Hot Cop (Policeman Nate x Criminal Reader) Part 4 Final

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After school I walked with F/n back home. On the way I was telling her everything what happened. "No way!" "Belive me it's true!" "Oh my gosh! He can clean your record!" "Are you kidding me no! I don't wanna use him as a puppet! I truly love him." "How old was he again?" "27 or something why?" "Wait, you're not 18, that's an ilegal romance! How cool!" She said kinda "fangirling". "I don't care F/n. It's my choice what I'm doing. I am just really surprised he actually liked me back. I never expected that..." "Love is love Y/n. You're also an attractive girl, you're popular in school and many guys got a crush on you. I'm not amazed he liked you back." We then arrived at my home. "Ok, we'll text later Y/n bye." "Bye." I said and we hugged for a second. I walked in and saw my parents sitting on the couch. "Hey Mom, hey Dad!" I said. "Hey honey, how was school today?" "Painful like usual." I joked and went up to my room. I felt my phone vibraring and saw I got a message. "Hey Y/n, I need to talk to you. Please call me." I immediately called him and layed on my bed. "Y/n?" "Hey Nate, how you doing?" "Y/n, I have to tell you something." "Go ahead." "I'm breaking up." I jumped of my bed. "What?..." I asked, trying to hide every single hint of crying. "I'm sorry Y/n, you're a pretty girl but you're just to young for me. And we could both getbin trouble if someone finds out we were together. I'm truly sorry for this surprise but, it wouldn't work anyway." "I-I understand Nate..." "Thank you for undertsanding. I hope we will at least see us again soon." "Yeah me too." "Bye Y/n." "Goodbye Na--I mean Officer Sharp." I hung up and burried my face in a pillow. I cried. I never cry. But this is an exception. What a asshole. What a kind of man is he breaking up with me, and that TROUGH THE PHONE!!! I really liked him. Not because he was hot, because I felt something beside him. He was special...I often saw hot guys like him but I never felt something like butterflies or my heart racing. Not even blushing. I felt nothing. But he, he had something I felt. For the first time I had feelings for a male. I didn't care about the age diffefence, if he is a cop and I'm a criminal or about my god damn record. He was the one I wanna spend my life with. I know it was sudden but it just happen. And now I was hoping this would go well but at the end it didn't. Because life hates me. I was never lucky in my life. And the tiny pieces of hope I had were blown away from the wind. I needed anyone to talk to. "Hey F/n, is it ok if I come over?" I texted her. "Sure, but how about we meet in 15 minutes in the parc?" "Ok, then see ya in 15. Bye." "Bye." We finished our conversation and I started to get ready.

*Time skip arriving to the parc*

I saw already F/n sitting on a bench. "Oh hey, you took forever." She joked. I stayed silent. "Oh no, something's wrong, tell me." "Me and Nate broke up." "What?!" "Well actually...he broke up." "What?! Why?!" "He says I'm to young for him and he don't wanna us to get into trouble." "What a jerk." "And guess what, he just broke up with me trough the PHONE!" "OK! He went to far! I mean Hello?! Trough the phone?! He couldn't just ask you if you can meet him, nope! If I ever see him, I will punch the shit out of him!" "Calm down F/n...thank you that you're supporting me. But I guess, I have to face it and just move on." "Yeah, first we will--What?!" "Yeah, I'll just move on." "What have you done to Y/n? That is not you. You never gave up! And if something was not like how you wanted you did everything to be it how you want it to be!" "Well, things are changing F/n. And people too. Don't think I'll stop my crime carrier. He would wanted me to do good, but because he left me I'll do more than I did earlier. Now I'll shoot people who are coming in my way." "Woah, maybe you shouldn't go THAT far. I mean, that's sounding like you but, do you really have to kill people?" "I don't care. And you know I never cared." "*sigh*...okay but don't say I didn't warn you. I'm gonna get on my way now. Bye Y/n." "Bye." F/n left but I stayed. I had enough from everything and everyone. And I know what I'm doing. I was born to be a criminal, and that won't change. And I'll start tonight. I don't need my partner Henry, I can do it myself.

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