Hot Cop (Policeman Nate x Criminal Reader)

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In this one shot Nate is a policeman and one day Y/n had made again some crime stuff. She fell in love with Nate, but what are her tricks when he has to come to her house? Enjoy.


"Hurry up Henry, the cops will catch us!" I said to my partner Henry. We're best friends and we are partners in crime for a long time. The police never caught me before but has twice Henry. I guess I'm way clever than he is. And I highly belive that's true.

We rushed over to our motorcycles and drove away. The police was still after us. I heard someone shooting and it was a policeman. That bastard managed to shoot in my tire! I jumped off the motorcycle and it was about to crash. One policeman jumped out while the other one continued catching after Henry. I started running and the policeman started running after me.

We walked into a kind of forest. I ran into it and I couldn't see well because it was night. I felt something packed me from behind and it was 100% the cop. I kicked him in his balls and managed to free myself. I hid behind a tree and saw he turned on a flashlight.

When he walked passed me I jumped from behind on him and pushed him to the ground. I got on the top of him and wanted steal the handcuffs to handcuff him and leave him behind here. The flashlight fell down and shined on him. When I saw his face I realized that he was a pretty hot guy. I froze and he suddenly pushed me away and handcuffed me. Shit. I didn't react on time. I just got lost into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, let me go!" I screamed and tried to free myself but failed. He packed me by the arm and dragged me out of the forest. He saw the other cop waiting for him by the car. "You got her?" He asked. "Yes." He put down my mask and they saw me. "L/n, it's you?!" "Hey Kyle, I haven't seen you in a long time. How's wife and kids?" I knew all cops in this city even though I never was caught but I had to come there because of my parents. My parents found sometimes stolen things and brought me there so I already know everyone there.

"Shut up L/n. Nate sit with her in the backseat." 'Nate is his name...' I thought and sat in the car. I was the whole time silent but I wanted to be comfortable so I leaned against the window and put my legs on the seat. Nate pushed my legs away but I put them again up. "Stop it." He said. "Why should I?" I said smirking. "Just leave her doing what she wants. Her parents told me she's dangerous when she's mad." Kyle said. Nate looked annoyed at me and just crossed his arms. I teased him and put my legs on his lap. Now it was comfortable.

*Time skip*

Nate dragged me to a room and commanded "Sit down." I did because just wanted to go home. He released me from the handcuffs and said "Don't make any trouble." He sat down across me. "So, what were you and your friend stealing?" "Something." "Tell me." "I don't know you. Are you new here?" "I don't have the whole night time." "Me neither." "Just cut that shit." "Why don't you cut it? I just wanna know you and you started to become rude." "L/n listen--" "Y/n. Call me Y/n. Nice to meet ya Nate." I said sticking my hand out for a handshake. He ignored it.

"If I tell you will you what you want would you tell me what I want?" "Yep."  "Fine. My name is Nathan Smith, 27 years old and I'm new. I don't have any relationships and that's it. Now tell me what I want." Wait he is 27?! Geez, he's looking like 20! Well don't care. He is hot😛.

"We stole some alcohol and cigarettes." "Something else?" "No." I lied. I had some cannabis in my back pockets. But of course I wouldn't tell him.

 "Tell me a good reason to not belive you." He said. "I'm pretty clever and not that easy to trick." I said smirking. "Stand up." He said. I did and he pushed me against the wall so that my face is facing the wall. "Stay still." He said. He started touching me and surching things. He suddenly came to my butt and I screamed "Hey! That's a private part!" Just that he doesn't find the cannabis. He did it anyway.

"What do we have here? How old are you?" "Why do you care?" "Because you're too young to smoke cannabis." "How do you know my age?" "20?" "17." "Then you're too young. Where did you get these?" "I will not tell." "Okay. You will be handcuffed and will be free when you tell me where you got the cannabis." He was about to handcuff me but I grabbed his hands and slammed him against the wall. I ran to the door but it was locked. He grabbed my arms and put me up. "Get your god damn hands of me!" I said trying to free myself. He placed me at the table and handcuffed me.

"Okay fine! I stole them from a night club. The barkeeper has some packs that I stole. Happy now?" He smirked and liberated me from the handcuffs. "And now?" I asked leaning on my back on the table.

"Stand up this is not you're home." He said taking my hand in his and putting me up. I stared in his eyes while he did the same thing. The door opened and I was immediatly out of trance. "Nate you--" The policeman was cut off by seeing us like this. "What's up?" Nate asked letting go of my hands and going one step away from me.

"You should drive L/n home because we don't know what she would do if we let her go. So you gotta keep an eye on her." He nodded and grabbed my arm again. When we arrived at his car he opened me the door and when we arrived at my home he said "Don't make any trouble."

I just chuckled and got out."Oh belive me, we will see us sooner than you think." I said and closed the door.

To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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