhat, I guess; but do you want some?"

"What do you have?" I got up and looked over at her. She had a some Oreos, a sandwich, some pretzels, and more food I didn't know of.

"No I'm good I'm not hungry," I got up walking to my room with one of the guards. She had this sad look on her face, but I didn't care. I sat in the small corner in my room putting my head in my hands. Tears came as I just cried. After a good ten minutes I don't even know why I was crying. I went into my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up from loud banging like usual. Sitting up going towards the door signaling one of the guards.


"I need to pee." He looked at me weird before nodding slightly grabbing the handcuffs. Walking to the bathroom I saw my reflection.

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