Christmas with the badboy pt.1

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The bright sun shone through my dark curtains, alerting me that it was time to wake up. I groaned and turned over, seeing a shirtless Daniel in my bed. I almost screamed, but decided to keep my mouth shut. We didn't... did we?

Oh God I hope not. I looked at his face as his eyes opened, "Morning, Babydoll." I smiled, "Morning, Daniel. Happy Christmas Eve."

He leaned a bit closer to me and kissed the tip of my nose. "Why didn't you go back home last night?" He looked puzzled. "Oh, cause I didn't wanna have to deal with, Simon."

Just as he finished the word, 'Simon', we heard someone shout from Daniel's room, "Awe you guys are too cute. Is that your little one night stand, Danny boy?"

Daniel tightened his jaw and whispered, "He doesn't know we're awake, just close your eyes and pretend your asleep." He held onto my waist.

Unlike Daniel had hoped, Simon spoke again, "I know you guys are awake, now get over here Daniel, mom wants you." Daniel groaned, giving me one last kiss before whispering, "Is there any chance you wanna come?"

I shook my head, very amused by the situation, "Please, Babydoll." I shrugged, "Fine."

"Get changed though, I don't want Simon seeing my girlfriend in her bra and underwear." Daniel advised, smirking. I didn't notice I was in only my undergarments until I got out of bed. I got up and fake laughed, "Ha ha Daniel. Very funny. What happened last night anyway." He raised his eyebrow, "Literally nothing. You wanted to do it, but I was too tired from bickering with Simon for 5 hours straight on a plane. So then you said it was hot, so you took off your clothes and ended up falling asleep in your bed with me."

I sighed a sigh of relief, "Oh thank the lord." He chuckled and tossed me a random shirt and skirt from out of my drawer. "You expect me to change in front of you?" He smirked, "Well, I have seen you naked before, Ella. So whats the harm?" He pointed out.

Sighing, I just changed my bra and underwear, putting on the clothes he picked out for me. We quickly walked downstairs, avoiding my family, mostly cause they would want to sit down and catch up with Daniel. Also cause Vincent would wanna tell Daniel all about my whining and how much I wouldn't shut up about him while he was gone.

Thankfully, we made it into Daniel's house without my family bothering us. My mom and dad just said a casual, "Hey, glad your back Daniel." Type greeting. Nothing special.

When we got into his house his mom greeted us, "Oh goodie, how was your night guys? I hope you guys didn't do anything too adult like." I shook my head, reassuring her.

I heard hammering feet come crashing down the stairs and I saw a guy almost as hot as Daniel. There was no doubt in my mind that they were brothers. My question is though, "What man did Ms. Foster hook up with to get these God like children?"

I snapped out of it and smiled, greeting him, "You must be, Simon, hey." He smirked, "This is a nice one night stand ya got here Danny boy. How's she in bed?" Daniel scoffed at the question, "She's not a one night stand, Simon. She's my girlfriend." He declared, grabbing my hand protectively, "Well, would you mind if I tapped that?"

That's when Ms. Foster interfeared, "Yes Simon! He would mind, and so would I! Ella is a very nice girl who deserves nothing but respect." He rolled his eyes, "Whatever." Simon said under his breath.

"When you ditch Danny boy, hit me up." I rolled my eyes sarcastically saying, "Sure"

Daniel gripped my hand tighter, making both our knuckles go white. "Whatever, we'll be in my room. Don't bother us." He muttered in a VERY angry tone.

When I got into his room, he slammed it and locked it, "Now do you see why I hate him? Why he's gonna be the death of me? He's just so..." He struggled to find the word, "Incapable. He always tries to take whats mine. And he ALWAYS succeeds! When we were growing up, my mom  always gave him whatever he wanted, and I guess that got to him, and now he thinks he can get what he wants now too. Including you."

I walked up to him and kissed him, "But he wont, okay? I'm yours, not his." Daniel smiled, his body relaxing. "Yo, are you two doin' the dirty in there?" Simon asked. I could hear Daniel curse under his breath, "What did I tell you, Simon?"

Simon chuckled from the other side of the door, "But you should know by now that I never listen, so open the door Danny boy."

"Wait here." He told me. I nodded as he unlocked the door, "What do you want?!" He asked, aggravated. "To talk to, Ella of course." He said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Well that's not happening, so bye." He attempted shutting the door, but Simon stopped it and continued walking into Daniel's room, "So Ella, wanna go out to Spumonni's  tonight?" I was in awe.

Did this guy really think I was gonna say yes, when he KNEW that I was dating his brother? "Um, no thanks, Simon."

He looked taken aback, insulted even. Like rejection is a whole new world to him. "What? Why!" I raised my eyebrows, "Because I'm dating Daniel." I say, getting up and walking over to Daniel.

"Now please go." I asked him innocently. "Fine, but I will get you Ella." He threatened, putting pressure on the word 'will'.

Once he left, I said to Daniel, "What's he talking about? He just met me." I laughed, not believing what just happened.


For the past hour, Daniel and Vincent went out to the mall, probably late Christmas shopping. While Yasmina and I gossiped about all the drama in our lives. She told me all about her special night with Felix. And I told her all about the phenomenon that was Simon.

She practically burst out laughing when I was finished explaining everything. "So-So Daniel's extremely hot brother wants to take you to dinner-" She paused so she could let out more giggles, "-And when you D-Denied him He-He almost freaked out?" I nodded and she fell of my bed, clutching her stomach.

"Ha ha, very funny. What if Felix's brother did this to you?!" She shrugged, "I don't know. But I'm gonna leave you alone for this one Ell bells." She insisted while still laughing.

She left me alone in my room, thinking about what I was gonna do to solve this whole Simon problem.


"Ok, you guys can open your pajamas tonight." My dad announced, handing Vincent and I boxes.

I opened it up and saw that my mom had gotten me pajamas from 'Victoria's Secret'. It was a lace tank top with short pajama bottoms.

Every year my mom got me pajamas and my dad got Vincent pajamas. So it was sorta like a gender type thing I guess.

"Thanks mom." I said, taking them up to my room to go put them on. When I opened my door, I saw, Simon sitting on my bed.

"Hey beautiful."

HEY PSL! I really like this chapter. so I hope you did too. btw, simon is played by the amazing mikey murphy. so what do you think about the cliffhanger? what do you think about him being in her room all of a sudden? wheres Daniel? xoxo-molly

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