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I turn over in bed, my door opening shortly after. Brown curls peek through the door and I smile, signaling for Harper to come in. Her pajamas are still on her body and she jumps into my bed, my arm wrapping around my sister.

"Momma left a note. She's out with Robin," she tells me, my head nodding.

"Why are you so sleepy, Haz?" she asks, my lips releasing a deep breath.

"Because I'm exhausted from midterms, Harp," I say, her head nuzzling into my neck. She's a little cuddlebug; my little sister my best friend for years. She's young and innocent, but no one can take away our bond.

"School is boring," she tells me, my lips pressing to her hair.

"It's not fun," I agree, making her laugh.

"Now let's go get some breakfast," I say, her squeal in excitement making me laugh. We get out of bed and I pull on a hoodie, walking down to the kitchen. Harper pulls out the bowl and I grab some baking mix, getting ready to make pancakes.

"When are you going to see Carly again?" she asks, my lips curving at the mention of my girl. Beautiful Carly was crammed in for mid-terms, and Jackie refused to let her come out of her room or out with me because I apparently 'distract' her too much. But we do homework together and help each other.

It made me mad but I couldn't find the words to argue. Jackie scares me.

"Soon enough, Harp," I say, her smile growing. We make some pancakes and she eats a few, my hands cleaning the dishes. The doorbell rings and I hear Harper walk to the door, my head turning to watch the door.

"Hey kiddo," I see Carly, my eyes widening. Blue hair. Carly has blue hair.

"You have blue hair!" Harper squeals, hugging Carly. She laughs and lets go of Harper, closing the door. I turn and walk over, only to have Carly look at me with her beautiful gaze. I've never felt this way about any girl before and I'm trying to make sure I'm honest with both myself and Carly the entire time.

I feel as though I can trust her now more than ever and I think she deserves to know why I'm the way I am. But I still have that lingering fear that I won't be good enough for her. Carly is showing me a world I never knew existed.

"Hi Harry," she smiles, my hands shoved into my pockets.

"Hey," I grin, her feet walking towards me. She moves her hands to my waist and she leans up, kissing my dimple. I wrap my arms around her and hug her close, her forehead pressed to my cheek. I turn my head just enough to kiss her temple and I let her go, telling her we made pancakes.

"Harry, can I go to Lily's house?" I hear Harper, my head turning to look at her.

"Call her first," I say, her head nodding. She calls and I turn my attention back to Carly, her smile bright as she looks at me. I can't get over how good she looks and I smile.

"She's home."

I turn my attention back to Harper and nod, telling her to be home before dinner. She agrees and walks out, going across the street to her friends' house. Then I go back to Carly and she smiles up at me, her hand grabbing mine.

"How are you?" she asks, my fingers tight on hers. She's perfect.

"Better than ever, Carls. How are you?" I ask, her bright eyes looking into mine.

"Good. I aced those midterms," she grins, my heart pounding. I have never wanted anything more than to see this girl smile.

"Plus you got blue hair now," I grin, her laugh filling the kitchen.

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