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"Where you going? Alaska?" Jackie asks, my hand cupping my side in pain. The new tattoo is something proving to be more sore than anything, but I push on.

"No. I'm staying with Harry up north for a while. We're getting away for the weekend," I tell her, her eyebrows frowning.

"Look, I know we've been arguing lately but aren't you taking this thing too far?" she asks, and I turn to look at her.

"What thing? I'm in a relationship," I dispute, her arms crossing as she sits down on the bed.

"Carls, you're intoxicated by each other. You don't breathe without him anymore. That's not good," she tells me, my hands folding my clothes.

"You're wrong. We're happy. Knock it off," I say, her body getting up.

"Carly, just listen to me. He's done all this stuff just because you're the first girl who has ever paid attention. Just give it up. He's using you to figure out his own sexuality," she states and I feel my heart drop.

"You're wrong," I say, now thinking about all this random stuff. What if she's right? What if Harry really is just using me because I gave him attention?


No, no, no. He's been so careful and trusts me with himself. He gave me everything, and opened up to me. Harry trusts me, I trust him, and I know we're together for whatever comes to us.

"Jackie," I say, turning to look at her. "Fuck off. Harry is who I want to be with. I'm sick of the dumb fucks and that. Harry makes me happy, and I hope you find that same happiness one day."

She just stares at me and I turn back to folding, zipping the suitcase up. "I don't like how you've changed. You actually care and think about others. I miss carefree Carly; my best friend," she says and I sigh.

"I'm still me, Jacks. I changed for the better to be with someone I never knew I needed," I say, her arms wrapping around me. We share a hug and I let her go, her hands grabbing mine.

"You're still my best friend. No matter what," I remind her, her smile growing.

I let her go and grab my stuff, saying goodbye to her. My feet carry me to the courtyard and I get into the cab I called, taking me to Harry's house.

When I get out, I see Harry walking out of the house and I have Jackie's words littering my mind. I don't know how to bring it up to him without hurting him.

"Hi, Carls," he smiles, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I drop my bag and hug him close to me, my eyes closing. I can't find it in me to let go and he stays here, clearly not minding.

"You okay?" he asks, my lips releasing a sigh. I feel guilty; doing something wrong.

"Can you tell me something?" I whisper, knowing he might get hurt by what I say. So I stay here, unmoving as I want him.

"Anything," he assures, and I look up at him.

"Are you using me?" I ask quickly, my eyes watching his face drop all emotion.

"W-What?" he rushes, not giving me a chance to explain. "Y-You think...I'm using yo- Oh my God, oh my God," he rushes, letting go and growing frantic. So I grab his shirt and stop him from running around. I grab his face and whisper for him to calm down.

"No, no, no. No, please. N-No, I-I need you. Carly, you make me see happiness again. I-I can't use you. That's not...that's not me. I want to be yours," he rushes and I manage to cut him off.

"Hey, hey, baby listen to me," I whisper, kissing his cheeks. His breathing calms down and he grabs my waist, his hands tightening.

"Jackie filled my mind with shit thoughts and I needed to get it out of my head. That's all. I shouldn't have let her get to me but I did. She's wrong, and I want you in my life. You make me so happy," I whisper, his eyes closed. His eyelashes are long on his cheeks, his lips puffed, and I admire his beauty with a passion.

"Carly," he whispers, my head nodding. He lifts his head and looks at me, my hands moving into his hair.

"I'm with you for you. I trust you and I feel like I can't be without you anymore," he tells me, my forehead resting on his.

"You're all I care about. Okay? I have no one else I want to care about but you. You're my Harry, and I'm your Carly. Nothing else matters," I tell him, his head nodding.

He grabs my bag and walks me inside, his hand holding mine. Harper went with Anne already and Harry and I are driving up tonight due to my last class.

"Harry," I say, his head turning to look at me.

"I got you something," I continue, his eyes softly watching me. It's cold as I begin to lift my shirt, tugging it off. I then turn and unclasp my bra, letting my rib tattoo show. I look up and his eyes widen, his lips parted.

"It's the only thing I have in your handwriting. It's what you wrote in my notebook."

Nothing is more beautiful than your own perspective.

Harry grabs my waist and kneels down, kissing over my stomach. "I-I can't believe this," he whispers, standing up and hugging me close to him.

"Now are you going to make love to me?" I ask, his chuckle muffled into my hair. He kisses my hair and leans down, pressing his lips to mine.

I've never felt so happy before in my life, having Harry telling me how beautiful I am or how happy he is with me. He the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

"I'm gonna get one for you," he whispers, buried inside me as he thrusts slowly. My arms are wrapped around his neck and my hands are buried into his hair, my heels pressed into his lower back.

"Not my name," I giggle against his lips, our lips never parting. He's so passionate and I can't get enough of this beautiful boy.

"Something more than that," he whispers, kissing me more. He makes me feel so good, the two of us climaxing together. We get dressed again and he packs a box of condoms with him, making sure that we're safe no matter what.

"Do you want to drive or should I?" I ask him, his hand taking mine.

"I can. No worries," he promises. I know he's told me he's not a great driver, but I know he'll make sure I'm safe. That's who he is; my protector.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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