Hanging with the bad boy

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After school I drove straight home and enjoyed the peace of my own car. Today was the first day since Sophomore year that I didn't have to drive Yasmina home after school. It's not that I hate having to make the extra stop, it's just that she tends to not pay for gas very often. My parents of course, provide for Vincent's gas weekly so he doesn't even have to ask his friends.

When I finally got home I went up to my room and took the homework out of my bag so I could finish this project alone. I'll just forge some answers; Daniel won't care anyway. Just as I was in the middle of writing his supposed middle name my phone buzzed. I turned the screen up and saw it was an unknown number. With that, I declined and resumed trying to come up with a lame name to embarrass Daniel. I feel like Daniel Eugene would fit perfectly.

My phone buzzed again and I answered it this time, I know it was probably a stupid decision but I needed to be distracted from this project anyway.

It wasn't stupid because there could be a potential serial killer on the other end; it was stupid because it was Daniel and now I was stuck in a conversation with him. I was still upset from the assumption he pushed onto me earlier today.

"Hello?" I greeted rather unhappily.

"Well you're chirpy," his sarcastic voice echoed, of course he'd have bad reception.

Rolling my eyes, I spoke in a dissatisfied tone "what do you want Daniel?"

"I'm coming over to finish the assignment. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"You cant just invite yourself over like that," I stated nonchalantly, looking down at my homework and working on it, basically ignoring Daniel at this point.

"I didn't invite myself, Vincent did. We're going to a party later. You're welcome to come, Babydoll."

I hung up and stomped over to Vincent's room. I pounded on his door and he opened it, "What do you want, Ella?" I tightened my jaw, "Don't call me that. Why did you just invite Daniel over? Did you even get mom and dad's permission?" I fumed and burned my eyes into his. He nodded so I proceeded "But we have school tomorrow, why are you guys going to a party that you're probably gonna get drunk at?" "Cause we can," And with that, he slammed his door in my face.

I walked back into my room and called Yasmina; of course, it went straight to voicemail. She was probably still with Felix. Sighing, I sat back down at my desk and finished writing down questions, making sure to leave a space for whatever answer Daniel would come up with.

When the doorbell rang I decided not to get it and rather let the person who invited him answer it. When it became clear that Vincent wouldn't be getting up anytime soon and Daniel kept ringing the doorbell, I jogged downstairs angrily and swung the door open.

He walked in and as I tried escaping to my room, he followed me. "Stop following me," "Look, Ella, I'm not trying to get a bad grade in this class. So lets just get this done, okay?" He asked, giving me an irresistible smile. "I'm perfectly fine doing it by myself if you just wanna go with Vincent," he shook his head at this and looked at me expectedly.

I swallowed my annoyance and led him into my room. He shut the door behind him and I said, "Woah woah woah, buddy, don't shut that door. What do you think were gonna do in here? Keep it open," at this, Daniel gave me a once over and looked at the door again, reluctantly cracking it open.

I sat down at my desk, and told him to sit on the floor if he wanted. "Lets continue. What's your blood type?" I questioned.

"I don't know, probably B-positive. That's what my parents have. You?"


"Okay, whats the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?" He asked.

Shrugging I said, "I don't know, I don't really embarrass myself too often. You'd have to ask Vincent," I then shuddered, recalling how many stories Vincent probably had saved up. "You know what, never mind. Just make something up."

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