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I sit in my dorm, working on homework to catch up from all I've missed. All I wanted to do was spend time with Harry and I disregarded my homework to talk to him and assure him with everything he needs.

"So would you want to get a tattoo with me tonight?" I hear Jackie ask, my eyes narrowing at her.

"I just pierced my nips for you. So no," I say, writing down a few notes in my book. A knock on the door sounds before Jackie can retaliate and I yell to come in, my head tilting to see Harry walk in. He walks towards me and I smile, his hug small as he sits beside me.

"Hi Harry. Good to see you again," Jackie says, Harry grabbing my hand.

"Y-You too," he says, then turns his head to look at me.

"What's up, Harry?" I ask, kissing his dimple before turning my head to my book.

"I-I have to talk to you," he whispers, my head nodding. He's silent and I glance at him, then realize he means alone.

"Come on," I say, leading him into the hall. He holds my hand tightly and I lean against the wall, his nerves clear.

"M-My mom..." he says, my hands tight on his. But he lets mine go and shuffles in his bag, grabbing something and lifting it up. He places a box in my hand and I look down, my eyes widening.

"She thinks we did this?" I ask, the small box of condoms in my hand clearly uncomfortable for him.

He only nods and I put the box in his bag, my hands grabbing his cheeks.

"Hey, hey, listen. If she thinks that, it's okay. But know that we don't need that. We're waiting," I assure him, his head nodding. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer, hugging me. I quickly peck his lips and then he lets me go, the two of us walking back into the room. I sit with him on my by and he works with me through my homework, my hand holding his half the time.

"Harry, you like being with Carly?" Jackie asks, my head swiveling to look at her.

"Yes," he says quickly, my fingers tightening around his.

"Wait till you get her in bed. I've heard she's the best," she says, my lips pressing together.

"Shut up, Jackie," I grit, her shoulders shrugging. Harry turns his head to me and I look up at him, his head leaning down. He only kisses my temple and I smile, so content with him.

"Is she right?" he whispers in my ear, my eyes widening. I only lean up to his ear, his body so close to mine.

"I have experience, but I don't want to pressure you," I whisper, his hand brushing my hair behind my shoulder. Then he wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple, making me feel relief.

"I-I will let you know when I want to," he tells me, my head swiveling to look up at him. He only nods and I lean into him, suddenly nervous. I've never been with a virgin before and I don't know how Harry's anxiety would act as he had sex with me. He was so nervous about seeing my breasts and showing me his shirtless torso, but we got through it.

"Don't put pressure on yourself," I tell him, then I hear Jackie laugh.

"God, you are something else Carly," she says, my eyes glaring at her. Harry then looks up and my head turns to look at him.

"Don't make fun of her. S-She's helping me," Harry states, my nerves growing. Times like these bring a relentlessly nagging Jackie, and it worries me she'll scare Harry away.

"I hope you realize that she could teach you all the sex you need to know," Jackie says and I throw a pillow at her.

"Shut the fuck up. You're jealous I found a quality relationship unlike a sex filled one like yours. Harry and I are fine just the way we are," I yell at her, shutting my laptop. I tug Harry's hand and the two of us get out of the room, his hand tugging at mine to slow down.

"I can't stand her sometimes. All she thinks I do is have sex and I don't. I like you and we don't need to do that kind of stuff and it makes me furi-" I'm cut off when his lips press to mine, my body relaxing against him as he kisses me. What a way to tell me to shut up.

My arms wrap around his waist and his hands hold my cheeks, his head pulling back as he looks down at me.

"Calm down," he whispers, my lip taken between my teeth as I look up at him. "No need to be upset. S-She doesn't know us like we do."

He kisses my forehead and I smile, his way of calming me down astonishing. I feel so good with him.

"Harry," I whisper, his thumbs brushing my cheeks. I look up at him and he watches me closely, a beautiful expression on his face.

"I won't leave, j-just because of someone's words. Y-You are with me for me, and I'm with you b-because you make me safe," he assures me, my head nodding.

I bury my head in his neck and hug him, his hands trailing my back. He's so warm and I could stay in his arms all day if he'd let me, my eyes closed as I find my comfort with him.

"Still together?" I hear Parker say, Harry tensing but I keep my strong hold on him.

"I'm never leaving him," I whisper, not minding how clingy I sound.

"You look pathetic, Carly. You should be with a man like me," I hear him call out, my body let go. I open my eyes and watch as Harry advances towards Parker, my fear growing.

"She's with me. Get over it," Harry states firmly, his fierce side making my heart pound. His muscles are clenched and give him a strong appearance and I can't get over how good he looks.

"Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do when she comes to me for a good fuck?" Parker says, pulling me out of my entrancing thoughts of strong Harry. But the next moment nearly makes my eyes fall out of my face, Harry's fist colliding with Parker's cheek.

"That's for what you did to her," Harry grits and then punches him one last time. "And she'll come to me when she wants a good fuck, asshole."

Harry lets him go and walks back to me, my eyes wide as I look at him. He is hot as fuck and he grabs my hand walking me down the hall to the community bathroom. Then he parts his lips and groans, his hand grabbing his hand. I cup his cheeks and look at him, amazed at him.

"Fuck, punching hurts," he says, my lips curving.

"You are amazing, Harry. I-I...holy shit you were so sexy," I say, his eyes looking into mine. I smile at how cute he is and I peck his lips, then he stands tall and puffs out his chest.

"I-I was just protecting you," he smiles, making me laugh into his chest. He kisses my hair and I smile, holding him close to me.

"You're perfect for me," I tell him, his arms tight around me.

"And you're perfect for me," he whispers, holding me close and wiping away all the fears.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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