Apologizing to both badboys

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The whole week zoomed by without me speaking a word to Yasmina or Daniel. Brandy and I barely even talked either. But finally, it was the night of Brandy's party and I knew what I had to do to make it all better.

I applied my last bit of eye shadow and moved onto my hair, which was the most hard part of my outfit, I sighed and just left it as I was. I decided that I didn't really wanna look showy for this party, seeing that I had no one to impress. I just slipped on jeans and a red tank top. This is my last chance to make everything right, I cant mess it up like I have everything else.

I grabbed my phone from off of the counter, and got into my car. By the time I had gotten to Brandy's house, I could already see a bunch of cars parked all over her property. I slowly and carefully parked my car in her driveway. Stepping out, I made sure my phone was in my pocket and made my way to the door. 

Brandy opened the door and greeted me, I quickly told her I was gonna apologize to everyone and apologized to her for being a brat. When I walked in, instantly, I saw Felix and Yasmina kissing. I'm guessing either she was drunk or Heather has already changed her, cause she hates public affection with anyone. I walked past her and went upstairs, I figured Daniel was probably up there. He's the first one I'm gonna apologize to. Much to my benefit, I saw him sitting in the hallway on his phone with a can of Sprite next to him. Luckily I wouldn't have to deal with a drunk guy again.

"Hey." I said awkwardly waving. He looked up at me and looked back down at his phone, I walked to him and sat down next to him. "Why aren't you drinking tonight?" I asked. He shrugged, "I don't know , I'm not really in the mood to have a hangover in the morning." I nodded and continued, "Look Daniel, I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to offend you, or to tease you like that. I guess I just liked the attention from Hayden. As much as I hate to admit this, you're a really good friend to me and I don't want you to cut me off like this just cause I made a mistake." He shut his phone off and put it in his lap, "I forgive you. But it wasn't that you were hanging out with Hayden or 'Teasing' me-" He used finger quotations when he said teasing, "- It's that I was completely ignored, and on the off chance that you did socialize with me, you had such an attitude." 

My heart sank when he said this, God, I'm such a female dog. I looked back up at him and lightly kissed his cheek. I got up and was gonna walk away until he grabbed my hand at the last minute and pulled me down again. He pulled me into a deep kiss, and frankly, I enjoyed it. It's the type of kiss that I've been craving every time I kissed Hayden. Not so much the type of kiss though, more like the person whom I'm kissing.

The kiss broke when I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs, I looked towards the stairs and saw a drunk looking couple heading to one of the bedrooms. God how I pity Brandy, she has to sleep in that bed. "Look Daniel, I gotta go apologize to a couple other people, but when I'm done, we can resume." I smiled. He nodded and went back on his phone.

I trotted down the steps and searched for Brandy, but instead I found the one and only Trent Flores.

The guy who took my virginity.

When I was younger I used to be a really shy person, but that all changed when I met Trent. Not only did he change me into a whole different person, but he also hurt my brother. They used to be best friends but that stopped when he took my virginity. He just made everything so complicated. When I met Trent he helped me get loose and learn how to party and 'Have fun' but I stopped when I separated myself from him. I haven't drank a sip of alcohol since then, and I don't plan to. I don't wanna make another mistake like that again. Thank God I didn't get pregnant though, that would have been bad.

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