Being used. (Nate x Reader x Brother) Part 2

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*Some days later*

Nate POV

Thank B/n, me and Y/n became really good friends. He was telling me what she likes, dislikes and so on. Now that we're good friends I wanna ask her out on a date. I was in school and saw B/n already walking out. "Hey B/n." "Hey Nate, what do you need?" "Should I ask Y/n out today?" "Yeah sure why not? I mean you two know each other well. So yeah." "Ok, I will after school." "Cool. Well I have to go to class now. Bye." He then walked away.


"That's great!" I said to myself. Since Nate is with Y/n he doesn't do anything to me! He even says sometimes 'hi' when he sees me. That's awsome. I just hope Y/n likes him school years won't be hell then anymore.

*Time skip*

Nate POV

I walked out of the school and saw Y/n standing there waiting for B/n. I walked over to her. "Hey Y/n." "Hi Nate. What's up?" "Listen. We know each other a while and...I wanna ask you something. Would you like to go ice skating with me this evening?" "Ice skating? Seriously?" "Yeah I mean why not? It's already cold outside and it would be fun." "You know I can't ice skate." "Don't worry, I'll teach you." "*sigh* I don't know...well.....if you won't let me stay there dump then I'll go." "Oh I won't. So...that's a date?" "Hold on, it's not an official it a meeting." "So...that's a meeting?" "Yeah ok. Call me this evening."

*Time skip*

I got ready for my date with Y/n. When I was about to fix my hair I got a message from a friend. "Hey Nate, just a quick message, next weekend will be a big celebration so you better got a date there!" "Why is that so important?" "Because, do you wanna have the title 'the girlfriend-less loser of the school'?! I mean everybody is invited and even the nerds got dates!" "Oh! Thanks buddy you told me!" "No problem man. Bye!" Ok, now I have to get Y/n to be my girlfriend. She is a hot girl, what meant that my population would be higher! And I won't ever get that title! God I'm a genius...but anyway, my hair and outfit fits. Now I have to go to Y/n.

*Time skip*

When I arrived at her house I knocked on her door. "Hey Nate." She said. She had a really cute outfit. "Hey Y/n, should we go now?" "Yeah, just a second." She walked to her parents. I noticed B/n sitting on the couch. He gave me a thumbs up and whispered "Good luck..." I nodded and then went with Y/n out. I opened her the car like a gentleman and smiled at her. I then got myself in and started driving.

*Time skip*

We arrived and entered the big ice hall. We walked to the ticket bar. I bought two tickets and took two pairs of ice skaters. "You ready?" "To break both of my legs? Yes." I chuckled and we wore the ice skates. We walked slowley to the ice skate area. Y/n holded tight my hand. "Come on, it'll be fun." I told her with a smile. "Aha..." She just said. We were then on the ice. "Now just follow me." I said starting to skate. She holded my hand tight and it seemed like she was pretty scared to fall down. I let go of her hand. "You insane?!" "Look, I wanna show you how it works." I said. I skated along and showed her also some tricks. "I can't ice skate!" "You can stand on the eyes without falling down! That's actually a good start. Now try to walk to me." "Just walking?" I nodded. Y/n slowley made some steps. She then stumbled and fell in my arms. "Well...not bad." I said with a small smirk. "You know what, watch me." I said. "See, you just like slide on the ice." She tried like me but fell down. I laughed a bit. "Funny I know." "Come on." I said helping her up. "Let's skate together first." I holded her hand and pulled her to me. "Like this?..." She asked while trying to follow my movements. "Yeah, just like that." I pulled her again to me and started skating faster. "Nate, not so fasst!" "Trust me Y/n!" I pulled her again to me. While skating I spinned her once around. She nearly stumbled what made me laugh. "Try it..." I said and let go of her. As I watched her I noticed that she has done it well. "Yeah...Y/n, you can do it!" "Really?.......Yes...yes, I can!" She said. She started everytime to get faster. "Wow, you learn pretty fast..." "Thanks, many people say I'm learning fast." ''Wanna skate together?" She just nodded and I took her hand. We skated together all around. Some people even asked us if we were a couple. But I really felt like that. And she we will be soon...

*Time skip 8pm*

I drove her home then. We got out of my car and we walked together to her door. ''Thanks Nate for the awsome day.'' ''No problem Y/n.'' ''I was first scared...but I still had much fun today.'' ''Cool I'm glad you had.'' I said smiling at her. ''Would you like to go anytime again out?" "To be honest, as fast as possible.'' ''Then would you like to go next weekend to a celebration?" "Yes, that would be awsome.'' ''Great. I have to go now. But can I ask you something?" ''Sure.'' ''Can I get a kiss?" ''A kiss?..." ''Doesn't have to be a passionate.'' ''...A small one on the cheek.'' ''Yeah fine.'' She kissed quickley my cheek what made me smile. '''Ok...then, see ya.'' ''Bye.'' She walked inside and I walked to my car.


I was sitting on the couch watching my fav TV show. Y/n came then inside. I noticed she was blushing and touching her lip. ''Hey big sis, how was your date?" ''It wasn't a date B/n. It was just a meeting.'' ''Whatever, why are you touching your lips?" ''Because I feel like they hurt.'' I could tell she was lying. She walked then upistairs. I'm of course not dump. I know they kissed. This is awsome! They're a couple now, what means Nate will leave me alone! Forever!

Life couldn't be better now...

To be continued...

Thx for reading! I know I haven't updated awhile. Sorry but don't worry, I'm still alive! I will try to update more. Please don't get mad at me...Bye!

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