Getting to know the bad boy

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As I entered my Socials class I saw the teacher patiently waiting for everyone to quiet down. I took my seat and listened as she started talking. "Okay, so I would appreciate if you guys would write your names down on a piece of paper and put it in the basket I will be coming around with."

I wrote my name down as quick as I could and stuffed it in the basket. Once she collected all of the names she explained the activity, "I will be picking two names from this basket to be partners and work together. You will be getting to know one another and presenting to the class on Thursday". Delilah raised her hand almost immediately after she finished the last syllable in her sentence. "What will we be learning from this and is it for a grade cause if not I actually have a chemistry test I-" the teacher stopped her in the middle of her sentence, obviously tired of hearing her talk. "Ms. Calderon, I believe your chemistry teacher should have given you time to study for the test, let's not bring other subjects into my classroom. To answer your questions, yes this will be for a grade," she turned to face the rest of the class when she continued "the purpose of this is to establish a sense of yourself and the people you will be around for the next 5 months. This will help you guys in future assignments."

I crossed my fingers, hoping I got Yasmina, that way I could basically do the project myself. I knew everything about her.

She began calling names, "Delilah and Joseph, Jack and Emilie, Daniel and Ella, Nick and Sarah, Gabby and Kevin, Heather and Keith, mariah and Layla, brandy and Isabella, Penelope and Trent, and last but not least, Yasmina and Felix. Have fun!" She chirped.

Letting out a heavy breath, I slumped over to Daniel, who was chatting it up with Heather. As I approached them I muttered a string of curse words under my breath, I dreaded the moment I would have to give heather a reality check and tell her she can't slut it up with Daniel anymore. Poor Keith, he was nice too. It really is a shame he has to be tainted by her.

I got to Daniel's desk and said, "Look, I wanna do this just as much as you do, so lets just get this over with." He looked at me funny, "So what you're saying here, is that you really, wanna do this? Cause I'm actually looking forward to getting to knowing the most popular guy in school's sister." He said with a smirk. Rolling my eyes, i mumble under my breath. "I'm not as fun as him."

I then wrote our names on his sheet of paper and began:

"Where were you born?"

"California. What about you, Babydoll?"

"Don't call me that, and I was born here."

"Ok, Babydoll, when's your birthday?"

"Stop that," I tightened my fist, utterly annoyed by him.

He shrugged, "Just answer the question, Ella."

Groaning in annoyance I snapped, "September 6th!"

He jotted it down and it was my turn "When were you born and how many siblings do you have?"

"I was born on the joyful do of December 12, and the world was made a better place on that day," he stated cockily with a smirk, "and to answer your other question, I have one, but he's in college."

"How bout' you Babydoll?"

"You already know Vincent," I was now trying to keep my answers as simple as possible. "Save your pet names for heather," I added at the end, hoping he would be turned off by my attitude and leave me alone.

"And why would I do that, Babydoll?"

"Heather's pretty into you."

"I couldn't care less Babydoll."

I rolled my eyes and asked, "Favorite song?" Not really caring for the answer.

"Animal I have become by Three Days Grace. You?"

"I don't really know, I guess I like Pity Party by Melanie Martinez." I said shrugging.

"Favorite subject?" He questioned.

"Science. You?"


"Whos older, you or Vincent?"

"Vincent, but only by 2 minutes."

I was gonna ask him a question, but I was interrupted by the teacher checking on us. "I like your questions, but can you guys get just a teensy bit more personal? After all, the whole purpose of this activity IS to get to know each other. You'll never do that by asking favorite colors, she begged.

I shrugged and nodded reluctantly. She walked away and I sighed.

Smirking, he said, "Has the good girl ever had a boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes, for like the tenth time today, and nodded simultaneously.

"And I guess you've had a girlfriend before, right?" I said sarcastically, already knowing the answer.

"Ever French kissed someone?"

I shook my head and he raised his eyebrows, "Really? I'm surprised, did your previous boyfriend not wanna kiss you?" Daniel tested me by saying this and he knew it. He wanted to see how far he could push me, I could tell by the playful look in his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes and said, "I was 15 and he was my first kiss, chill out," As I said that, he wrote down all of my previous answers on his paper.

He chuckled a bit and I asked him a question, "Have you ever gotten drunk?" He nodded and I wrote that down on the sheet of paper. By this time, I had already filled up the whole front side, so I turned it over.

"Are you still a virgin, Babydoll?"

"I'm pretty sure when she told us to get deeper with our questions she didn't mean questions involving my purity," I snapped when he brought this up.

"Why aren't you answering the question, Babydoll?"

I shook my head and he wrote it down on his paper, "So you wouldn't kiss your boyfriend with tongue, but you would give your virginity to him?"

I lowered my voice so only he could hear me and narrowed my eyes into his, "You don't know anything about my life and I couldn't care less about your's. So do us both a favor and finish the questions so we can get a grade."

"But its your turn, babydoll."

sup guys? so I hope you liked this chapter. I don't really like it, but as long as you guys do, im fine with it. I should be updating in about another week. xoxo-molly

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