It's not true! it?(Nate x Confused Reader) Part 2

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I woke up in the morning and texted immediately F/n to come over so I tell her what happened yesterday.
Y:Hi F/n, please come as fast as you can to my house, I have something to tell you.
F:Fine. See ya!
I changed and prepared breakfast for me and F/n. After a couple of minutes F/n knocked on the door and I opened it. "Hi, I made breakfast." I said and she sat down. "Thanks. So, what's wrong?" She asked.

I looked out of the window and saw Nate talking, actually flirting, on the telephone. "Look." I said, pointing towards him. "Oh...he has a new girlfriend?" She asked and frowned. "I wish it would be a girl. What if I'm telling you that he has a boyfriend?" F/n looked totally shocked. "What?! Do you have any proofs?" "Well, yesterday he had a gay hentai in his DVD-box, then when I was gone he was kinda flirting with Mat at the window. And at last yesterday, we were eating ice cream and he stared at a guy who walked past us!" "Wow, damn...okay chill, you may be wrong. We will check if he's really gay and then do the dangerous test." "Thank you for helping but...what is the dangerous test?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "I will tell you when the time has come. Look, he is going somewhere, let's follow him." F/n said and dragged me out and hid behind some bushes with me.

*Little Time skip*

"Aha...he is in the bar there, come!" I said to F/n. We hid behind the bar door and saw how Nate passes his number to a guy. "See! And do you saw his expression?! That's his flustered face!" "An expression is not enough Y/n! Do you have a housekey of him?" "Uhm, yeah he gave one to me to take sometimes care of his house if he's in holidays but, I can't just break into my best friends house!" F/n groaned. "Come on! One check and out!"I sighed. "Fine."

We went to Nates house and I opened the door. "Oh gosh, the beer is still smelling. I think he was drunk yesterday..." F/n said. We then went up to his bedroom. "Okay, find anything that seems wrong to you." I said and F/n nodded. We were surching around. When she checked the closet, I suddenly heard her screaming "IIIIIIIIH!" "F/n what-OH GOODNESS!" There were in Nates closet everywhere No,not toys for kids. Grown up toys.

"Did you know about this?!" She asked me."What?! No!" I then checked his bed. "Aha! See, this underwear is not his!" I said while pointing at it. "Really? An underwear? Maybe he bought a new one." She said. "No. I know him. He wouldn't ever buy one like this. Look at his underwears compared to this one." I said and opened his drawer. "PLEASE, I DON'T WANNA SEE HIS UNDERWEARS, YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?" F/n yelled. "What? Actually he has cute underwears." F/n looked at me shocked. "Forget it, but let's check the rest of his house." We then walked around the bathroom until I checked his computer. I took a look at his photogaleery. " here...quickly!" I said. She rushed to me and was shocked as I showed her a picture I found.

We saw Mat and Nate kissing!!!!!

 "See! I knew it! Nate is gay!" "Okay well...copy the picture and then we gonna go home." I was so shocked. I thought Nate likes girls and not guys... and he hadn't told me that. He definetly broke my heart with this.

 We went home and I ran to my bedroom, crying. "Come on...don't cry." F/n said while placing her hand at my shoulder. "I knew it. From the start. I can't belive this isn't just a stupid dream..." I said. "Well...there is one last chance how you can check if he does still like girls." "How?" I asked and she whispered something in my ear.


To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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