Fighting with the bad boy

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Ever since last week, everything has been awkward between Daniel and I. Every time he came over, we would catch each other starring and quickly look away. I still have his phone and plan to do a lot more with it. Even Vincent has noticed the tension between us. 

The house beside us has been vacant for a week now, and a bunch of people have toured it. But still, no new residents. I sighed as I looked out of my window. I shook my head and closed my blinds, pushing myself off of my window seat. "What's wrong?" Brandy asked as she devoured all of my popcorn. I shrugged and sighed, "I don't know, its just that... I kissed Daniel. But this time, it.. it was just so much more meaningful, and I felt sparks. And Daniel, he just... he's been ignoring me," I explained.

"See now, I feel like this is the type of situation where Yasmina would be a huge help right here." She said jokingly. I smiled a bit before letting it fall back into a sad expression. "Awe, C'mon, Ella. You don't need him anyway. He's just a playboy who's meaningless." I shook my head, "But you don't understand, Brandy." She shoved another handful of popcorn into her black hole of a mouth.

"I wish Yasmina wasn't in detention." I rhetorically stated. "Same." Brandy agreed, "But have you heard anything from, Heather? Has she said anything about Daniel to you?" I hopelessly asked Brandy.

"No. Sorry Ella, she hasn't spoken a word to me ever since I started hanging out with Yasmina and you. But what she has done was make my life hell. Like yesterday when you weren't here, she told Jacob to break up with me! And the day before that, when I was in history class, she was talking to Sarah and when the teacher looked back for an explanation, she pointed to me. And guess who got a lunch detention for 2 days? Me!" I sighed and said, "Ugh, shes such a female dog, what are we gonna do about her?"

She shrugged and I watched as my door opened, showing Vincent, "Dinners ready." I nodded and hopped off my bed along with Brandy. I moped sadly downstairs, while Brandy was practically  a reincarnation of 'The Flash'. I almost laughed, thinking about the fact that she loves food so much.

When I was fully downstairs, I almost groaned in anger. Not only was Daniel in MY, (Well not really mine, but you get the point.) House, but he was also in my seat. 

I stomped over to him and practically yelled, "What the heck Daniel! First you decide to kiss me, then ignore me and now your acting like nothings happened! What's up with that?! Get the heck ou of my seat! I've had enough of you, Daniel freaking Foster!" I demanded.

He looked at me dumbfounded before my mother scolded, "Ella Grace Nash! Apologize this instant! I've had enough of your attitude this past week. But you will NOT I repeat NOT, give attitude to this poor young man. Say sorry and then go to your room! Now, Ella."

I rolled my eyes, "I hate you." I stated meanly to Daniel. "Ella!" my mother yelled, "Take your food and leave to your room, NOW! And your grounded for 3 weeks!" I tightened my jaw and stole my food from the kitchen table.

"C'mon Brandy." I insisted. She took her food from the table politely before thanking my mother for the wonderful meal and following my to my room. Once we got there, I didn't close the door because I wanted to hear what my putrid family had to say about me behind my back.

I took a bite of my chicken and waited for my mother to speak. When she finally did, I couldn't wait to hear what she had to say, "I'm sorry for the way she acted. She's probably just angry at a bad test grade or something. She'll be happy again by tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Happy again my-" Brandy's eyes widened before she interrupted, "Ella, I think you should just go apologize, I'm hosting a party next weekend and I really want you to go. And you cant if your grounded. " I ignored her and listened, "So Daniel, have you and your family spotted a house that you guys like?" There was a brief silence before his voice filled the air.

"No, not yet. We're looking for one that's 2 stories and is near the school." I heard my mother gasp happily before saying, "The house right next door to us is currently vacant, and has both of those qualities. You should tell your parents about it. It would be just splendid to have such amazing neighbors like the Foster family. Our last neighbors were absolutely horrid."

For the remainder of the dinner, I just spoke to Brandy and checked my phone every 10 minutes, waiting for it to be 5:30. That's when I'm picking Yasmina up from detention.

I cleared my plate of food, and brought it downstairs, rinsing it off and going back upstairs.

Brandy's mom eventually requested her presence at her house, so I drove her home and on the way back to my house, I stopped by the school and picked up Yasmina, making sure to fill her in on every last detail about what happened.

she gave me the kind of advice only a best friend could give, also known as the best kind. She also got a bit violent in her little rant about how much of a disrespectful little piece of trash he was. She mentioned that next time he does this to me again, shes gonna twist his arm behind his head and kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

I thanked her for the future reassurance, before asking her what happened in detention. "Well, Felix got a detention today for sleeping through his math class, sooo... We sat next to each other and we talked for the whole time. He even asked me out this weekend. We're going on a date to go see some horror movie. Of course, I only chose it cause then I'll have a reason to snuggle up to him and maybe have a make out session wit him." I rolled my eyes and said, "Ew. Do you want me to get sick?" I asked sarcastically.

"Wait, is Daniel still at your house?" I shrugged and said, " I don't know, probably, why?" She smirked and said, "I'll walk home, just bring me to your house. I've gotta teach a certain someone a lesson."

I raised my eyebrows curiously, not knowing where this was going. We got to my house and Yasmina immediately got out of the car, stomping up the driveway. I quickly followed her inside and into Vincent's room, where Daniel and Vincent were playing some stupid game on his Xbox.

"Hey, buddy, square up." Yasmina ordered Daniel as she barged into Vincent's room. He looked at her confused before I saw her rage go up a notch. "Look, buddy, I'm not the person you wanna play dumb with right now. When I say square up, I mean square up! Go on, get up." She insisted, he got up while chuckling, yep she was getting more angry by the second. "You know what you are? You're a dirty no good playboy who used my best friend. Who the heck just kisses a girl and then ignores her for a week?! Huh?! Who!?" He shrugged and her breathing picked up.

Before I knew what was happening, her fist met his face and he fell to the ground, probably because of the shock. "Don't ever hurt my best friend again." He held his cheek and said, "What the heck Yasmina!" She shrugged, "You messed with the wrong Latina." She said innocently. He got up and practically yelled, "I didn't do jack to you! You're lucky your a girl. If you weren't you would be on the floor."

"Ya wanna go?! Cause I swear to God I will beat you down." Yasmina threatened, "Or are you just gonna use the excuse that I'm a girl?" She put her fists up I just stood there, not wanting to get in the way when Yasmina hurts Daniel.

Vincent interrupted their banter and took Yasmina out of the room, along with me. But before he slammed the door in our faces, Yasmina threatened once more, "If you ever hurt Ella again, I will kick you so hard in your freaking face!"

That was the threat that ended the night before I drove Yasmina back home to her parents. Not wanting her to walk home with so much anger on her mind.

so... up top is brandy. this chapter was a little spicy, right? anywho, since I only uploaded 1 chapter last week, this is a chapter that I was gonna post last week, but got postponed because of the hurricane. so there WILL still be 2 chapters this week, and they will be very saucy! xoxo-molly

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