Raising a (fake) baby with the badboy

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This weekend was one of the worst weekends ever. But thankfully it's over and I can start a new week. I saw Daniel by my locker and smiled, waving to him. But what I didn't see, was Heather across the hall from him. She walked towards him seductevly and put her hand on his shoulder.

I picked up my pace and saw him, "Hey Daniel. Can I see you for a second?" He nodded as I pulled him aside. "Vincent and I are inviting a couple friends over for our birthday, wanna come?" He smiled ad kissed my lips, "Sure."

"Thanks." I replied. I don't really know what you would call us now, friends with benefits maybe? I'm not really sure anymore.

I walked to class and began thinking, since we can only invite 10 people each, who should I invite. Well 5 people are for sure.






I'm only bringing Felix because Yasmina barely gets to spend time with him, mainly due to him having soccer practice, and her having an overload of homework. Also cause they only have two classes together.

Vincent wont stop asking me to give him my extra five people since im 'Not gonna use them' He says 'Why let them go to waste when he can use them'.

I took my seat in Health class and watched as the class slowly filed in. Daniel had sat to the left of me and I watched as Trent struggled to find a seat. I called him over, "You can sit here Trent." I said, patting the seat to the right of me. He gladly smiled and sat next to me.

"Okay class. Today's a fun day guys. You're gonna love it. I promise." She grinned. I rolled my eyes, realizing that it was gonna be the worst class of the day. "You're getting babies!!" She exclaimed. We all groaned and I heard someone whisper, "So this is what the seniors were talking about last year when the said, 'Health class is gonna be hell for you guys next year'"

She pulled out a gigantic box of robotic babies and said, "I'm gonna first ask you guys to pick a partner to work with this on. They must be the oppisite gender, that is of course unless you are homosexual. You may begin." She said. I turned to both of them, not knowing who to pick.

"Wanna flip a coin?" I asked hopelessly. They laughed and Daniel just said, "It's fine, I'll just go with Daisy." He reassured me happily. I thanked him and watched as he trailed over to Daisy's desk.

"Alrighty class, I'll give you guys about 2 more minutes before handing out the babies." We all nodded and I spoke to Trent. "So are you excited?" He laughed, "Nope." I giggled along with him, "Me neither." The two minutes went by faster than expected. She began explaining, "You guys will get one baby, I will choose the gender for you guys, seeing as in real life, you cant pick the gender, and you will have it for the full week. You will bring it to all of your classes and everywhere you go. It goes off fairly often, so you have to figure out how to calm it down. Okay?"

We all grimly nodded and listened as she called people up. We were the third pair to go up there, "Alright, you guys will get..." She began as she thought about which gender to give us. "A girl." Trent groaned, "Awe, but I wanted a boy." I slapped his shoulder lightly, "Be happy." I smiled, handing him the baby as the teacher began explaining again, "Now remember class, this project is to PREVENT you from have kids, not to encourage it. Its to show the struggle of kids and all the cons that come with a child." She finished and began calling names again.

I didn't really care for the students until I heard her call up Daisy and Daniel. "You guys will get a boy." She said excitedly. Daniel smiled slightly, celebrating the gender.

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