Brandy's dating the badboy!

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Daniel and I were chilling on the couch, sort of watching TV, sort of making out. My parents were at work so it was just Daniel, Vincent, Brandy and I.

"We're gonna go upstairs." Vincent said, taking Brandy's hand.

Once Daniel and I were alone, I said, "So can I get my shoes back now babe?" He shrugged, "I don't know, Babydoll. Are you ready to make the trade?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine, lets play that game. I'll just prank text a couple of your contacts."

His eyes widened as he said, "You wouldn't dare."

I smirked and straightened my shoulders, "Try me."

He leaned and and kissed my lips, "Nah, you can keep my phone as long as I can kiss you. But I love you though."

"Whatever." I got up off the couch and turned the TV off, checking my phone.

All of a sudden, I was tackled by Daniel who was screaming, "Ella say you lovvvvveeeeee mmmmeeee" I pushed him off and laughed, "I love you." I giggled

My brother came downstairs with Brandy and said, "What's going on down here?"

Daniel got off me and defended, "She wouldn't say she loved me" He paused to try to hold in his laugh and then continued, "So I tickled her until she did."  Brandy rolled her eyes and screamed in a joyful tone.

I covered my ears and said, "What happened."

"Vincent's my boyfriend!" I ran to her and squeezed her in a hug.

"Really? Yay! I cant believe he's finally settled in and done with his playboy ways!" I said, forgetting Vincent was behind me. "You're lucky im happy Ella. But yeah, shes my first in a very long while and I'm happy." He said blushing.


The rest of the day went by with me just teasing and asking Brandy questions. I told her about Daniel stealing my shoes and she came up with a plan; A stupid plan, but still a plan.

I listened carefully as she explained it. "When he goes to sleep tonight, I'll sneak into his house and carefully unlock his window. Then you'll jump across your window and into his, and hopefully not fall in between his yard and yours. Then once you get in, we'll look all over his room very quietly for your shoes. Then when we find them, we'll throw them one by one through his window and into yours. Then boom, you got your shoes back." She smiled when she was done, obviously being very proud of her plan.

I laughed and shook my head, "There are a couple flaws in your plan, would you like to know them?" She rolled her eyes and nodded, "Well, first of all, how would you even break into his house without setting off his security system. Second of all, if you did miraculously get into the house without anyone knowing, why couldn't I just follow you through the unlocked door? Why would I have to risk my life and jump from a two story house into another two story house? And lastly, he would wake up while we were getting the shoes back. He's a light sleeper."

She poked me teasingly, "How do you know if he's a light sleeper or not, Ella? Wouldn't you have to have slept with him to know that." I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Yeah, he fell asleep on our couch once when Vincent and him had movie night, otherwise known as, 'No girls, food, games and laughing at dirty jokes'"

She laughed at the way I described it and said, "Let me just quickly call my mom to tell her that I'm gonna be staying the night." I nodded and stayed silent as she spoke to her mom.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, its time to initiate the plan." She said with a devilish grin on her face.

"I'm not jumping out of my window!" I corrected Brandy. She groaned, "Ugh, fine. What do YOU suppose we do to get your shoes back?" I shrugged at her question/accusation.

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