Stress with Mr.Mare (Teacher NateMare x Student Reader) Part 3

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I got ready to meet Mr.Mare. To be honest...I was scared. I don't trust that man. What if he tries to hurt me? Or worse?

I wore a black jeans, a black blouse and a jacket and took my bag. "Mom, I'll call ya when you should pick me up." "Alright hun. Bye." "Bye." I walked out then and closed the door behund me. I took my headphones and listened to some music while I was walking towards Mr.Mare's adress. Already the street towards his house got darker. As if I'm in a kind of horror movie. I continued walking and already saw a black villa with a big garden and around the villa was a grid. The gateway was locked and was black, like the grid. I walked towards it and there was a bell. I rang on it. "Who's there?" I heard the typical low, scary voice asking. "M-Mr.Mare?...It's Y/n..." "Oh Y/n...come in." I heard a noise and jumped. The gateway was slowley opening. I entered first the garden and looked around. Wow...five black Ferraris's. He must be rich. He has a huge villa. Of course he's rich! I noticed there were firlds with black roses and also a doghouse. He has pets? Maybe a small black Chihuahua. I then stood in front of the front door. I knocked on it. But as I knocked the door slowley opened by itself. I shivered and opened the door wide so I could enter the house. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. I looked around and inside it looked pretty much like a castle. There were black-golden stairs that led upstairs, some big bookshelfs, nice leather couches, nice curtains on the huge windows and a big piano. Everything looked really nice but at the same time...dark. I mean, everything is black. I then saw a dark brown wooden door. It was locked with chains. The heck? I slowley walked towards it and looked at it.

"What are you doing?" I heard someone saying. I turned around and saw Mr.Mare, standing right behind me. He was wearing black pants and a button up shirt that was unbuttoned. I jumped and leaned on the door in full shock. How did he got so fast behind me? And how didn't I hear him? It's impossible he teleported. "I-I-I-I didn't want to--" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the door. "I don't like it when people touch my things." He walked slowley towards me and I was backing away. "I really didn't want to touch anything! I-I just--" "You just got curious, huh?..." "Y-Yeah..." I then sat on the couch and catched some breaths. This man's killing me with that creppy aura! I'm so scared right now. I just wanna leave. He started chuckling.  "Stay like that. I'll be right back. I need to get your study stuff." He said and I nodded. I took my phone and did something on it. Suddenly something loud yelled in my ear. I looked behind me and saw a huge black dog barking loudly at me. I jumped and fell off the couch. It got on the couch and just barked. "Shut up, right now!" I heard someone yelling. The dog immediatley shut up. I looked around and saw Mr.Mare walking to me. He took my hand and put a hand on my waist and pulled me up. I blushed slightly and looked at him. "Good boy." He said and patted the dogs head. "Y/n, this is Killer. My dog." The dog growled at me and I jumped again. "Don't worry, as long as you don't touch his snout, he won't hurt you. You wanna caress him?" I looked at the dog. He coughed and suddenly spat out a hand. But it was just the bone. And it was a human hand! I gasped in full shock and backed away. "Bring that out, now!" He yelled at the dog. He whimpered and took the hand before going away. I looked at Mr.Mare shocked. He just smirked. "Hey, calm down. Just...don't come near him if you're that scared..." He chuckled. "Now follow me." I followed him to a room. The room had a big table and two chairs. There were also some bookshelfs. "What's this for a room?" "Study room. I often had to helped those idiots in my old school. Those kids were too dump so I needed a room like this. Now sit down on one of the chairs." He said and I did. "Uhm...may I get a glass of water please?..." I asked nervous. "Fine..." He walked out and closed the door behind him. I looked around. Even this room was black. I suddenly heard something dripping. I looked at the table and a red liquid was dripping from the ceiling. I gasped and touched it. I sniffed it. The so obvious metalic smelll of human blood. Mr.Mare came then in with my glass of water. I stayed silent and looked at him. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked before noticing the dripping blood. He groaned and said "Don't move..." He then walked out. As I looked at my glass of water, I saw the blood was dripping into it. I just put it away. I don't wanna drink it anymore. This man is getting way ore mystrious and creepy. I stood up and walked out of the room. I heard then noises and cursing from upstairs. Because of my fucking curiousity I walked upstairs. I then heard like some chains clicking. The hallway upstairs was also huge. I followed the noises. I then stood in front of a door. I gulped and opened the door slowley. Inside was dark. No light. I then heard how someone was struggling with the chains. I gulped and turned on the lights. I saw people chained up and all beaten up. I gasped. I walked towards a women with brown hair and light blue eyes. She was gagged. I put the gag down and looked at her. "Run your life...and if you manage help...please..." She whispered. "Y/n!!" I heard the deep voice yelling as he stood in front of the room. "What are you doing here?!" "What is this all Mr.Mare?! Who are these people?! Why did blood drip from the ceiling?! Why did your dog had a human hand in their mouth?!" "Y/n--" "Don't say my name you psychopath!! You're insane! I knew from the start that there was something wrong with you!!" "Enough, you're coming with me!!" He yelled and grabbed my wrist. I teared up a bit. "No!!" I struggled and kicked him in the balls. He let go and holded his balls in pain. "Run kid!!" The women yelled.

I started running as fast as I could downstairs. I grabbed my phone and wanted to call help. No signal. Oh shit. I kicked the door open and ran towards the gateway. But two dogs appeared in front of me. I gasped and backed up. Behind me was then Killer, his dog. He had three dogs! I then ran around the villa, trying to find an escape. The dogs were following me. I then saw a chopper on the ground. It had some blood on it. I took it to defend myself. The dog's stopped following me as they saw it and ran away. I was actually surprised that it worked to scare them away. I then ran towards the gateway and wanted to open it. Locked. I gasped and felt two arms wrapped from behind around my waist. "No!!!" I yelled and wanted to hit him with the chopper. Suddenly he squeezed my stomach hard. I gasped and dropped the chopper. He pulled me up and started carrying me in. "NO, LEAVE ME ALONE YOU PSYCHO!!!" I yelled and cried how scared I was. "Stop struggling Y/n." "HEELP!!!!" I cried one last time before he brought me inside and slammed the door shut.

"I'm gonna make you shut up you little brat." He said before I felt a syringe in my waist. I slowley fell alseep...

To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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