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"Does it bother you that no one knows him or talks to him?" Jackie asks, curling my hair just because I'm sick of the waves. Jackie is very good at styling hair and I trust her with my hair.

"Harry is a nice guy. He just needs a friend to open up a little," I say, my hands brushing make-up onto my cheeks.

"I just don't understand. You fuck Parker every weekend then you meet Harry and are trying to be friends," she says and I frown, looking up at her.

"What does Parker have to do with this?" I ask, her lips parting.

"Oh, I, uh, assumed you like Harry, you know," she implies, looking nervous. I had never thought of Harry that way and I don't, simply because Parker and I have the best sex on the planet.

"No. I just want to see him socialize. He's a nice enough guy and he almost got beat up the other night after the party. He's opening up to me and I want to be friends with him if no one else will," I state, her fingers twirling the curling iron.

"It just seems weird you're approaching him. He's awkward," she tells me, my eyes rolling.

"He's awkward but that doesn't mean that's his true self. He just needs a boost," I say, letting her finish my hair as I do my make-up.

"I still don't understand you and Parker though. I can't believe one of you hasn't caved into a relationship," she says, my lips pursing.

"We agreed not to. It's sex; the best sex," I say, her lips curving. She finishes and I find myself so pent up I need a release. Thank God for parties and thank God for Parker.

We get going to a party and I grab a drink, gulping it down. By the time it's gone, Parker is by me and we go up to a room.

"What's wrong?" he asks, my body laying on his longer than usual.

"I'm fucked up in the brain," I mumble, his bare chest felt against my hand. He chuckles at my blatant tone and he kisses the top of my head, holding my waist.

"What happened?" he wonders, my eyes squeezing shut. I hate talking to him about this stuff but I need to vent.

"Jackie is bitching me out for befriending someone new," I groan, my body turning over and beginning to dress.

"Why is that bothering you though?" he asks, standing and buttoning his pants.

"Because it's a guy," I say and he looks up. I know exactly what he's going to say next.

"You want to date him, don't you?" he then asks, my lips releasing a sigh.

"No. I don't. But she seems to think I want to. Why can't I be friends with a guy?" I ask, his lips curving. He walks towards me and grabs my cheeks, my eyes looking up at him.

"Being friends with guys lead to sex, babe," he grins, kissing between my eyebrows.

"You suck," I groan, shoving his chest. He just laughs and lets me go, putting his shirt on and sitting on his bed. Since it's his frat, we get his bed. It's when we have the best of the best, and it always makes me want more.

"Carly, I understand if you want to date him. I mean...you have to find someone eventually," he says, and I sit beside him. My heart is racing and I take a deep breath.

"What's her name?" I ask, knowing he's saying this for a reason. I'm smarter than he thinks.

"Tara. She's...she's cool," he grins and I look back up at him.

"Then why are you here with me?" I ask, feeling like shit now. I feel used and I feel like I'm a second thought, needing to be given attention to just because of obligation.

"Because you mean more to me than you think. You've become close to me and I hope you realize that I need to stop this. Just...until I figure out what it is I feel for Tara," he says, my eyes looking away.

I stand up and grab my phone, grabbing the glass of beer. I chug it, hearing him sigh.

"Alright, I'm good," I say, walking out of the room and slamming the door.

"Carly!" I hear him yell, then I run. I hate this feeling and I just want to be alone, running from my hell of a life at the moment.

I run back to the dorms and try to open the dorm, but it won't budge, my body sliding down the wall.

"Fuck!" I yell, slamming my hands against the ground.

I break down, crying into my hands. My sight is blurry and I get up, crying. My feet walk into the café and I just order a coffee, waving off the barista before they ask if I'm alright. I sit in the corner, crying my ass off at how disappointing my life is.

"I hate myself," I cry, running my hand through my hair.

"What's wrong, beautiful?" the woman behind the counter asks as she hands me my coffee.

"My life sucks," I sniffle, drinking the coffee.

"Boyfriend?" she wonders, my eyes squeezing shut.

"Lack of one," I say. "My go-to just found a girl."

She nods and frowns. "Sounds to me like you need to find yourself a good guy. My son never dates and my daughter is too little still. I wish I could give advice."

"I'd take anything," I say too fast, her green eyes glinting with happiness.

"I want you to know that you're young and life has just started for you. Maybe in starting school, confusion grew and commitment was scary. Try finding someone, but keep an open mind."

Her words make me feel better and I take a deep breath, trying to realize what's going on with myself. I sip the coffee and she starts cleaning glasses, my eyes staring down at the coffee.

"My friend seems to think I should date this guy I just met," I tell her, her head nodding.

"And what's he like to you?" she wonders, my lips puffing out a sigh.

"Well, he's very...weird," I start, making her smile. "He's awkward and doesn't talk to anyone. I started a conversation with him and he seemed to be...anxious."

She freezes and looks up at me, my eyebrows furrowing. "He's nice...but nervous. It's like he wants to have a friend, but then doesn't all at the same time."

"Honey, I think it'd be best if you try to talk to him. Make friends with him," she says, and I look up at her. So she wants us to just be friends too, just like what I think.

"Friends," I nod, her lips curving. I look at her and she turns to the side, her profile very similar to...

"Wait," I say, standing up. I pull my hair and she watches me, my hand slamming onto the counter.

"You...you look like him. You're..." I start, her hand grabbing my arm. "Who is Harry to you?"

My question makes her freeze and I pull my arm away from her grip, her lips parting as she looks at me.

"Harry...he's my son. Please, if you're talking to him...don't stop. He has had a horrible life. He needs a friend," she rushes, my hands running over my face. I don't think my night could get any worse. I basically bitch my life to Harry's mother and I feel lower than low. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

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Much Love!! <3 xoxo

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