All-nighters with the bad boy

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As I liked Yasmina's picture, I heard Daniel say, "Just so ya know, I'm not moving from this spot until I get my phone back, Ella." I rolled my eyes and said, "How many times do I have to tell you, I don't have your stupid phone Daniel. Now get out." He shook his head and crossed his arms. "Fine." I sighed. I got up, and went to my closet, "You wanna play that game? Lets play then." I suggested, as I took an extra pillow and blanket from my closet and tossed it to him.

"What? You're gonna be cold tonight. I put my AC and my fan on high." He looked a me like I was crazy and shrugged. "I'll be right back." I mentioned. I jogged downstairs, and went to my fridge.

I took a bottle of water out from he shelf and brought it back upstairs.

I opened my door to find Daniel crossing his arms and smirking at me. "I know what your trying to do Ella, but its not gonna work, so do yourself a favor and just give me my phone."

"Daniel, oh Daniel. How many times do I have to tell you, buddy? I don't have your phone." I said talking to him as if he were a 6 year old. I smiled brightly.

I sat back down on my bed and opened my water, 'accidently' spilling it all over my, now see-through shirt. I heard Daniel gulp and I smiled, "Could you pass me that towel over there, Daniel?" I asked innocently.

When he handed it to me, I made sure to lean down so he could view some of my my chest. Oh how I adore teasing boys. I patted my shirt down and said, "Oh man, looks like im gonna have to wait for it to dry." I said in a fake sad tone. I stripped my shirt from my body, and threw it across the room, leaving me in just my sports bra.

He looked away and muttered, "Ella, could you please... put a shirt on?" I shrugged and pursed my lips questionably, "Why? Surely you've seen a girl in a bra before, after all... your not a virgin" I said in an innocent tone. He wouldn't meet my eyes.

I giggled and pranced over to him, leaning down, I asked, "Do you still want your phone?" He nodded and I sighed, "Whatever you say."

"Wanna watch TV?" I suggested. "No, what I want, is my phone." He stressed the word, 'Want'. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. There was nothing interesting on, so I just settled on 'Criminal Minds'. It wasn't my favorite show, but I could tolerate it.

I walked over to him and straddled him. Yep. This was gonna be fun, Daniel seems like the type of guy who is fun to tease.

"Would you rarther have your phone, or a make out session with me?" I asked in a fake, lust filled voice. His breathing picked up and he whispered, "Just kiss me." He pressed his lips against mine, I smirked into the kiss as he grabbed my hips and continued to kiss me.

I eventually broke the kiss and said, "Lets play a game...Whatever the other person says, we HAVE to do." He raised his eyebrows questionably before saying, "I'll play it if I can kiss you again." I smirked, "We'll see." I taunted. "Ok. Take off your shirt." He looked at me before smirking and responding, "See, I told you, you like me, Babydoll. You just cant get enough of me, can you?" He rhetorically asked while taking his shirt off, revealing his perfect body.

My jaw almost dropped as I saw him shirtless. "My turn." He teased. I nodded awkwardly, trying not to make it obvious that I was starring at his perfect body. He began, "Ok, confess your feelings for me." I looked at him bluntly before bursting out into a fit of laughter, "Wh- What feelings?" I struggled to get out. "C'mon Ella, we all know that you have a little crush on me. Its not bad, practically every girl in the school wants a piece of Daniel Foster." He bragged. "Well not this girl." I corrected pointing at myself.

"C'mon. Tell me Ella. Its obvious that you like me." I rolled my eyes and sighed, aggravated that he could get it out of me that easily. "Fine, I guess your SORTA cute." That's a lie, hes absolutely gorgeous. "Your personality is annoying as heck though." I added quickly. He smirked, "But you do admit think I'm cute. So you do like me." He bragged.

I flicked him off and looked out my window at the ruckus going on. My neighbors were moving. I honestly don't think that we could get neighbors more annoying than them. They through party's at 4 O'clock in the morning and were always getting drunk. Thank the heavens their moving, cause honestly, their daughter was a brat. I used to babysit her until she just got too annoying and needy, that I flat out quit.

I turned back to Daniel and said, "Now, where were we?" I looked at him, "We were in the middle of kissing, "Nice try. And you say that I'm  the one who has a crush on YOU. Its more like the other way around, buddy." He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Oh please, I didn't admit that I liked you." I looked at him and pursed my lips, "Well at least I'm not thirsty for a kiss from the girl that I claim to not like but cant stop making out with her!" "Well maybe its because I like you, Ella!" He yelled, "Maybe I like you too, Daniel!" I yelled back, "Fine!" "Fine!" We both crossed our arms.

What the heck did I just do? I thought to myself, mentally punching myself for admitting that I like him. But, he said he likes me too, so does that mean...?

As I was contemplating the answers to my questions, Daniel's hand appeared on my hips as he turned me around and kissed me. As he was kissing, I heard him say, "Forget my phone, all I want now is you." Before continuing to kiss me.

hey guys, whats up? so this chapter isn't edited yet, but ill edit it tomorrow and I will also be making another chapter this week. im sorry for the cliché-ness this chapter, but I wanted to get them to confess it, so this how they did. btw, that's heather up top. XOXO-molly

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