Meeting the badboy

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"Awe, you're so lucky!" Yasmina encouraged. "Lucky isn't getting stuck with the new kid for the whole day," I retorted, frustrated that I had to miss my class for this kid. her eyes told me she wanted to debate me on this but her hesitant words told me otherwise. Yasmina is a people person; she love love loves meeting new people and getting to know new personalities. me on the other hand, I cant even say hi to my waiter without getting anxiety.

The receptionist and I exchanged greetings while I waited for them. I saw a guy walk in and I almost fell off my chair. 'okay, maybe this whole thing isn't so bad after all'  I thought to myself. The boy that walked in had raven black hair and stood almost 6 feet tall. I immediately fixed my posture and put a smile on my face. "Mr. Foster, this is Ella Nash. She will be showing you around today," the receptionist half-heartedly told him. he took a look at me for the first time and smirked, stopping at my thighs. "I wouldn't mind that."

I guided him through each hallway and explained where everything was. Although I'm not sure if he even heard me, cause half of the time he was starring at my butt.

Once I'd shown him every hallway in the school, I took him to his scheduled class. I didn't have Mrs. Sheffield this semester but I had her my Freshman year for algebra 2. Apparently Daniel is a little bit slow cause he's just taking now as a senior. My job for today was to sit in his classes with him and make sure he doesn't need help understanding anything, I don't get to go back to mine until tomorrow.

As I was listening to Mrs. Sheffield lecture us on finding slope with three variables I saw a paper whiz past my eyes and land on Heather's desk. It's not like I was doing anything important so I watched curiously as she unwrapped the paper and read it. She wrote something down on it and threw it back to Daniel.

I leaned over in my seat and read it:

'Wanna hook up tonight ?-Daniel'

'Who wouldn't? Sure, give me your # at lunch and I'll text you my address'-Heather

She was practically the school toy; She slept with anyone who would agree. Now I'm no virgin Mary, but I don't go around showing everyone my lady parts. For the whole class period, I had to watch him flirt with all of the girls. Don't get me wrong, he was insanely cute, but I wouldn't be interested if every girl and their mother had him too.


I just went to 2 more classes full of Daniel flirting everyone. And let me tell you, that was like a living hell. Thank god it was finally lunch. As I was eating my  Cobb salad I saw Vincent walk in with Daniel and Heather.

Now I cant say im surprised, they're both playboys, they were bound to become friends and bond over how they mistreat girls eventually. Vincent is my twin brother and I absolutely hate that. I cant even act like we aren't related though, we look exactly alike so much so to the point that if we were still in second grade and he decided to grow his hair out the teachers would mistake us for each other. 

For the rest of the lunch I watched as Heather flirted with both Vincent and Daniel. I could tell that Daniel was definitely interested in playing her game. Vincent though, not so much so. He tried dating her when we were sophomores but she couldn't keep her pants on around other guys. 

When lunch ended I went to my last period of the day: P.E. I absolutely dreaded going but nonetheless, I put on my gym shorts and a loose t-shirt. When I walked into the gym everyone was already stretching. 'Great, I'm late again'  I thought to myself. Coach is gonna makes me run an extra lap.

After we did our group quarter mile (and of course my extra lap) we were supposed to play volleyball now. I'm actually pretty good at volleyball so today's class shouldn't be that straining. I couldn't help but notice that the guys were bored enough in their section of the gym to stare at us playing. I don't know if I should feel disgusted that they think we are sexual objects or flattered that we have nice butts.

Finally, I was saved by the last bell of the day and I left the school with Yasmina. I drove her home and went back to my house. As soon as I pulled up I saw an unfamiliar car but shrugged it off and walked inside. Taking my shoes off, I called out, "I'm home". I heard Vincent respond from the living room, "In here". I went to the living room and saw Daniel on the couch. "Of course you're here," I muttered under my breath, aggravated that him and Vincent were already becoming friends after only one day. Rolling my eyes, I went upstairs, greeted my parents, and went to my room. 

I took my phone out and logged into Instagram when Daniel burst through my door, "Just wanna let you know that I'm leaving, try not to miss me too much, Ella" he said with a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes and responded, "You think that everyone wants you, don't you?" He smirked and I waved him a swift goodbye. "Cause everyone does  want me." "Not me" I pointed out. "But you will," he assured me.

what's up guys? sorry for the short AF chapter, but I have re written this 5 times! anyway, im gonna try not to curse in this book cause I don't want it to be censored. but I didn't edit this chapter yet sorry... but xoxo-molly

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