Teasing the bad boy (Part 1)

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The entire weekend went by slowly and painfully.

Not just because I had nothing to do, but also because Yasmina and I haven't talked yet. To add to the stress, Vincent has been bringing a lot of girls home. Plus its been virtually impossible to sleep with the moaning going on at 2 am in the morning.

I never thought i'd say this, but thank god Monday rolled around. Now I wont be grounded and hopefully there wont be any 'Late night sessions' going on next door.

I dreaded getting up from my oh-so-comfy bed. I trudged to my bathroom and noticed my dark under eye circles. I groaned and applied the tiniest of makeup. I felt like being a child today, so I put my hair in a ponytail and put a tiny bow in it. I finished my morning routine and went to my closet, searching endlessly for something to wear.

When I noticed that it was getting late, I just grabbed a flowy yellow dress and slipped on some grey flats, rushing downstairs and shouting my goodbyes at 6 in the morning. Vincent had already left for school.

Brandy told me that Felix was bringing Yasmina to school, so I guess that's one less worry, right? Instead I did brandy a favor and grabbed her, since she usually takes the bus.

I pulled up to her house and texted her

I'm here

She came out of her front door pretty quickly and opened my passenger door, greeting me so we could go to school.

When Brandy and I walked in, the whispers started, almost right after I stepped foot in school. I let a couple curse words escape my mouth under my breath, wondering what I could have possibly done this time. Brandy pulled my over to the water fountain and whispered, "Hayden Davis is gonna ask you out." I shook my head and laughed half heartedly, "No way. He's WAY out of my league." Hayden was one of the biggest playboys in the school aside from my brother and  Daniel. He's also never dated anyone, like ever. He's only hooked up with them and ditched them. "Yes! That's what everyone was whispering about." She insisted excitedly. I rolled my eyes, "Alright, I'll play along. Even if he WERE to ask me out, it would probably just to be to get to you or Yasmina. But she's not even talking to me. Now shes too busy with Felix, exchanging saliva and talking to Heather's clique. I guess she's using not being hated by Heather to her advantage."

I sighed heavily and said, "Bye, I gotta go to class, I'll see you in chemistry." She smiled weakly and nodded. Having that conversation just brought my mood down tremendously. Now I'm not gonna lie, Hayden was extremely hot and as much as I don't wanna admit this, Daniel is still superior in the looks department.

I took a seat in my math class and listened as the teacher rambled on about X's and Y's. I heard someone sit down next to me, so naturally, I looked and saw none other than Hayden Davis, sitting next to me.

He usually sat in the back, what the heck is going on here? The rumors cant possibly be real, this is probably just a coincidence. I shrugged it off and got lost in my thoughts.

Why isn't Daniel here today?

Did I do something wrong?

Was he mad at me for stealing his phone and keeping it?

Is he just sick?

Is he out making out with some girl at the mall, being his usual playboy self?

I don't know why my thoughts were only on Daniel, but they were. I cant help it if I cant get my mind off of the alarmingly hot teen boy living next door to me. The teachers voice erupted through my mind as I shook myself from my thoughts, "Ms. Nash, would you care to tell us what you got for number 4?" I smiled awkwardly and looked down at my paper. I cursed under my breath, due to only seeing hideously drawn hearts on my paper. "Um, what was the question?" I asked hopelessly. "72 divided by y equals x times 12" I shrugged and guessed, "9?" He nodded and congratulated, "Good job, Ella." I nodded and let out a breath I've been holding.

I felt my shoulder get nudged and looked to my left, where Hayden was sitting. But he didn't have a perverted smirk like Daniel did when he messed with me in class, he had more of a flirtatious smile or dare I say, loving?

"Can I talk to you after class?" Like the awkward potato that I am, I nodded geekily and looked down to my paper filled with hearts. I continued to scribble some more and get lost in my thoughts simultaneously.

I know that Hayden's a player, but I've seen him flirt with girls since the 6th grade, and he's never flirted like this. I think the 'Rumors' may actually be true. I felt all giddy like a little girl now. The 2nd hottest guy in school may ACTUALLY have a crush on me!

The bell eventually released us from our own personal hell called math and we rushed out of that horrid classroom. I grabbed my books and briefly glanced up and saw Hayden leaning against the teachers desk, "Ready?" I smiled and nodded throwing my bag over my shoulder, and walking with him. He was walking me to my next class, casually and all gentlemen like, when I felt his hand wrap around my waist.

I instantly saw all of the girls whispering, pointing and giving me dirty looks. I guess the rumors were right, maybe he DOES like me.  He moved closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Wanna see a movie tonight?" Chills were sent down my spine when he spoke. I nodded, not really knowing what he said, but still wanting to do it if it was with him. "Good, I'll see you tonight. Here's my number, text me your address, gorgeous ." My legs were getting weak every time he touched me. He gave me a slip of paper with numbers on it and he continued walking me to class.

When I arrived, I waved goodbye to him and sat in my chemistry seat next to Brandy. "Whats up with you?" I blushed even harder at the thought of it and shook my head happily, almost like a giddy little girl or something like that.

She smirked devilishly and said, "He asked you out, didn't he?" I nodded and she practically screamed with joy. "But is Daniel gonna be okay with this?" I shrugged and retorted, "I don't know, and I honestly, don't care. He didn't seem to care if I was jealous when he hooked up with Heather. So screw him." She laughed and said, "Good for you." In a genuinely supportive way. I nodded in agreement and said, "Plus, if he's hooking up with Heather, than he obviously doesn't want me." She raised her eyebrows, signaling that someone had just walked into the class. I turned my head and saw Daniel walking in, smirk and all. He took a seat next to me and whispered, "Hey Babydoll." Seductively.

I rolled my eyes and whispered, "I thought you weren't coming today?" The chemistry teacher gets extremely mad when you talk during his class, so I have to whisper if I want any answers from the playboy. "Well its kinda hard to wake up at 6:00 in the morning and get ready when you've been... active all night." I rolled my eyes once more, and added, "Oh, and about that. Either get a different room or don't be so loud in the middle of the dang night." His smirk widened and he said, "So you heard us, didn't you? Did you like what you heard?" I shook my head with much attitude, "Oh, and don't say that theres no other rooms for you because I've been in that house before, and theres 4 rooms. Pick one of em'."

"I already have Babydoll, its the one right across from yours." I took a deep breath and whispered very quietly, "Well be as loud as you want tonight, I'm going out."

"Oh, where?" I shrugged, "I don't know Hayden's picking." His eyes widened, "Why are you going out with him? Do you like him? Does he like you?" I smirked and crossed my arms, letting him continue, "You know he's a playboy, right? He takes girls on dates and then uses them." I shrugged, "Ella, don't do this. He's just gonna use you." "And what makes you so sure of that. Isn't that what you did to every girl in this class? Isn't that what you were trying to do to me?"

He gulped and said, "Whatever, just don't say I didn't warn you."

'And the games have just begun', I thought to myself.

HEY FRANNSS, so I added a character to the book, and hes at the top of the chapter. if you want a better feel of what hayden looks like, just search sam clafin. xoxo-molly

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