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Laying in bed with Harry has got to be one of my favorite past times. But having him trust me with himself, especially out of nowhere...I'm so astonished at this beautiful boy. He knew what he wanted and made it happened, and I'm so happy he did. Harry has no idea how amazing he truly is and I find myself happier than I have ever been.

"I could stay here all day," I whisper, his hands feeling over my bare back. We have yet to put clothes back on, still basking in each other. There's no telling when this can ever happen again, but I know right now I'm complete. Nothing after today will ever be the same. I'm fully Harry's and Harry is fully mine. I've done this before but this is completely different.

This is a boy I'm falling for and I'm unsure what to do about it.

Harry hugs me closer and I start to kiss over his cheeks, my heart pounding. Then he turns his head and meets our lips in a kiss, my eyes closing.

"I have to tell you something," he whispers, my eyes opening enough to see his lips. I simply nod, his hand lifting the sheets back over us. The sun strikes his green eyes and I find the color so beautiful, my eyes always captivated.

"I have anxiety because of my dad," he tells me, my stomach dropping. I wasn't expecting that and now I'm shocked he's opening up to me.

"Harry," I gasp, his body lifting mine so we lay facing each other on our sides, my hand holding his cheek.

"I-I would try to stand up to him, but h-he'd yell and throw things. M-My mom...got hurt a lot. H-He abused us. She kicked him out...he never came home. U-Until ten years ago," he says, my heart dropping. Harper's nine, so something must have happened.

"H-He threw me into a glass cabinet and I fell, u-unconscious. T-Then he...he raped my mom. H-Harper," he whispers, my hands grabbing his cheeks.

"Harry, stop," I whisper, his breathing quickening. I pull him against me and I whisper continuously to breathe, needing him to calm down. He then wraps his arm around me, hugging me to him closely.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here," I promise, holding my boy close. My beautiful, strong Harry.

"He's gone and won't touch you anymore. No more," I say, his eyes squeezed shut. I kiss his forehead and he opens his eyes, looking at me.

"You're strong because of that. You don't give yourself enough credit. Don't let anyone, especially him, put you down. You're my Harry, and I know my Harry is my protector," I say, his cheeks flushing. He leans up and I kiss him, knowing he needs the one action of reassurance.

"You make everything better," he tells me, my hand cupping his chin.

"I could say the same to you, baby," I smile against his lips, kissing him one more time before I get out of his bed.

"Will you come get some food with me?" I ask, fanning my hair behind me. His eyes trail my body and I smile, bending over and grabbing my panties. Once on my hips, I put my bra on and he stands, lifting his briefs on his hips.

"You want me to make you something?" he asks, my shoulders shrugging.

"What do you want to make?" I wonder, pulling my pants up. Then I put my sweater on and Harry puts his pants on, his stomach still on show. He has a very healthy body and I love looking at him. He's hot.

"Depends on what you want," he teases, my hand swatting his arm.

"I'll eat anything," I say, his hand tugging his shirt over his head.

"Then I'll make you a BLT," he says, my head nodding. He grabs my hand and we go downstairs, my body sitting at the counter as he starts to cook.

"Carly?" he says, turning from the stove.

"What's up?" I ask, his body walking towards me.

"What about your parents? I-I mean, I-I know your dad left, but you don't talk to your mom?" he wonders, my shock that he still remembers my dad present. I had blurted it out when I explained my reasoning for one night stands to him. My lack of a fatherly figure led me to feel like I needed attention from a man, so one night stands were it for me. But I got my Harry and that's better than anything.

"My mom's a workaholic and neglected me after my dad left. It was her way of coping with the pain. I turned to sex, which was probably a bad idea," I say, his hand taking mine. He kisses my knuckles and I look up at him, his green eyes connecting with mine.

"You're a lifesaver, you know that?" I say, his smile perfect.

"I'm doing my very best to show you that I want you," he says, kissing my cheek. Now I don't feel so neglected.

"Thank you, even though I think someone just wanted sex this morning," I attempt to tease, luckily getting him to laugh.

"You make every day something amazing. Honestly," he smiles, my smile unable to be wiped off my face.

He brushes his curls back and I notice how his hair is growing out, the hairs at his neck starting to curl up. He's a nice sight to look at.

He plates the BLTs and comes to sit beside me, kissing my temple before we start to eat. I wipe the mayo from the corner of his lips and he kisses mine off, making me laugh.

When we finish, we go out and walk around his backyard for a while, my hand held tightly in his.

"Would you want to come to the party with me tonight?" I ask, his head turning to look at me. He seems to be growing some facial hair and I find it so sexy, Harry undoubtedly flawless.

"Do you want to go?" he asks, my hand tight on his.

"I do. Since midterms just ended, it could be fun. I don't really drink and I don't do drugs. We could just dance and hangout," I suggest, his head nodding.

"Sounds cool," he says, and I tug him in front of me.

"Of course I'd never leave your side though. Might even leave a little early to give you a taste of what going to a party with me is like," I wink, making him blush. I kiss his dimple, so entranced by this beautiful boy.

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Much Love!!! <3 xoxo

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