Chapter 14

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This is kind of a filler chapter cause it's showing what happened before; just in Jackie's point of view. So this may be boring since you're just reading all of what just happened.

Not edited xx

Jackie's POV (Rewind)

I stood at Zayn's front door as I waited patiently for him to open the door. Soon I seen him as he looked angry, but his face lite up once he seen me.

"Hey, you um left this at my house I thought I'd bring it back to you." I said fidgeting with my fingers.


"Is that her Zayn?" I heard Claire's voice as she came to the door. Her voice showed that she was angry, no, not angry more like hatred.

"I came at a wrong time I see, I'll just--"

"No, no stay! We were just talking about you!" Claire pulled me inside roughly causing my wrist to hurt from her tight grip around it. I winced silently in pain as we got inside. I seen Matt standing there looking around till his eyes met mine. He had a devilish smile as he continued to look at me.

"So you know Matt right? Matt you know Jackie the whore." I stood silently staring at Matt. He smiled at me as I looked anywhere except him. I just hoped, prayed that Zayn, or just anyone, would get me out of this house.

"Claire stop--"

"No! Don't tell me to stop when you know I am not your child! I am your girlfriend!"

"No you're not."

"Yes I am Zayn! You'd rather have a whore then have me?" My eyes darted to the plastic Barbie right in front of me. How dare she call me a whore when I am no where near one?

"I am not a whore, and how do you know Matt?"

"I just met her. Why Jacquelyn does that bother you?"

"No it doesn't bother me, and my name is Jackie."

"But I always call you Jacquelyn." He started to walk towards me as I felt like I couldn't move my legs. I was almost completely paralyzed from the waist down. He was now by my face as he whispered in my ear. "Don't think being away from me doesn't mean this is over." I froze in my spot not moving, not breathing. I was stunned, by his actions, his words, and just him. What does he mean this isn't over? I felt him smile near my ear making a low laugh. He nibbled on my earlobe cause me to step back.

"Just stop Matt! This," I said pointing at both of us. "Is no more. It's been over for about four years ever since. . ." Istopped in mid-sentence trying not to say what I was about to say. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I couldn't control them, they just kept falling. Zayn went up and hugged me, wiping the tears from my face. I shook my head and whispered, "I'm fine."

"What did you do?" Zayn asked letting go of me. Matt shrugged his shoulders as he beamed his eyes at me. That look, I knew that if I said anything it meant trouble. Zayn looked at me then looked back at Matt.

"Beats me, she's crazy remember?"

"She's not crazy!" Zayn said raising his voice.

"She was in a mental hospital, hospitalized for more than four years. And you say she's not crazy? Man you must be crazy too. You go from this beauty," He said pointing to Claire, then to me. "To this crazy bitch that has nobody to love. It's sad I must say." Before he finished Zayn punched him straight in the jaw. I screamed seeing his fist connect hearing glasses shatter. His fists continue hitting Matt causing blisters to form on his knuckles. Sweat rolling down his face to the continous blows. I hurried and grabbed him by the waist before anymore damage was done to anyone. Claire grabbed Matt as both if them were breathing heavy staring at each other. Matt's face was bloody from the damage Zayn did as Zayn had a few minor scratches here and there.

"Get out my house!" He screamed as the two left. He threw a pillow to the other side of the room. My eyes getting blurry again from tears as I walked up to him, hugging him.

"Th-Thank you," I said low. He brought my chin up for me to look at him.

"It was nothing."

"No, you stood up for me and I'd like to thank you. It was very generous of you to do that for me." I looked away then back up at him. Zayn leaned in putting his lips onto mine feeling the warm sensation through my body. He backed away putting his forehead on mine.

"It was nothing," he said again kissing me one last time.

"You should probably get cleaned up. You have some minor scratches."

"Yeah your right. Hey, do you want to stay? You could meet some of my friends."

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll stay."

"Perfect, just make yourself at home. I'll be back in a bit." He walked into the bathroom as I slid on the couch. Today has been a long day, and it just started.

A/N: Just a quick filler chapter! Next one is where Jackie meets Zayn's friends (which will most likely be the boys haha). I also want to point out that Niall does not know them, and will probably never will. Honestly the boys (except Zayn) will barely be in this book. Only a few chapters.

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