Being used. (Nate x Reader x Brother) Part 3

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*One week later*


It was 7pm now. Y/n was getting ready to go oh her second date with Nate to some kind of celebration. I was sitting in the living room and watched James Bond. Then there was a ring on the doorbell. "B/n, can you please open Nate the door?" Y/n shouted from upstairs. "Sure sis!" I shouted back and got up. When I opened the door, Nate was wearing a black jeans, Akame Ga Kill t-shirt and a leather jacket. His hair was nicely on one side and you could already smell his deodorant. "Hey Nate." "Hey B/n. Is Y/n already finished?" "Not yet. But come in, you can wait inside." "Thanks." I stepped aside and he came in. I sat back down and just continued watching while he waited beside the stairs. Suddenly his phone rang. "Hello?.....Oh hey buddy.....yes, I'm waiting for her.......oh really?! That's awsome! That would be perfect, especially for tonight....." What did he mean? I continued listening to his conversation. "Every kind of toy?.......Great, I just need to get her drunk. Do you have any aphrodisiac?... (For those who don't know what that is, it's simply a drug that forces the peron who takes it, to make out with someone)...great man. Thanks. See ya there?..." He hung up. Wait, is he planning to force my sister to make out with him?! I can't let him do that! It's true, since they are together my life is great but that's going to far! I need somehow to stop him. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Y/n closing her door and walking downstairs. Nates face was red like a tomato. I have to say, she looked really pretty. My sister is naturally pretty and when she wears dresses and make up she is more pretty than before. "Hey Nate." She said smiling at him. "Hey Y/n.....Y-You look r-really pretty..." She just giggled slightly and said "Why thanks, I love your Akame Ga Kill shirt." He took her hand. "Ok, we gonna go now B/n. Tell mom I will come back around midnight." "Yeah I will! Bye guys!..." They smiled and left. As soon as the door closed I turned off my movie and rushed to my room. I changed and ran to her room, trying to find any hint where that celebration could be. I surched all around her table. Then I found her calender. There was a note. 'Date with Nate, The big hall, Downstreet 66'. "Got it!" I shouted. I ran downstairs and left my mom a note. 'I'm gonna visit AJ, Y/n comes back around midnight. -B/n'. I hung it on the fridge, took my keys and ran out. I got on my bike and started cycling to the adress as fast as I could.

*Time skip*

The place was huge. I left somewhere my bike aside and walked to building. My problem was there was security. I still walked to them and wanted to go in. "Hold on kid, you got an invetation?" The pretty muscular man asked. I gulped. "N-No sir.....but my sister is inside and her boyfriend!" "Listen kid, first point you are to young to enter this club, second point without an invetation, no entrance. Now go back to your mommy." I got kinda mad at that guy. "Damn it..." I said as I walked away. I was thinking. Then I got it! There must be a back door! I sneaked behind the building, wanting nobody to notice me. There was really a backdoor. And it wasn't even locked. I carefully opened it and stepped in. I could already hear the dance music and smell a scent of alcohol. Where the hell did he think he brought her? This place is horrible! Anyways, there were some stairs. Beside the stairs was a sign that said 'Upstairs: Party lounge. 2nd floor: Sex lounge. Rooftop: Restaurant.' Oh godness. I need to find Y/n really quick. I rushed upstairs and looked around. All I saw were couples talking, dancing, kissing, and drinking. But nowhere Nate and Y/n. I walked around. I spotted them then at the bar talking. Yet he wasn't doing anything to her. He ordered drinks and what I also noticed was a small pack with pills. That must be the drug he wanted to give her. He talked to her and pointed at something behind her. She turned around, that was the moment where he quickley put three pills in her drink. What a jerk he is! She turned back to him. He tried to convince her to drink her drink but she avoided it. Thank god. He still tried to convince her but she still avoided it. He finally gave up. A slow song came then and he probably asked her for a dance. Of course she said yes and they went on the dancefloor. I walked some steps back because it seemed like they came closer to me. He put her hand in his and wrapped his arm around her waist, while she wrapped hers around his neck. They danced softly to the music. What then catched my eye was that he moved his hand from her waist to her butt. The hell does he think he is doing?! She quickley moved his hand back up to her waist and they continued dancing. This is all my fault. I know, everything is better since they are dating. But I wouldn't have helped him if I knew how disgusting he was. The only thing he wanted from my sister was just her to be his "girlfriend" so he won't have a bad reputation and low school population. But I did use her too. I'm also disgusting like him. I always took her homework and copied it. I took her video games and PS4. I also always asked her if she could do my household jobs, what she did. She never said no since she was with him. But I feel he is not right for her. I know I will ruin my life like this but I have to save her from him. She will find somebody else. Someone who is better than him. The song stopped and they went again to the bar. He suddenly kissed her. I covered my eyes not wanting to see that. I peeked trough to see if they were still kissing what they did. When they pulled away he gave her, her drink. And she was about to drink it when I ran to her. "Y/n, don't drink it!!" I shouted running towards her. She looked at me shocked. "B/n?! What the hell are you doing here? And how the hell did you got in here?!" "That doesn't matter how I got here! And I'm here to save you from this jerk!" Nate frowned and looked at me. "Jerk?!" "Yes jerk! What have you done to her drink?! I saw you how you put three pills in her drink!" "What?!" "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" Y/n took her drink and smelled on it. "This doesn't really smell like champange. this.......aphrodisiac?! Nate were you trying to drug me and have sex with me?!" "Y/n I did that only because I wanted us to have a romantical night! I knew you will say no!" "Yeah, because I don't want it! I am in love with you, but bro! We are dating since 2 days and you already wanna do it?! If you already wanna start it NOW, how the heck do you think I would feel?! I would feel like you wanna rape me everyday!" He stayed quiet. He looked over at B/n, angry. "You see what you done?!" "I see! I saved her from you!" "We would be a great couple, if you won't have planned to use her!" "Why do you think I would do that to my own sister?!" "Oh please B/n! I saw everything she done for you! You used her and played with her mind while she was thinking about us!" "Well I see what you were planning to do to her!" "W-What?..." Y/n said as some small tears were in her eyes. We both just realized she was standing right beside us and of course she heard everything. "D-Does that own b-brother and the first person I've ever l-loved just used m-me?..." More tears fell down her face. "Y/n please..." Nate took her hands but she slapped then away. "Don't touch are a pervert jerk...and you are a traitor B/n.....what have I done to deserve this?...I never meant to do anything bad to you two..." She started sobbing and her make up started getting messed up. "Nate, between is over.....and B/n...I want everything back I gave you...and don't expect from me to help you with your homework or even pick you up.....I don't want none of you to ever try to talk to me..." And with that she walked away. "Nate.....we both messed it up, did we?..." He sighed. "Well B/n....I don't always agree with you.....but this time you are right." "I don't think a simple apoligiez would be enough to fix her heart......." "I know. But anyways...I'm leaving now. I don't have the mood anymore to stay here..." He also walked away. I didn't have any reason to stay here so I rushed out trough the backdoor. I got on my bike and drove home.

I just hope I can somehow fix Y/n's's my fault anyways this happened.....

To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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