Rockstar (Nate x Rockstar Reader) Part 3 Final

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*1 week later*


Today I had a concert so I woke up early to get ready. I changed into my (your outfit) and immediately drove to my stage near the beach.

 "Ah, finally you are here Y/n. At 6pm your concert starts so get ready." My manager said as I arrived. "Can I first call my friends to come?" I asked. "Darling, we have no time for friends. Today is your consert." I sighed  "Fine..." I sometimes hated my job. I can't talk to friends mostly because I'm working. And the only person I actually wanna see now is Nate. I kinda developed feelings for him. I can't help it, he's so handsome. I sighed to myself and went to check my instruments and the mics. 

*Time skip before the show beginns*

After my make up was finished I got a call from Nate. "Nate?" "Hey Y/n. Where are you?" "Sorry Nate. I should have told you earlier but I have a concert today." "Where?! I wanna come!" "The LA music street beside the beach." "I'll show up before your concert starts. See ya!" I gasped. "See ya." I hung up and started to fangirl. I only hope he will come before my concert starts.  

Nate POV

I drove immediately to Y/n's concert. When I arrived there, I wanted to go to the backstage but two security guards stopped me. "Woah, sorry kid no backstage pass, no entering." "But Y/n is my friend so I need to go to her!" "Wait here." One said and walked to the backstage. "Nate!" Y/n shouted and pulled me into a hug. She looked so beatiful in her outfit. I hugged back and smiled.

 "Glad that you came." She smiled. "When does your concert starts?" "In a minute. Just watch from the backstage. I have to go now. Wish me luck." She said and slowly went on stage. I smiled to myself and watched her. 

*Little time skip*


I walked of stage to Nate. "You did amazing." He smiled. I blushed slightly and smiled too.

"Y/n!" A voice shouted. It was my manager. And she was all worried.   "What's wrong?!" I asked. "Brendon lost his voice and we have no other male voice who could sing with you!" She cried. I then came up with an idea. "Wait, yes we have. Nate." I smiled. He opened his eyes widely. 

"He will sing with me." "Can you sing?" My manager asked. I noticed that Nate was nervous. "Uhm...I mean yeah but--" "Wonderful, up to the stage." She said and gave him a microphone. "What are we actually singing?!" He asked." "You'll see." I said with a smiled. We walked out then. "We are singing (your favourite songs where a girl and a boy sings)".

After we finished the song and the rest of the songs we sang together, we holded our hands and put our mics in the air. A firework started and all the people were clapping like crazy. I smiled brightly and was so happy that everybody enjoyed our performance.

 Suddenly Nate pulled me to him and KISSED ME?! For the first seconds I was shocked but then I kissed back. After we pulled away we looked at the crowd who gave an 'aw' sound and we giggled.

 "Nate--" "Y/n, I've like you and I didn't have a chance to tell you. Sorry that I've done on your concert..." "Nate, I liked you too. You don't have to say sorry, I have to say thank you." "Why?" "Because my dream came true." I said smiling. He smiled too and we hugged. "So Y/n L/n do you wanna be in a relationship with me?" He asked. "Yes Nathan Smith. I would love to be." We joked and walked of the stage.

That was the best concert I've ever had...

The End

Thx for reading!

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