Neighbors with the bad boy

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Yasmina and I were both grounded this weekend, so therefore, we weren't allowed to go out this weekend. And it really annoys me cause we have a 4-day weekend. I cant count how many times in the last 2 days that I've asked my mom to unground me. I even got Daniel to come over and tell her that I apologized.

But yet, here I am, sitting on my bed. Alone and bored. I let out a long sigh and looked out my curtains at all of the ruckus. People have been talking and dropping things all day. I'm pretty sure someone's moving next door.

I moved my curtain aside and peered outside. When I saw the family that was gonna be my future neighbors, I sprinted down the stairs and called out to my fanily, "Guys, the Fosters are gonna be our neighbors! Stop them!" My dad came down the stairs and said, "What's wrong?" I rolled my eyes and repeated, "Daniel's family is moving next door." He smiled and grabbed my hand, "Lets go greet them then." I struggled to get away, but he just kept pulling until we were out the door and in the neighbors yard. It wasn't till Mrs.Foster said 'Hi' to me, that he let go.

 Soon, I saw Daniel jump off of the moving van. I looked down at the grass and waited till he came up to me, "Hey Ella." I waved my hand awkwardly.

We haven't really talked since the code red, its not that he wasn't talking to me. It's the other way around. I've just never really had a guy like me this much before. I don't really know how to act around him anymore.

Just as I was gonna talk again, Vincent shouted from my window, "Hey Daniel, you movin here?" Daniel nodded and I shouted, "Get out of my room fatty!" Daniel tried to cover up his laugh. Vincent disappeared from my window and I was free to talk to Daniel again.

"So I cant really talk now, but we can catch up later. My room is actually right across from yours." I blushed and nodded.

A foreign car pulled up in Daniel's driveway and the window rolled down as I saw a familiar face.  Heather. "You comin Daniel? Or are you gonna stay with that ugly bimbo over there?" She questioned. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

He mouthed, 'Sorry', before raising his eyebrows for permission. I nodded reluctantly and he ran over to her car and got in.

She pulled out and left, leaving the car to be nowhere in my sights. I sighed sadly and looked at my dad, "Can I go back to the house now?" He nodded while simultaneously listening to Mrs. Foster speak.

I exited their yard and entered mine, walking into my house and up to my room, from which there I proceeded to be a bum and lay down on my bed.

I took Daniel's phone out of my dresser and logged onto his SnapChat. I took a picture of my blankets, (Which looked identical to his) and typed, 'Feeling lonely' I added a sad face emoji to sum it up, and posted it on his story.

Since I'm sorta mad at Daniel for leaving me, but not aggressively mad, I'm not gonna ruin his social media too much. I've been posting weird stuff on all of his social media for the whole time I had his phone.

I opened the Twitter app and tweeted, 'Who wants to date me? I'm free' I smiled at the tweet and pressed post. I shut his phone off and switched to my phone. I had about a million snaps from Yasmina.

I opened one of them and read the bar, 'I wish I wasn't grounded, save me.' It was a picture of herself with her hand shaped as I gun next to her head, I proceeded to open them until I saw a specific one that caught my eye.

She was with him. The guy that took my virginity. My jaw dropped, why was she with him? What could she possibly be doing? I thought she was grounded. When Yasmina's grounded, she's not allowed to go anywhere but school and work, and nobody's allowed to come over. So what reason could he possibly have to be with her? 

Yasmina was always more popular than me. She always had more friends, always fit in, always had multiple boyfriends and always had people like her. Unlike me, I wasn't a complete loser, but then again, I wasn't like Heather, who had the whole school at her fingertips. My only real friends were Yasmina and Brandy, and I hadn't always fit in, and to top it all off, I've only ever had one boyfriend in my entire life. And he turned out to be a complete jerk.

I've basically envied my best friend for the past 6 years of my life. But that's beside the point... why is she with him. I immediately opened up my texts and pressed her name.

What are you doing with...him?

He came over to see Kenneth, why?

Because you said that you would never talk to him again, but now your here, taking selfies with that jerk!

Well its not my fault that Kenneth invited him over!

But it IS your fault that you took a selfie with him

Well its not my fault that you decided to loose your virginity with him!

You know for a fact that it wasn't my fault. So don't accuse me of that Yasmina!

Whatever, I'm telling you what happened and you don't wanna believe me. And pardon me if he wanted to take a picture with me! Sorry that im a monster who wont holds grudges that has nothing to do with them. Its your problem if he said sorry to you a million times and you still wont forgive him. I don't hold grudges against people who my best friend does. So do us all a favor Ella, and get over it. Cause believe it or not, he's actually a really nice guy.

I read it and rolled my eyes, shutting my pone off and throwing it against my closet door as hard as I could, not even caring it it cracked, I have insurance. Daniel's phone dinged and I turned it on, looking at the blurriness in front of me. Realizing I should wipe the tears from my eyes, I grabbed a tissue from my nightstand and wiped my eyes from the hurtful words my best friend has just stabbed me with.

Dude, why are you getting all soft on us? WTF do you mean your lonely? Didn't you say you're moving next door to a really hot girl? Go hit that.

I closed SnapChat, wondering why he would tell his friends that he was moving next to a hot girl. Cause its definitely not me.

I ignored the text and shut his phone off tossing it onto my floor. My eyes slowly started to drift into sleep.


I woke up to a very... dissatisfying noise, almost right out side of my window. I snatched my curtains open angrily and looked across my yard into the Fosters yard. The room right across from mine was making all the noise. I saw 2 dark figures doing... stuff that should not be mentioned. It was probably just Heather being her regular self and Daniel being his playboy self. Yay me, right? Most of the girls in my school would trade their souls to be neighbors with Daniel, but not me. I would like anything but that. Seriously, I would rather be neighbors with Adolf Hitler. At least then I wouldn't have to hear girls moaning every night while I'm trying to sleep.

I took a look at their driveway and noticed that his parents weren't home. That's why he's doing this. Great, just great.

Well, I definitely look forward to living the rest of my senior year with Daniel Foster as my neighbor. I sighed and rolled my eyes sarcastically, wanting to kill myself already, and it wasn't even his second day living there.

heyyy guys! I REALLY like this chapter, hbu? I hope I got you guys hyped about who the mystery guy is!!! im so excited to tell you guys! but anyway, this chapter was super fun to write, but the fight wasn't. GUYS, KENNETH IS YASMINAS BROTHER, NOT THE GUY ELLA LOST HER VIRGINITY TO. im only saying this cause my friend got confused. Kenneth INVITED, the guy who took it over. now I'm getting awkward... so bye! XOXO-molly

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