Pretty Little Fuckboy-Prince (Arrogant Prince Nate x Reader) Part 2

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"Y/n...wake up, we have something to discuss." My mom said as she woke me up. I woke up and walked annoyed out of bed. "What's up mom..." I asked tired. "The king called me this morning." "Why?" "He told me what you were talking about with the prince." "And?" "He told me that your theory was right. So he asked if you could spend time with him to see if something changes because the prince has got no one." I was surprised. I actually expected a guy. "Well, I wouldn't mind." "Great Y/n. You're doing a very good job." My mom said. We walked then to the kitchen for breakfast.

*Time Skip*

"Okay, you should dress up like you normally do, so today don't were your uniform (you're working at your moms office so you had always to wear a uniform)." "Okay mom." I said and walked upstairs. I got dressed and walked downstairs.

Nate POV

I woke up and got dressed. I walked down to my parents for breakfast. "Good morning Nathan." My mom said. "Morning guys." I said and sat down to eat. "Today you will have again a visit." "Y/n? So you still think she can change me?" "Well, why don't you spend a bit time with her? She seems like a nice person, she's also pretty and about your age. It may be fun, and so you don't always sit in front of your computer." My mom told me. "Okay fine. But just today." I said. When I got trough this I'll be done and then I can do what I want. "When does she arrive?"  In 30 minutes, go and dress up nice." My dad commanded. I ate my breakfast and went upstairs. I wore a black jeans, white button up shirt, fixed my hair and put on my glasses. I walked down and my mom said "Aww, you're looking like when you were in school." I rolled my eyes and waited until Y/n arrived.


I wore a shorts with a white leggins ubderneath, a white shirt and a pair of nike shoes. My mom led me to the car and we drove to the castle. "So, I have to go to work. The king and queen will take today care of you. I'll pick you up this evening." "Ok mom." I kissed my mom on the cheek and got out of the car. I stood in front of the castle. I walked to the huge door. The gurads first took a look at me and nodded. I went in then. The king and queen were waiting for me already. "Ah Y/n. Good that you're here." "My mom told me about what you wanted. But how am I suppouse to do that?" "Well, go out and talk with him. Maybe of he puts trust on you, you may have a bigger chance to change him." "Well, that's actually a good idea. Ok, I'll do my best your majestry." "Nathan!" The queen shouted. Nate came down. Wow...he looked...random. He wasn't dressed up nice like yesterday, he just wore things normal guys do. "Hey Y/n." I waved and smiled. "No go out for a walk." The king said. I looked at Nate and he rolled his eyes and led me behind the castle. We walked out and I saw a huge beatiful garden with flowers and cherryblossom trees. "Wow..." I said. "You like it?" "I love it..." He smiled and said "Come on follow me." I followed him trough the whole garden. "Now you can tell me what you dk here. I mean, it's nice to see you again but I know my parents gave you a task." "They and my mom just said we should talk to each other more and so." "*sigh*...just quick I don't have time all day." "We have so or so to stay here all day. So...uhm...Nate what are you hobbys?" "I don't think that's your buisness. First tell me yours." He said while we sat down on a bench and he crossed his arms bored. "Well, I like music so I sing, play the guitar and the piano. In my freetime I watch Anime like Pokémon, One piece and so on. I also do a lots of sports and help often my mom in her office." He just looked at me. "Well...nice hobbys." "And yours?" "Sitting in my room with my games." She sighed and said "Ok.....what games do you like?..." "Horror and Action." "Me too..." "Well great." He just said. "Come on, why are you like that? I haven't done anything to you." "I'm normal." "Why don't ya just talk to me? I can see you're feeling lonley and sad--" "I'm not!" "Nate, don't lie to me! I can read you!" "No you can't!" He said leaning back on the bench. I leaned back and holded his shoulder. "Listen...I know you barely know me.....but I help people...and I also wanna help can trust me." ".....I.....I know..."

*Time skip to the evening*

I kinda managed to talk to Nate about his problems. He is just that he has no one he is jealous on others so hates everything. It was late now and I was going to leave the castle. "So, bye Nate." "Yeah, Bye." He just said. I left the castle and waited for my mom to pick me up.

Nate POV

I walked then to my parents. "Oh hello Nathan. How was your day with Y/n?" "Well...boring. She was talking and talking." "Come on Nathan. She's a cool girl." "Hmpf, whatever." Actually Y/n is a cool girl. She does really like the things I like. She seems also to know my situation. Wait what am I talking about? That's bullcrapp. We have maybe some things in common but she's not like me. "Oh and Nathan, this weekend we will do here a ball. It may be a good chance to get some girls known." "I won't be there." "Yes you will. You have to as a prince Nathan." "Sometimes I wish I would be not a prince!" I said. "*sigh*...Ok Nathan. Just go to sleep. We will talk tomorrow again." I walked up, changed and laid down. I actually couldn't sleep. I was actually thinking about Y/n...she seems to have something special I like...

But what?...

To be continued...

Thx for reading!

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