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"I really do want a place with you," Harry whispers to me, the two of us lying beneath my bed sheets. The two of us aren't wearing anything, seeing as though we just had sex. He never lets me go and his hand is splayed against my back, my fingers playing with his curls.

"What kind of place would it be?" I ask, his lips pressing to my neck.

"I think an apartment would be good. A small one for the two of us," he says, my head nodding.

"I'm not expecting a mansion. Honestly, as long as we have a place to eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom, I think we're good," I say, making him chuckle.

"Will you promise me something?" he asks, my head nodding. He moves me so I lay back, his body leaning over mine.

"Will you promise me that we'll stay together?" he whispers, my head nodding immediately. I kiss his lips and he moves back over me, my hand moving down. He helps to situate himself and he presses into me again, my head rolling back.

He grabs my wrists and presses them above my head, the feeling of him taking control so sexy. His movements are teasing and I nearly lose my mind, his hands moving to mine. He keeps them above my head and he starts to suck on the skin of my neck.

"All mine," he whispers, my stomach clenching.

"Fuck me," I plead, his head shaking. I whimper, his lips covering mine.

"Let me make love to you," he breathes, my heart pounding. My legs lift and wrap around his waist, my hips meeting his to make the pleasure deeper.

"Oh my God," I pant, needing him. He keeps moving and I come hard, my body shaking. He's soon to follow and he falls on top of me, my arms wrapping around his neck.

"I love you," he whispers, my arms tight around him.

"I love you too," I tell him, his lips pressing to my cheek.

We have a lazy night, staying close together. I'm wrapped in his arms and I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face. He's the love of my life; I know he is.

I fall asleep in his arms, but I wake up to his kisses on my face. I curl closer to him and I'm wrapped tightly in his arms, my eyes fluttering open. He smiles and I smile, the sun filtering into the room just right. He's perfect.

"I love waking up to you," I tell him, his smile perfect.

"I love you," he follows up with, kissing me. I keep him close to me the rest of the morning but he has to leave for his class. We get up to get dressed and I wrap my hair into a bun, his hand tugging me into him.

"I'll start looking for places tonight," he whispers, my head nodding. He kisses me and lets me go, saying goodbye. I grab my stuff and walk to the showers, getting ready for my class.

I study tonight and I do the same the next few weeks, only really meeting up with Harry to do homework and talk about apartments. We have only a few months until graduation and both of us are very excited for the next step.

When we say goodnight, I walk back to the dorms and Jackie and I stay up to talk. We're on better terms and I'm happy she's happy and she's happy I'm happy. We decide to get breakfast tomorrow and I get ready for bed, brushing my teeth and putting my hair up.

The morning comes and that's when I feel sick to my stomach, my feet running out of the room to the bathroom. I throw up as soon as I'm in the stall and I cough, feeling horrible. I hear the door open and then a knock on the stall.

"Carls, you okay?" Jackie asks, my hand opening the door.

"I think I ate shit last night," I groan, her hands wiping a paper towel over my face.

"It's okay. I have Tylenol in my bag," she says , leading me back to our room.

I sit on the bed and she puts her bag on her bed, emptying it out. My eyes scan over her stuff and I freeze, my eyes widening at the sight of a tampon. My hands grab my stomach and I look down, Jackie turning to find me nearly paralyzed.

"Carly, what's wrong?" she rushes. "Are you going to puke?"

But I can't answer. Harry and I forgot a condom the last time we had sex. We didn't even think about it.

"Oh no," I breathe, "Oh shit. Fucking shit."

She notices my position and she drops the Tylenol to cover her lips with her hands, my heart dropping

"Carly, are you...could you be pregnant?" she asks, my head only managing to nod.

I have no words. Harry is going to be scared shitless, just like me. I'm nowhere near ready for a baby and Harry just managed to open up to me. We're too young, not even graduated. I have no idea what I'm going to do. But I know one thing I can't do and that's give my baby up.

"Let's get a few pregnancy tests. We'll figure something out," she reassures, my head nodding.

We go up to drug store and I take the tests to the register, receiving a disgusted look from the old woman behind the counter. But my mind is clouded and I have nothing but Harry's reaction on my mind.

He's going to run for this hills and never want me again. I'm horrified I'm going to lose him.

Jackie and I sit and wait in the bathroom until the timer goes off. The tests rest on the counter and my head is in my hands as I think about all of this. It's too fast and I was careless, not recalling such a simple thing. I'm so infatuated with Harry that I never thought this could happen.

The beep of the alarm goes off and I jolt, lifting up. Jackie squeezes my hand and we go and look.

Four tests. Four pluses.

"Carly, I'll help," Jackie whispers, my shock still there. I'm unable to think and so scared I'm going to lose the one boy I've ever loved.

"Harry," I whisper, and then I break down. Jackie hugs me and I worry about my boy and just how scared he'll be if I tell him I'm carrying his child.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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