Do you love me? (Nate x Reader) Part 2

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*Next day*

Nate was sleeping here tonight. But because of our dad he slept on the couch. Like every father, he didn't trust Nate that easy but he is going to like him anyways because, someone like Nate you rarely find. He's so kind, handsome and so gentle. Every girls dream guy.

I woke up and was in the bathroom with my sister. We both were brushing our theeths. I remembered then what she has done some time ago, that time she stole my ticket but...I like to see my sister happy because she was never really happy because of bullying and shit like that. Now when she started wearing makeup, having a job in starbucks and buying pretty clothes like dresses and so, she became happy.

"I missed you so much. I don't know when we saw each other the last time." She said hugging me. She hasn't been at our house for a long time. I hugged back and when we finished we changed and went downstairs. Our parents were 100% sleeping. Nate was half sleeping half awake. S/n walked to him and woke him with kissing up. Ooof course. I crossed my arms and had to see how my crush getting kissed by my own sister. When he woke up he waved to me and I waved back.  My parents woke up and made breakfast for us. When it was finished we all sat down and ate.

Nate POV

We started eating and noticed that Y/n was kinda sad. " You alright?" I asked her. She quickly put her head up and everyone was looking at her. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She said with a short weak smile. When we finished eating her mother suddenly said "Why don't you guys go somewhere out? I'll give you some money and go for an ice cream or anything." "Can Y/n come with us?" S/n asked. "Sure." Her parents said. We smiled but Y/n didn't pay any attention. "What?" She asked. It seems like she fell accidently asleep. Everyone started laughing a bit. "We're gonna go eat ice cream together and make us a nice afternoon." S/n said. We then stood up and I went home to change quickly.


Wow great. Now I have to go with them and eat ice cream. I wore a white shirt with some shorts, chucks and my black sunglasses. I walked down and my sister was already waiting with Nate for me. We went out and they walked together while I walked behind them.

When we arrived at an ice cream shop they sat down and I sat down in front of them. We ordered ice cream and some milk shakes. "I'm gonna go to the toilett." S/n said. "I'm gonna get me a new milk shake, you want one too?" "Sure." I said smiling. I was still sad but I was happier. I have the opportunity feel Nate beside me or anywhere around me.

I was watching something on my phone when suddenly some guys came to me and said "Hey pretty, wanna hang out with us?" I looked at them and said "No thanks." "Come on, it will be fun." One said and grabbed my arm. "Hey, don't touch me!" They started getting violent as suddenly Nate came. "Hey! She said that you don't touch her." He said and pushed the guy away from me. He pulled me a bit to him what made me blush.

"Who the hell are you? Her boyfriend?" "Yes! So what? And now leave." They left and I was blushing a bit more. "You ok?" He asked and looked at my arm. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you..." I said smiling. "Aaaah, there we go. Finally you're smiling." He said, what made me giggle. We both smiled. My sister suddenly came and asked "What's...going on here?" "Oh uhm, Nate saved me from some guys that tried to hurt me or anything." I said a bit awkwardly. My sister just nodded slightly and we continued eating our ice cream as it came.

To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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