Christmas with the badboy pt.2

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I froze right where I was. "Wa-Wat are you D-Doing here?" I stuttered, confused.

He got up from my bed and walked toward me, "Well, I'm here to get you, Ella." He smirked. I backed up into my door, him still following me. Now he was 2 inches in from of my face, when he whispered in my ear, "Now C'mon Ella, you can't honestly tell me you don't wanna kiss me."

"Well, I don't. So get out buddy." I corrected, pointing to my window.

He smirked, "For now Ella. For now." He said after he kissed my cheek gently. He opened my window and surprisingly, jumped from my window sill, to Daniel's. I stood there in awe, not believing what my eyes just saw.

Before he closed Daniel's window, he winked at me. And somehow, that infuriated me. 'Gosh, where's Daniel at a time of need.' I thought to myself.

I shut my window and closed my curtains. Checking my phone, only to see a text from a contact that read: Simon

What? I never put his number in my phone. Then I read the text:

Hey beautiful. I went ahead and added my number to your phone. Hope ya use it

I groaned in annoyance and clicked my phone off. I've had enough for tonight. Climbing into my bed, I turned my nightstand light off and pulled my blankets over my head.








I groaned, why did I have to be awaken by spam texts. And to make it worse, it was Simon was the one spamming me. 'Oh goodie'. I thought sarcastically while reading all of his 'Oh so needy' texts.

Merry Christmas beautiful

Since Daniel isn't awake yet, wanna come over so we can have a little fun in my bed?

Prince charming woke up and wont shut up about you.

I told him you broke up with him, now hes angry

Hey, well at least now your free for me!

I'm a great rebound

As I read them, horrified, I only felt one emotion, anger. I wanted to kill, Simon Foster.

 I don't know if I can handle him for 5 more months. I had to tell Daniel the truth. I would have called him, but unfortunately I took his phone. It's times like these I really regret taking his phone.

I decided nothing worse could go wrong, so I just went downstairs to open presents. I met my waiting parents, drinking their morning coffee.

"Good morning sweetie! How'd you sleep?" I yawned, signaling them to be quiet.

They pointed to the presents and I went to go sit down, I heard Vincent come down the stairs and sit right next to me.

I ripped my first one open that was from 'Santa'. It was a bath and body works set.

I was never really too into Christmas, mostly cause I had to wake up early. I finished opening the rest of my presents along with Vincent and took a couple family pictures. I thanked everyone and said I had to go give Daniel his present. They happily let me go without so much as a goodbye.

There was no present; I just wanted to have a chance to explain everything to Daniel...And to punch, Simon in his pretty little face. I didn't even bother changing from my pajamas, I just walked over to the Foster household.

"Oh, good morning Ella! Merry Christmas! Please, please, come in, honey." I smiled nicely as she invited me in. "Daniel is in bed sulking. He wont tell us why though. Maybe you could cheer him up?" She questioned hopefully.

I nodded, seeing, Simon with a cocky smirk plastered on his face, leaning against the staircase handle.

I had to take deep breaths when I was walking past him, or else I would have slaped him right in front of his mother. I need to maintain the 'Angel' status Ms. Foster thinks I have.

I knocked on his door, hearing nothing in response. "Daniel?" The door opened soon after I said that.

"You don't have to apologize, Babydoll. I knew this would never work out anyway. I knew that I was never good enough for you." He explained. "What? No, no!" He looked puzzled.

"I never broke up with you. That was just, Simon trying to annoy me." Right after that sentence came out of my mouth, Daniel let out a relieved gasp. "Oh thank, God."

I smirked, "So, what I'm getting from this whole situation, is that you need me in your life. Huh badboy?"

He blushed at the accusation, "Well, I do love you." He stressed the word 'love'.

"Ok, whatever you say Mr. Badboy." I said, straddling him and kissing him. When I pulled away, I asked, "Did you open presents yet?" He nodded. "Just boring stuff." Daniel paused, looking at me, "But you're the real present, Babydoll." Rolling my eyes, I asked, "So do you like my pajamas?"

He shrugged, "Eh, they could be a little more revealing." I slapped the back of his head lightly, "You pervert." I joked, laughing.


*2 weeks later*

"Ugh great, we have Mr. Umpa-Loompa today." I whined. Yasmina laughed, "That's not his name and you know it, Ella."

"I know. I just hate his class so much."

"Well its the first day back, so every class is gonna be hard."

I sat down in his class, starring at the clock the whole time, watching the time aimlessly tick by.

'I cant wait till spring break'. I thought to myself, craving another vacation from this school.



The teachers phone rang and he answered it. "Ella, please report to the principals office."

I groaned, picking up my bag and walking 30 freaking miles to the office. "Yes Mrs. Hamhoff?" I asked the principal. "You've been selected from few of the many students that attend Hillsday High school here, to graduate early."

I stood there, shocked. "What?" I asked, dumb founded

"Ella, the school has selected 50 students to graduate early, due to perfect grades, extra credits to graduate with, and an outstanding mind. And you're one of them." She grinned.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you!" I squealed.

"We will be having a mini graduation ceremony this week."

"I'll be there!"

I cant believe this. I'M GRADUATING 5 MONTHS EARLY. Looks like that little vacation I craved is finally here, plus that gives me more time to look for colleges to apply to.


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