Saying goodbye to the badboy

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I grinned as I put on my cap and gown. I finished up my eyeliner and walked downstairs to take pictures.




My mother was taking non-stop photos of me, trying to 'Savor the moment'. We all got into my dad's car and drove to my highschool. "Oh, I cant believe my baby is graduating!" My mom gushed.

We pulled up and walked into my auditorium. I saw some kids already sitting down, so we quickly walked over to the area and sat down.

My principal started calling names, "Emilie Usk." This blonde girl walked up the stage, shaking my principals hand and taking her diploma. She repeated this process until she called my name.

My heart dropped. Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, I repeated in my head.

I got up and my heels clicked against the porcelain tile floor. I took deep breaths as I shook her hand, hearing the loud echoing claps of my fellow students and my family.

I took my diploma and sat down.


My mother insists on having a little graduation get-together for me.

I decided that I only wanted 3 specific people at my party




The only people who have supported me through everything this year. I called them all over, except Daniel. All I had to do was through pebbles at his window to get his attention.

Therefore, I ran upstairs and opened my window, leaning on my windowsill. I threw my mothers garden pebbles until I finally received his attention, "Hey, Babydoll." He greeted once he opened his window. "I'm having a graduation party tonight. Wanna come?"

He smirked, "Ha ha." He laughed sarcastically, "It's not graduation time yet babe." Oh... right. I haven't told him yet. "Um... I actually got accepted to graduate early!"

His smirk dropped from his feature, "What?" I looked at him, loosing my smile too. " I got accepted to go to college early."

"Ella, why are you gonna leave me like that." I felt bad saying this, but it had to be done, "Daniel, I'm sorry, but my education will always be before everything else, so yes. I'm gonna graduate. But I wont forget you" He shook his head, not believing what I was saying, "Whatever, Ella. Have fun tonight."

"What? You're not coming?" He didn't answer, just shut his window and brought his curtains together, blocking my vision into his messy room.

Great. What have you done, Ella.

I sighed, not knowing what to do next. I decided to take a walk, so I grabbed my phone from off my desk and walked out of my house.

I walked on the grass, due to my street not having any sidewalks. I hummed along with my music as it played. Walks were to relaxing to me, they had always calmed me down and gave me a time to think. I looked down at my phone to see a text from Daniel:

Don't worry Babydoll, I'll come I just needed time to think about everything.

I sighed happily and decided to walk back to the house, little did I know what fate had in store for me.

As I crossed the street, I saw bright headlights, coming straight for me. I just stood there, no matter how much my brain screamed at me to run, my body wouldn't move. My blood rushed through my veins as I waited for the impact; My lips trembling from the fear, as I shed multiple tears. I clenched my eyes shut, and then I felt it.

I screamed in pain as the huge truck smashed into me, but almost as soon as It came, it was gone. All I saw was black.


I woke up, IV tubes inserted into my wrist. I looked beside me, seeing a machine tracking my heart beat. It was very low and slow.

It felt like there was a million pounds on my chest, then I saw Daniel sleeping in the corner of the room in a chair.  "Daniel?" I chocked out, feeling my throat being dry. He bolted up, wiping drool from the sides of his face, "Ella?!" I smiled weakly. "Oh my God, I thought I'd never get to hear that angelic voice again." He sighed happily, "No, I need to tell you something, Daniel." I tried to focus sternly, feeling tears well up in my eyes. "I-I want you to know that I love you so very much, Daniel. You're my first love-" I began, but than tears rolled down my face quickly, "No, Ella, don't say it. You're gonna live." I shook my head as much as I could, silently debating the subject.

"Daniel, listen to me. I'm GONNA die." I stressed the word 'gonna'. "No... no, Ella! Their gonna save you!" He said furiously, refusing to believe the facts.

"Daniel, I'm gonna die. Just look at me for God's sake! I'm barely breathing and I cant even move my fingers!"

"Ella, that just means you're recovering." He began crying, starting to accept it. "No, Daniel."

"I love you, Ella."  "I love you too Daniel. But please, I want you to be able to move on."

he shook his head, "No! I wont move on, Ella! Your the first girl I've ever loved!" He said, standing up and pushing the chair away. 

My parents came in and saw Daniel crying, they comforted him and spoke to me, "Oh, Ella. its gonna be okay. Don't worry."

"Mom.... I love you so much. But please, don't make me suffer any longer. I've already fulfilled my life mom. I don't need anything else out of it-" I whimpered, crying worse than before. "Just-please. Tell them to pull the plug."

She looked at me, fighting back tears in her eyes, "No Ella, your just a baby still. I cant let you die." She gasped. "Mom, its not your choice."

She kissed me on my forehead and nodded, "Okay Ella, if that's what you want. But remember, you cant come back from this one." She cried, still hugging me. Her tears left stains on my gown. She left the room with my dad. Daniel came back over to me, "I'll love you forever, Ella. Just please, remember that."

I nodded lovingly, he kissed me on my lips gently before the nurse came in, silently and slowly,  filling up a syringe with a liquid, asking me if I was ready. I nodded, letting 2 more tears slip out, staining my face even more. She started to inject me as Daniel looked at me sadly, still crying. "Goodbye Daniel." I whispered as loud as I could. Even if he couldn't hear me, at least I said it.

My mother just sobbed into my dads chest, gripping onto his shirt, almost ripping it.

Just as my eyes were closing for the last time, I saw Vincent rush into my hospital room, panicked and almost crying. That was the last thing I saw.

guys, im crying!!! this chapter had me in my feelings. but this is gonna be a long authors not so be prepared, so im extremely happy I got the chance to write this book. it was a fun experience for me. but just as I felt it was like every other book on wattpad, I wanted mine to stand out, to be different. so I left feeling in the last chapter.  I hope you guys loved reading ISTBBP I honestly put so much effort into this book. the characters left a mark in my heart. especially Daniel cause DAMNNN. but I do regret not making this longer, but don't fear young ones, I will be making another book. idk when it'll be up, but soon okay? ok. so I just wanna thank you guys for getting me to 900 in 4 months! like what!!! I hope we get more even when I done writing this book. okay, well im done being emotional now. but my next book will be hella fire. so please read it. why? because im thirsty for reads/votes. so please make a donation and give them to my next book. lmao but okay, byyyeee-xoxo-molly

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