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Carly's mad.

I've never seen her so pissed before and I know exactly the reason. She's so upset because I won't move out with her and I can't seem to do it.

I watch her, never looking away really, as she sits in the back with Harper. She barely brings a smile and she told Harper she's not feeling well, but she's mad at me.

The only reason I told her no was because I can't. I can't go out and get a job easily because people scare me. I'm only comfortable around Carly and she knows that.

When I finish moving chairs around, I turn my head back to look at her. But now she's talking to Robin's son and I feel even worse. I'm a mixture of jealousy and nerves whenever I see her around other guys.

She seems uninterested regardless, and she walks out of the hall, my eyes only following her out.

"What happened between you two?" I hear my mom ask, and I turn to face her.

"She asked me to get an apartment with her," I tell her, knowing my mom will understand. But her reaction is the complete opposite of what I had assumed would be.

"Are you serious? Oh my gosh, that's wonderful," she beams, and I feel even guiltier.

"I said no, mom," I rush, and her hands grab my arms.

"Harry, why? Are you scared of taking the next step?" she asks, my head shaking.

"W-We don't have money," I say, and she sighs.

"I've raised you too well," she grins, my stomach in knots. I just want to make sure Carly is happy all the time, and I've made her upset.

"Carly put it out there and she was more than likely nervous. But what do you want? What is your heart telling you?" she asks, my hands burying into my pockets.

"I want her. It's always her," I say, and she nods.

"Then take that step with her. All I want as your mother is to see you happy after all you've been through. She makes you happy and I live for the day to see you in love," she says, and I only find it in me to nod.

"Go talk to her," she urges and I walk out, trying to find where she is. Carly isn't in the dining hall and I go down the hall, seeing her standing on the balcony. I walk up behind her and softly grab her waist, her arms remaining crossed over her chest.

"Will you talk to me?" I ask, her eyes staying focused out.

"I'm not feeling up to it right now," she tells me, and I feel hurt too. She has a right to be upset. I flat out declined her offer to get a place together, and I can't help but think I'd be upset if I were in her position.

"Carly," I beg, her body turning around.

"What do you want to talk about, Harry?" she asks, and I grab her hands.

"I want to get a place with you," I tell her, and her eyebrows furrow together.

"Don't ridicule me. You're only saying that because you feel bad. Stick with your gut," she states and I feel at a loss of words. So I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

"But I want you happy," I say, her forehead falling onto my chest.

"You're right, so stop," she mumbles and I lift my hands to her cheeks.

"I'm not right. I'm the idiot who didn't listen to his heart," I tell her, her eyes closed as I look down at her.

"As long as I have you, I know we can do it," I tell her, her hands grabbing my wrists.

"Then what the hell are you knocking me down for? It took a shitload to mention it to you last night because I thought I'd scare you shitless," she says, my eyes widening. I can't tell what is going on. I'm horrible with that kind of stuff.

"A-And I needed to be slapped in the face to realize what I really need."

She just shakes her head and wraps her arms around my waist, my arms wrapping around her shoulders. My lips press to her hair and I keep her close.

"I'm sorry I made you upset. I didn't mean to," I remind her and she nods.

"I'm not used to putting it on the line then being hurt. I-I'm not so hurt but I was just a little...deflated. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you," she whispers, my lips pressing to her forehead.

"It's okay. I thought I'd give you some space," I tell her, and I keep her in my arms. I woke up without her this morning and that was my first clue that she was mad. Usually after our nights together, she's curled beside me and not letting me go. This time she was upset and away from me.

"I have to talk to you about something. Tonight," I say, her head lifting.

"What about?" she asks, my lips releasing a sigh.

"I-I want...I want to read you my work," I tell her, her eyebrows lifting.

"Really?" she then smiles, my head nodding.

"B-Because what if...what if I sold my work to make a living for us?" I quickly think of. And her smile keeps growing.

"Oh my gosh, that'd be so cool. But only do it if you want to and feel it's what you want," she assures me, my head nodding. I lean down and she pecks my lips, but I pull her back in for another kiss.

We go back to help my mom and we stay late to make sure everything is perfect for her. I can tell my mom is excited and I know Robin is too. They've been close for years and their marriage proposal wasn't all that special, just two people wanting nothing more than to be with each other.

"Harper, what do you want to eat?" I ask, her arms wrapping tighter around my neck as I carry her on my back.

"Let's get Noodles," she says, Carly agreeing. We go to the restaurant and I order for all of us, my eyes glancing over at them. They're laughing and smiling together and the sight makes my heart pound. Carly's the one, in my mind. I don't have any doubts about that. It's time that we need to beat.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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