Teenage Hero VS. Nasty Clown (Joker Nate x Batgirl Reader) Part 3

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I groaned and woke up. I noticed I was chained up on a wall. I front of me were two muscular men with baseball bats and clown masks. They weren't facing me. "Where...am I?..." I  asked. "Oh, she's awake." "Listen girl. You're in Joker's funland. He told us to chain you up here. And we got baseball bats so if we were you we wouldn't do anything stupid. Got it kid?" "I'm not a kid you jerks!!" I yelled and kicked them both in the stomach. They backed away slightly. "You bitch. Wait until I'm done with you!" "But J said--" "Fuck what J said, I'll beat her up like nothing!" One yelled. The other was staying back. The one who yelled ran towards me. I grabbed the chains and pulled me up a bit. As he wanted to hit me with the bat, I crossed my legs and pulled them up. He hit right on my crossed legs, then I parted them and pushed him away. He tried it again and this time I wrapped my leg around the bat and pulled it away from him. I kicked his stomach, chest and face as quickly as I could before kicking him with both of my feets hard. He hit the wall and held his head. "Go on!" He yelled at the other guy. That one ran towards me with the bat. I did the same trick as before. And this time when he was a bit blurry, I took the advantage and pulled him to me. I turned him around so his back was facing me and wrapped my legs around his neck. I pressed them tight around it and choked him. After ten seconds I left him falling to the ground. I didn't kill him. I just made him unconcious so he would be asleep for a while. As the other one stood straight he ran towards me and I also choked him. He also fell to the ground. I sighed and looked around, trying to find out how to escape here. Suddenly I heard slow clapping.

 A person was walking towards me. It came out of the shadows and it was Joker. "Well done princess...I knew you will manage it alone *psychotic giggle*" "Where did you brought me?! Where are the others?!" "Nah nah nah, we don't wanna raise our voice now." I started struggling, hoping I could break free. He suddenly closed the door behind him and walked slowley to me. "Stop struggling princess..." "How often did I told you to stop calling me like that?!" I kicked around, trying to kick him. Suddenly he grabbed my ankles and squeazed them. I stopped then. I knew I couldn't break free. "Good you stopped. And I think you got something that's mine, do you?" He smirked. "Well...I--" "I know you got my knife. Where is it?" "On my belt..." I was surprisley calmed. "Keep it." "W-What?" "Keep it." "Why is there the letter N on it?" "Because of my name." "What's your real name?..." "And you wanna really know it?" "I'm curious..." He giggled then. He stepped again a bit closer what made me blush and feeling uncomfortable. "How about we make a deal...I'll reveal my name...if you reveal me something else..." He started to run his hands from my ankles up to my thighs and spread them gently apart. I squealed. "No, you nuts?!" "I am." He smirked. "I won't reaveal anything to you! Forget your fucking deal!" "Ssssssh..." He put a finger on my lips. "Maybe this can change your mind~..." He was leaning foward and before I realized it he kissed me. This was the biggest shock in my life. It's true, I've been kinda waiting for this to happen. And even though I know it's wrong I kissed back. He pulled away then and smirked. "And you changed your mind?~" I wanted to say yes but I couldn't. I can't be a traitor. "No...and why did you do this?..." He cupped suddenly my cheeks. "Because you're mine Batgirl...but...if you don't wanna listen what I tell you..." He suddenly pulled out a knife from his pocket. "I'm gonna have to make you." He giggled psychotic. "N-No!" He put the kmife on my stomach. "Don't worry princess, I could never hurt you..." He suddenly quickley ran it on my stomach what made a small scar and a hole in my suit. "Oops! *psychotic laughter* " I groaned slightly. "Now..." He stuck his hand in the hole and made it bigger. "What do we have here?..." He started to ran his hand all over my body. "S-Stop!" I yelled struggling. "First of all you don't need this." He pulled out the GPS chip that was on the inside of my suit. He smashed it on the ground. "So Batgirl...since when are we fighting?" "Since...since two years." "I have to say, you're an interesting person. More than interesting...you're special...and you would be perfect..." He placed the knife on my lip. "And what would be more perfect...is a smile on that beautiful face of yours...so Batgirl...let me show you how it feels like to have me in you...and let me make you...my queen of jokes and crime..."

I looked shocked. "What?! I can't do that! And I don't wanna do it! I'm fighting against the crime and no matter how many tricks you got, you won't get me anyway to your side! Never!" He chuckled. "You want it Batgirl...I can see it in your eyes...you like me, do you?..." I blushed madly. "You do...*psychotic giggle*...if my charm didn't change your mind...then maybe this will." He took a remote and turned on a big tv I haven't notice yet. What I saw was Batman, Robin, and Nightwing tied up. Harley Quinn and some bodyguards were standing in front of a huge mashine. There was a person locked in and there were three containers connected with the mashine. TITAN stood on them. "What is that?" "This...is my treasure to California...my TITAN-Transformer...that beauty will be the key for my succes...just watch." He took out a walky talky. "Harley, turn it on! Let's show our guests how that baby works *psychotic giggle*" Harley nodded and turned it on. The person inside begged to come out. A liquid started to stream in and the victim swallowed it. The person started transforming into a mutant. His eyes glew light green, he got bigger and sharp theeth. During the whole scenario Joker was laughing loudly and psychotic. "Great show huh?" He asked me laughing. I just were shocked and my partners too. That thing was sick. "You're sick!" "Well Batgirl...I hate it when I don't get what I want. And so...I have to be...nasty~..." "What do you mean 'nasty'?!"

"If you won't be mine...I will infect those three little animals there and make them my titans...*psychotic giggle*" "No! Everything but not them! Leave them alone!" "I will...if you stay with me..." He smirked. "Batgirl, don't do it!" Batman yelled. I sighed. "Fine...you've won..." I mumbled. Joker started to jump around laughing insane. "Trust me princess..." He came closer again.

"I will take better care of you than you think..." He smirked before we kissed again.

To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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