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My nerves are unable to be swallowed and I'm jittery, my hands buried deep in my pockets. I can feel my heart against my chest and I wait anxiously, my stomach in knots. The door becomes unlocked and I look up, Harry the one on the other side of the door.

"Carly, hi," he starts and I unwillingly feel tears run down my cheeks. His face then twists with concern and he steps out, my arms quickly wrapping around his waist. I'm careful of my sore chest and Harry hugs me close.

"What's wrong?" he whispers, my hands holding his shirt.

"Jackie and I went to the tattoo parlor for piercings and the guy hit on me. He gave me his number; I couldn't speak out," I cry, never feeling so guilty before. It's so stupid but I need Harry to realize my emotions.

"Carly, breathe," he whispers, covering the back of my head with one of his hands. I feel secure and I need him.

"I know you are with me," he tells me, my lips releasing a deep breath. I can't believe how safe I feel and I want to make sure he understands who he is to me.

"I'm not used to this. Please understand how much this scared me," I tell him, my hand holding his shirt tighter.

"Carly," he whispers, lifting his head and looking down at me. His hand travels to my chin and he holds it, keeping my face close to his. "You promised me. I promised you. And i-if anything jeopardizes that, we talk. I-I don't want anyone else."

He leans his head down, my eyes closing. "Just you," he whispers, kissing the tip of my nose. Then he guides me inside and Harper runs up to me, grabbing my hand. The three of us go into the living room and watch a movie, Harry and I close together while Harper sits on Harry's lap.

She falls asleep and Harry excuses himself, carrying her upstairs. He returns a few minutes later and sits back beside me, wrapping his arm around me.

"W-What did you pierce?" he asks, my head tilting to look up at him.

"I don't think you really want me to answer that," I state, nerves flooding my body again. What if he thinks I'm strange for piercing my nipples?

"What do you mean?" he asks, my lips releasing a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"I got my nipples pierced," I tell him, his eyes widening. I nervously look away and he takes my hand, my eyes flickering to look back up at him.

"Are you okay? Did it hurt?" he gushes, cupping my cheek. So innocent; Harry's concern absolutely beautiful.

"I'm very sore. I should probably ice them, to be honest," I say, his lips curving lightly.

"Just...I-I've heard piercing get infected easily. So cleaning is important too," he says, my head lifting.

"Clean with what?" I ask, his explanation so extensive. He's too smart.

"You should just clean them," I laugh, his cheeks blushing. I shrug and kiss his cheek, my arm wrapping around his neck.

"That'd be too much, huh?" I ask, his eyes looking into mine. He shakes his head, and I lift my eyebrows.

"I-I'm not...No. If you're clean and healthy. It's...sex. I can't d-do that yet," he says, my hand brushing his cheek.

"D-Do you want to?" I wonder, trying to figure him out. He's never done anything besides kissing and now he has the potential to see my breasts. I don't mind, but I want him to experience and live. He can see me; whatever he wants.

Instead, I grab his hand and he takes the lead to the bathroom. He grabs something from the cabinet and I sit up on the counter, watching him closely. I remove my shirt and he tenses, my hand grabbing his.

"You okay?" I ask, his eyes looking into mine.

"I need to make sure you're okay," he says, my lips curving. I lean up and peck his pouted lips, pulling back to see him smiling.

"I'm perfect, Harry," I soothe, his head nodding. I start by removing the gauze from my bra, barely anything on them. He moves to step between my legs and I unclasp the bra, moving the straps down my arms.

I remove it and Harry takes a moment to look at me, his eyes trained on my chest. It's a soft gaze and he looks so innocent, not shy in the least.

"C-Can I?" he asks, my head nodding. I bite my lip, watching him move to softly touch my breasts. He retrieves the cotton ball with the disinfectant. Harry moves it onto the sore bud and I wince, the slight pain and coolness against the sensitive skin an intense feeling. 

He pulls back, my hand grabbing his quickly. "It's okay. Just cold," I tell him, his eyes locked on mine. He moves his hand to squeeze mine, my assurance there. He lets go and moves to clean my piercings again, his attentiveness almost admirable. For once, I found a boy who is so considerate to me and I find my heart beating fast.

"D-Do you feel anymore pain?" he asks, lifting his head up.

"No. That one's good for now," I tell him, his head nodding. He grabs a new cotton ball and puts disinfectant on, my eyes watching him clean my other breast. His hands are warm against my skin, contrasting the cool cotton ball. Then Harry pulls back and looks back up at me.

"Okay?" he asks, my head nodding. He takes me by surprise as he leans down, kissing me. It doesn't bother me that I'm half naked, my confidence always masking nerves.

I grab his shoulders and he keeps me close, kissing me. The rush has struck him and I'm curious if he's aroused; not knowing how to deal with those feelings.

He lifts his head and looks down at my chest, my nipples erect due to the cool air. My breasts are a 32D, a decent size that clearly has entranced Harry.

"You can touch me, Harry," I tell him, his eyes flickering between me and my breasts.

"L-Let's go to my room," he rushes, my head nodding. I put my tee on without a bra and he grabs my hand after I pick the bra up from the floor, his feet almost rushing us up to his room. He locks the door and I stand in front of him, his eyes watching me close.

"I-I have tattoos," he tells me, my eyebrows lifting. It's a shock; the shy boy so unexpected. "They're like my writing. I don't want people to see them."

I nod but he grabs my hand, his hand lifting mine to his neck. My arms move to wrap around his neck and he dips his head down, my lips pressing to his.

"But you can," he whispers on my lips, our kiss soft when he pulls away.

He usually always wears sweaters or long sleeved button-downs around me. I never see his arms and when he steps back, lifting the sweater off his torso, my eyes just about blow wide. He has almost a full sleeve on his left arm, my eyes trailing his body. He's built, no doubt, and he is honestly sexy as fuck.

"Fuck," I whisper, his eyes watching me closely. My hands come up and feel over his skin, his breathing hitched.

"These are so cool," I mutter, looking over the numerous ink markings. It's so different; the styles unlike anything I've seen.

My eyes look up at him and he's watching me closely. I smile up at him, and I can see relief cover him, not nervous about what I think about him anymore. He grabs my waist and pulls me into him, his head leaning down. I hug him close and let him relax with me, experiencing one of his firsts together.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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