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"Harry," I whisper, my heart racing. I woke up only to realize the two of us are still on his bed, his shirtless torso wrapped around me. It worries me he'll be scared and anxious when he wakes up, my hand grabbing his cheek.

"Harry, babe," I continue, kissing over his cheek. He moves his head and nuzzles it into my neck, making me smile. He's a different person when he's asleep. His body does things usually his mind tells him not to.

"No, no, wake up, sleep boy," I whisper, kissing his jaw. He stirs and I feel his arm travel up, his hand grabbing mine. His leg moves over both of mine and he nearly lays on top of me, his actions making me smile. He's so perfect and I want nothing more than to bask in this feeling.

"I'm freezing," he mumbles, his lips brushing my neck. I grab the covers and pull them over us, making us both laugh. I lean my forehead on his and he keeps me close, not minding our position or his lack of shirt. My hand cups his cheek and I brush our noses together, Harry moving over me.

I lay back and he climbs over me, my eyes closing as I feel him kiss my forehead. My eyes look at him when I feel him lean back, grabbing my hands. Then he presses them against the pillows beside my head, making me gasp.

Then he leans his head into my neck and I feel his lips pucker over my sweet spot, my lips in-taking a sharp breath.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, his hands tightening on mine.

"Kissing you," he tells me, my heat growing. Holy shit, he's going to drive me crazy with all this teasing. Harry lifts his head and I feel his breath on my lips, my head lifting to lightly grasp his lower lip in between my teeth.

Then he presses down and kisses me, the little pecks we spare making it even more teasing.

"How are, um, your piercings?" he asks, my shoulders shrugging. He lets my hands go and I grab the edge of my shirt, lifting it up. My eyes look down at my nipples and the sore skin looks much better, Harry's eyes trained on my breasts.

"They look good," he tells me, my lips curving as I look up at him. But he surprises me as he leans down, setting a soft kiss over my left nipple. My eyes close and I feel a mix of pleasure and pain, Harry's simple touch electrifying. He repeats on my right nipple and then covers my breasts, my hands grabbing his cheeks.

"You're mine," I state before I press my lips to his, his arms wrapping around me. I move my legs to wrap around his waist and he keeps kissing me, my heart racing in my chest.

A knock on the door sounds and Harry freezes, my eyes widening as well. He quickly scrambles and he puts a shirt on, my body turning. But I quickly throw a pillow and the blanket on the floor to make it look like he was sleeping on the floor.

He smiles at me and I grin, curling into his cologne scented sheets. He opens the door and I hear nothing, my eyes squeezing shut.

"What the hell are you doing? Girls shouldn't be in your room," I hear Anne, my nerves growing.

"I-I slept on the floor. S-She came here upset," he explains, my eyes then shooting open. What if she sees my bra on his chair? I'm horrified.

"Don't be stupid Harry," she says, then I hear the door close. I jump out of the bed and strip off the shirt, putting on my bra. I turn around and Harry watches me, my smile growing.

"It must be new for you to have a half naked girl in your room," I whisper, his cheeks flushing. I put my shirt back on and walk over to him, his hand grabbing mine. He pulls me into him and I look up at him, smiling up at him. Our noses brush and he pecks my lips again, my hands moving up to his chest.

"Would you stay for breakfast?" he asks, my head nodding.

"Absolutely," I tell him, his hand taking mine. We go into the hall and he leads me downstairs, but Harper comes running into me.

"You had a sleepover!" she yells, latching onto me. I hug her, laughing, and I pull back to look at her.

"I had to spend the night with Harry because I had to promise him I like him. He had to know I'm with him," I tell her, brushing some of her hair back.

"I want him to be happy. He was so happy yesterday," she whispers, my head nodding.

"He'll be happy. No worries," I promise, standing back up. She grabs my hand and we sit together at the table after I tell Anne thank you for letting me stay here. I explain to her what originally occurred and she understands; thankfully.

"Harry, are you alright?" I ask, reaching and brushing his cheek.

"Yeah. J-Just tired," he tells me, my eyes watching him close. It's not that he's tired; I think he's nervous. I take his hand and brush my thumb along his knuckles, my eyes watching him look down at his lap.

"Harry," I hear Anne say, then I watch as Harry leans away from me. My eyes widen and Anne rushes to hold him up, her arms wrapping around him from behind.

Harper grabs my arm and tugs me towards her, but my eyes are trained on Harry. He looks so distraught and I stand up, grabbing his cheeks.

"Harry," I whisper, my hands moving his hair back. Anne watches me and I brush his hair back, leaning down as Anne starts to let go. "Come back to me."

I watch as his chest heaves but slows, his lips parted and puffing out deep breaths.

"Mom, she did it," Harper says, my eyes staying focused on Harry. I don't know what Harper means but I just shake it off to look at Harry, making sure he's okay.

"It's okay," I whisper, his eyes still closed but his breathing is more controlled. But I feel him quickly grab my hand, standing up, and tugging me out of the house through the patio door.

"Harry," I say, trying to get him to slow down. But he tugs me all the way to the shed they have in their wooded backyard, his hand tugging me in front of him.

"Are you gonna tell me what's go-" I start but I'm cut off when he hugs me, his body leaning down slightly as his head leans into my neck and his arms tight around my waist. My arms wrap around his neck and I just hold him, his breathing slowing down.

"Don't go. I-I'm sorry I-I...I'm freaking out," he whispers, my hand brushing into his hair.

"Why, baby? Talk to me," I beg, his hands tight on my waist. I hug him close to ease his nerves and he lifts his head, tears brimming his eyes.

"Y-You don't...know m-me. I-I h-have extreme anxiety, and I-I have p-panic attacks when I-I get overly...worried," he tells me, my hand holding his cheek.

"It's okay. Harry, I'm right here. No worries. Nothing to worry about. I'm with you, for you, and all that you are," I remind him, his head leaning on mine. I wipe his tears away, his eyes closed. My lips press to the tip of his nose and he pulls me close, his hands not letting go of me.

"You'll stay?" he asks, so concerned.

"Of course, Harry."

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Much Love!!! <3 xoxo

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