Do you love me? (Nate x Reader) Part 4 final

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*4 weeks later*


Since Nate told me that we can't be a thing I was depressed. I didn't talk with to anyone. I was trying to get over it but I failed. I often cried and the only thing I did when I was crying was selfharm. I take a razor that I have in my closet and don't raze me on my arms because people would see. I did it on my waist and thigh. I knew that's not a solution but it kinda helped me. I also started ignoring Nate because when I see him I have tears in my eyes. I did sometimes talk to my sister but just short conversation. Not like earlier. She was also asking me what's going on with me or something but I was always silent. I can't tell my sister the truth. She would kill me because of ruining her relationship.

At the moment I was locked in my room and laid on my bed. I heard knocks from S/n. "Y/n? Me and Nate are eating something. You want too?" "No...thanks..." I said. I heard her walk away and I tried to sleep.


Damn. Y/n seemed really depressed the last weeks. I hope she's not mad at me. Maybe, it's because of Nate? I should talk to him.

I walked down to eat with him something. "Where's Y/n?" He asked. "Locked in her room. Nate I'm really worried. She seems really depressed. I hear her cry often. Is it my fault?" "I don't know. Is it maybe because of me?" "I hope not. You know what, I'll talk to her this evening." He nodded and we continued eating.

*Time skip to the evening*

I walked up to Y/n's room. It was locked again. I knocked 3 times. ''What?" ''It's me S/n. Can I talk to you?'' She opened the door and said ''You have 5 minutes.'' I walked in and sat down on her bed.

''Y/n. I'm your sister and I see something's wrong with you. Tell me, I can help you.'' ''No S/n. You can't. No one can.'' ''At least tell me what's wrong." "Your 5 minutes are over." She said, dragging me out. I walked to Nate then.

"And?" "He asked." "Depressed. Like always. And I guess I know why." "Why?" He asked. When I came into Y/n's room I didn't see any posters of Nate. That can only mean that she's jealous and that jealousy turns into depression. I remembered the day Y/n had the ticket for the VidCon. I stole it. I felt bad at first but I managed to get over it. Obviously she couldn't.

"Because of me." "You realized now?" He asked. "You knew about it? She told you, didn't she?" "Well S/n. Love makes you blind." "Why didn't you break up with me Nate?" "Because I didn't want to hurt you. But I hurt Y/n. When she confessed to me I said I couldn't be her boyfriend and now...this happened." "Shit. It's my fault. How can I fix this?..." I started crying. I upset my sister.

"Calm down S/n." Nate said hugging me. "Wait...Nate I got an idea!" "Really?" "Yeah, we just break up and you are going to be with Y/n!" "What?! S/n, you're not serious, are you?!" "Yes I am. Nate don't act. I know you like my sister!" I said smiling. I saw he blushed and looked away.

"'re serious. And not hurt?" "No Nate. Belive me I will find a boyfriend. There won't be someone like you but, just go and save my sister." I said. We hugged for a short while and he asked "How should I do that?" "Hmm...I got it. I will write a love letter and say Y/n someone wants to meet her behind our house. You quickly go and buy some flowers. Call me when you're behind and then just confess." "Okay. See ya." He went out then.

*Time skip*

"Hey I'm ready." "Okay I will try to get her out." I said as I hung up. Nate was ready now I just needed to get Y/n out.


I heard someone knocking on my door. "Y/n, I got her a letter for you." My sister said. "I don't want it S/n." "There's a heart on it." A heart? What? Does anybody got a crush on me? I got curious and opened the door. S/n gave me a half smile and walked away. I closed my door and opened the letter.

'My dear,

Meet me please behind your house now.

I'm waiting for you...

Your secret admire...'

Hahaha. Very funny joke. I just threw the letter away. S/n knocked again. "Y/n. Someone threw a rock with another letter trough the window." I opened the door again and on the paper was written:

'I'm waiting honey.'

"You should check who it is." "Fine..." I said annoyed. I knew it was a stupid joke but it was enough that someone's throwing rocks trough the window. I wore a jeans my favorite shirt a thin jacket and brushed my hair. I walked out behind the house and waited.

"Thank god you're here..." I heard a voice saying. That voice seemed familiar to me. I turned around and saw someone I would never expecting to see here now. "Nate?! Y-Your my secret amdire?!" "Yes. I was thinking about you, thinking about me, thinking about us, what we gonna be..." He began to sing (That text is from one of my favorite songs Just a Dream).

"Open my eyes..." I started to sing then with him "It was only just a dream..." We began walking slowly towards each other "So I travelled back, down that road. Will you come back? No one knows, I realize, it was only just a dream..." finally we stood in front of each other.

"I'm sorry Y/n for breaking your heart. I hope you can forgive me." He said handing me some roses. I smiled at him, dropped the roses and kissed him. He kissed me back and after a while we hugged. "But wait. What's with S/n?" "We broke up. Come in we will tell you everything." We walked together to S/n's room.

*2 months later*

Me and Nate are a couple now. S/n soon found another boyfriend. My parents first thought it was weird that Nate was dating me now. But we all forgot the past.

Life doesn't always have to be victorious but if you don't give up loving someone,

You will be the most victorious girl on the planet.

The End

Thx for reading! 

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