Picking a badboy

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Trent ignored me for the whole day and I don't even know why. I had asked him a couple times earlier today, but he just shrugged and walked away. 

I'm gonna do my last attempt. And if he doesnt answer me this time, I'm done with him. I saw him at a lunch table with a couple other people, so I asked to see him. And to my great luck, he actually said yes and dully got up. I guided him into the hallway outside of the lunchroom. 

"Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something?" He shrugged and that got me frustrated, "No! Don't just shrug! That's all you've been doing around me all day. Stop, just give me a real freaking answer!" I yelled, aggravated. 

He practically yelled, but not quite, "Cause I have feelings for you Ella! Are you happy? I promised myself that I wouldn't get feelings for you again, but I did! And now it's worse than ever." He said the last part quietly, probably in hopes that I wouldn't hear him. 

I just stayed silent as he continued, "I tried to stop it, but the more I talked and hung out with you, it just progressed. And I didn't wanna tell you, because I know that you'll never love me again... I know that you love Daniel. I just didn't wanna confuse you with my feelings." 

I was speechless. I had nothing to say, even though my thoughts were racing through my mind, I couldnt pick one to say aloud. 

"Are you happy? Now you know my feelings, so just let me go eat my lunch Ella." He walked back to the lunchroom, leaving me stranded in the hallway alone.

As he was walking, I called out, "Trent, wait!" He turned around, and I know this sound cheesy and cliche, but it happened. I slightly jogged over to him and he pushed me up against a wall gently, while kissing me, (Gif is above in the title chapter)

Our vice principal walked by, and surprisingly he didn't say a word about what we were doing.

But everything good has to end, right? Well, Trent pulled away and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He walked away for real this time and didnt look back, even for a second.

I walked back to the lunchroom like nothing happened. "Where'd you go?" Brandy asked while chewing her grilled cheese. "The bathroom." I answered simply. She nodded and we all finished eating. I got lost in my thoughts as I was eating, ignoring everyone. 

I cant keep playing this game. I have to pick one of them. I've been taking too long to decide, now Trent's fallen in love with me again. I need to pick today or everything's gonna get worse. The only thing is that I think I may actually be in love with the both of them. I just don't know how to tell Yasmina about it.

The lunch bell rang and we all scurried to our next classes. I had a feeling that I was gonna tell Daniel.'Its gonna happen. You can do it'. I kept saying in my head while walking into my class.

I sat next to him and took deep breaths, waiting for the right time to do it. I finally mustered up all of my confidence and blurted, "Daniel I love you." Really fast. He turned to me and raised his eyebrow in confusion, "What?"

"Please don't make me say it again." I begged. But he still looked confused, "Daniel... I, I love you..." I looked at the tile floor awkwardly and I suddenly felt a hand gently, and sort of romantically, bring my up head to face him.

"I love you too Ella." I blinked, confused. "You... You do?" He nodded. Shoot! I'm blushing, I thought to myself. All of a sudden, my Spanish teacher walked in and she called out, "Please Mr.Foster, keep your hands to yourself." He quickly pulled away and listened as she spoke in a foreign language to us.


School eventually ended and I drove home, very worrisome of what was gonna happen between Daniel and I. I got a phone call from Trent on my way home from school, and I began thinking once I got home, 'Do I really wanna make the same mistake twice? What if he breaks my heart again?' I know its bad to go back into the past, but at times like these, its vital to my decision.

So I've made my decision. All I can hope for now, is that Daniel feels the same way about me and wasn't just lying in Spanish class. I crossed my fingers while I sat in bed, waiting for Daniel to come over.

I heard a faint knock from downstairs and I raced downstairs, practically ripping the door off of its hinges when I opened the door. Daniel looked frightened when I opened the door, "Is everything okay, Ella?" He asked cautiously. I laughed lightly, "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure Vincent didn't get the door." He nodded and I guided him to my room.

"So... did you mean what you said in Spanish class?" I asked him extremely hopeful. He nodded, "So, what do ya say?" He asked. I was confused until I understood. "Do you wanna try this whole 'relationship' thing out?" I nodded. "Also, I'm apologizing in advance if I mess up, I haven't been in a real relationship since Sophomore year. I've only been in one night stands."

"Wait, never mind." When he said that, my heart dropped, until I heard the rest. "I'm gonna ask you to be my girlfriend the right way. I'm gonna take you out on a date and ask your dad for permission. Er, wait. Is that too old fashioned? I haven't done this in a while." He said, laughing and showing his dimple.

"Sure." I agreed, "When?" He shrugged, "I haven't really planned that yet. Does Saturday work for you?" I nodded innocently with a smile plastered on my face.

It's happening. Its ACTUALLY happening. Daniel Foster is gonna be my boyfriend. As in, 'No longer for sale'

We agreed to a specific time and date and we just hung out and watched SpongeBob for the rest of the night until about 10:00 o'clock.

We cuddled and occasionally slipped in a few make out sessions. Luckily, Vincent wasn't here to interrupt us this time. I think he went out with Brandy for a non-official date. But their gonna end up getting together, I can just tell by the way they act around  each other. I think they could actually be a real couple too, if Vincent got over his playboy ways like Daniel.

So in my opinion, my night ended pretty well.

hey! i know i said the chapters would be longer, but just not this one... sorry. anyway, i hope you liked it. i enjoyed writing it and them FINALLY almost getting together. anyway bye! xoxo-molly

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