It's not true!...Is it? (Nate x Confused Reader)

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This story is about you and Nate, you two were best friends and of course you get a crush on him but...there's something that's think Nate is gay! Your're doing some tests on him to check of that is true.  Enjoy


I was sitting with Nate on my couch and we were watching a movie while waiting for Mat to come over so that they can record a new video. We heard a knock on the door and Nate went to open it. Mat came in. "Hey guys!" He said. "Hi." I said. "Okay, let's go recording, Y/n will you wait here?" "Sure Nate, I will watch something else. Have fun!" They both smiled and run upstairs and started the video. I wanted to watch an anime so I surched trough Nates DVD box for an anime. "Hmm...why aren't here any animes?...Oh there is one!" I then saw an anime called Boku no Pico. I didn't know that anime so I watched it.

"Oh, it's a, not surprising Nate.........wait, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" This anime is not a Hentai...It's a Gay Hentai. The next scene came and it went more disgussting than it actually began.(I'm not against Yaoi, I just don't like Boku no Pico. Don't judge me XD). "OH HOLY CRAP, WHY DOES NATE HAVE THIS?!?!" I couldn't watch anymore and turned off the TV. "Oh gosh...what the hell..." I said to myself and I saw the boys coming down. I sat down on the couch and pretended that I didn't watch it. "Hey Y/n--woah, why are you so sweaty? Did you watch again a horror movie?" Nate asked me. "Uhm...not really. Nevermind." "Okay uhm...Mat do you wanna eat something?" "Yes please." They walked to the kitchen together. "Guys, I have to go. See ya!" I said and rushed out. "Bye." I heard before going home. As soon as I entered my house I walked to my window and pulled the blinds slightly up so I can see Nate s house. I'm living across Nate so I'm able to watch him trough his window. I'm not a stalker I just wanna watch him when...I'm bored. Or when a girl's in his house. But I just wanna see if he and Mat will watch that Hentai. 

I took my far glass and watched him eating with Mat. "Okay so...wait..." I saw Nate smiling softly and his cheeks slightly red. IS HE FLIRTING WITH MAT?!?!?! I looked shocked. Am I blind or what? Is Nate maybe--NO! That's impossible! But...first the gay anime, then this flirty-face..."Y/n, stop thinking about that! Nate is not gay!" I said. Maybe I'm really just a bit confused. I then walked to my room and laid down. I slept in and tried to brush my thoughts off.

*Next day*

I woke up and saw that Nate sent me a message.
N:Hi Y/n. Already awake?
Y:Hi. Yes, what's up?
N:Wanna go out and eat ice cream with me?
Y:Sure, I'll be at yours in 5 minutes. See ya!

I changed into a shorts and a tight shirt and went over to Nates house. As he opened the door he smiled at me, and I smiled back."Hi, can we go?" Nate asked. "Sure." I said and we went to an cafe. After we ordered ice cream, I started to talk "So...are you going out tonight?" "Yes I'm going out with Mat." "Where?..." "The new danceclub." "Oh, ok." We got our ice cream and started eating it. A guy walked past us and Nate...STARED AT HIM?!?! I'm serious! He literally stared at him. I just dropped my jaw and was fully in shock. 'Nate is gay?!?!...' I thought. 'No it can't be, Nate likes girls and not guys, stop thinking wrong! Y/n calm down!...' "Hello Y/n..." Nate said while waving in front of my face. "Oh. I'm sorry I was in thoughts." I said and we continued eating. Oh boy, I have to tell F/n this...

To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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