Chapter Four- Fisher Girl

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A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in ages :O

Tyson stared at me with his brown eye and he looked confused.

“You’re my sister? You look like a princess.” He said feeling my tousled blonde hair falling out of its braid.

Percy and I laughed, “You’re not bad yourself big guy.”

He just smiled again. “You look just like daddy! You have his green eyes!” Tyson said pulling me into a bone crushing hug along with Percy. “We’re family!”

“Yeah Tyson! And we get another person to sit with us at the Poseidon dinner table.” Percy smiled.

“What?” I asked.

“Oh you’ll get it.” Tyson said as we left to go to the dinner hall. But I was pretty sure I wasn't going to 'get it.' This camp was very easy to understand.

Okay, the dinner hall wasn’t even a hall it was the forest floor with wooden picnic tables scattered all over the place. In the centre of everything there was a table stacked high with food.  

I approached the table and took some pizza and then I followed Percy and Tyson to the large fire burning in the middle of the clearing. Percy and Tyson scrapped a portion of food into the blaze and murmured something like ‘Poseidon’.

I understood right away what they were doing and tried my own attempt, “Poseidon, uh I mean… Dad. Can you please help me understand this huge change in my life.”

I scraped the food into the fire and  then joined my brothers at the Poseidon table. They smiled and slid a goblet across the table to me.

“What’s this for?”

"Say what drink you want.”

I looked at the empty goblet, “Lemonade?”

The goblet soon filled itself up with lemonade. Percy smiled and he himself ordered a drink, and I couldn’t help laughing when he asked for it to be blue.


“Yep, my signature colour. It’s an inside joke I have with my mom.”

“Can I join in?” I asked.

“Sure.” He smiled.

I looked at the goblet full of fizzy lemonade, “Can it be blue please?” Suddenly the drink rippled and turned blue.

I took a sip and smiled and went crossed eyed to look at my lips, “I think I have blue lips.”

Percy somehow cracked up so hard that Tyson and I joined in and soon all the cabins were watching the Poseidon cabin crack up in a silent mess hall while sipping blue drinks.  They started to talk; I caught Annabeth smiling at us.

“Campers! Quiet please! Firstly I’d like to introduce a new camper.” Chiron called out stomping his hoof on the marble platform beneath him.

He looked at me and gave me ‘Come on, you get to stand up in front of everybody,’ look. I reluctantly stood up and walked up to join Chiron; he placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled.

Being up here, you really got to see all the cabins’ characteristics. The grey eyes of the Athena cabin, the smirk of the Hermes, the fiddlers from the… was it? The Hephaestus table and the glares from the Ares kids.

“As you probably all know, Jackie here is the daughter of Poseidon, and I’m sure that news of her little…spar with Percy has spread.”

“Yeah Jackson got his butt kicked for once!” An Ares kid called out. Murmurs erupted amongst the campers, Percy went red.

“Nonetheless!” Chiron called out hushing the campers, “We will all welcome her warmly in tonight’s capture the flag round. Dismissed.”

I smiled and sat back down in my seat as the campers cheered.

I was too confused to do anything. I glanced at Percy helplessly. He mouthed the words, ‘I’ll explain later.’

Tyson got up and smiled, “I have to go, I promised Chiron that I’d build some toys for him.”

“Kay, see you big guy.” I said as he set off.

Now it was just Percy and I, he broke the silence. “Come with me.”

I followed him to what was an armoury around the back of the Athena Cabin, there were a couple of kids who were milling around but Percy led me in. I smiled, this placed was so cool.

There were weapons lining the walls and bronze breastplates everywhere. Banners littered the walls and battle plans were spread on desks.

"Hey, Leo!” Percy called out to a guy who was about as tall as my eye level. 5 foot 7 maybe? He had wild dark hair, a dangerous smirk and a sarcastic glint in his eyes which made me do a double take to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. He was obviously really ADHD, because he was fiddling with pieces of scrap metal at the speed of a squirrel that had just had 20 cups of coffee.

“Hey dude.” Leo smiled. “What you doing here?”

 “I was about to ask the same thing to you, shouldn’t you be rigging some sort of trap in the woods for tonight?”

He smirked and put whatever he held in his hand into a tool belt. “Just running some errands for Annabeth. What are you doing here? Don’t you already have a tricked out weapon?”

Percy smiled Leo, “Nah, this is Jackie Fischer my…” He looked at me for a second as if trying to remember, “… My Sister, she needs armour.”

Leo looked at me and smirked, it was making me wonder whether I should trust him or not.

“New girl, eh?” He smiled, “Well, isn’t it ironic that you’re the daughter of Poseidon and your last name is Fischer?”

I looked at him from head to toe before answering bleakly, “Yeah, ironic I guess.”

Percy cracked up and Leo’s eyes shone again with that sarcastic glint, and it was beginning to irritate me.

"And you are?” I asked.

“Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus at your service. Bad boy supreme.” He said doing a little bow.

“Bad boy supreme? Pfft, you’re looking at the queen of mischief. When the gods made me, one obviously knocked the awesome bottles over and soaked me.”

Leo gave a laugh, “You sure you’re not a Hermes kid?”

“Shut up man.” Percy smiled giving Leo a little guy punch.

I smirked, Leo seemed to notice. He smirked as well before he straightened and reached out to grab a breast plate and hand it to me.

“Ha…Try this, it’ll fit for now, but I’m no Athena kid.” He said with a smile.

“Thanks dude.” I said before putting it on and pulling out my dagger.

Thunder rumbled overhead multiple times, Leo grimaced, “Great.”

Percy laughed, “You always seem to be pushing people’s buttons…or the gods at that.”

Leo adorned an impish grin, “Oh, you know I push more buttons than anybody at this camp.”

I smiled and Percy gave another chuckle, “See you later dude, watch your back in capture the flag, you have two water cannons now who could easily put you out.”

Leo walked out the front door just after us, “We’ll see.” He smiled.

I was confused; I gave a look which probably looked like a disordered hippo. Leo seemed to notice, “See you later…Fisher Girl.”

I gave a small smile, “Later Valdez.”

And with that, Percy and I walked off to take our positions in capture the flag, it won’t be that bad.

Will it?

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