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"Do you and your sister get along well?" I ask Harry, his hand holding mine as we walk around his backyard. It's huge and there are trails to walk, his body leading me around.

"Yeah. She, uh, really is the only person I talk to. You know...aside from my mom," he says, my thumb brushing his knuckles.

"You get to talk to me now too," I smile up at him, his dimples showing. He nods and lets my hand go, moving his hands into his pockets. We keep walking and we come across a bench, Harry sitting down.

"Is there something you could tell me?" he asks, my body sitting beside him. "I, uh, I'm nervous."

"Sure. Anything," I tell him, his hands running against his thighs. It's another nervous tick I've observed, but he has nothing to worry about.

"How, uh, how do I tell a girl I like her?" he asks, my lips pressing together. This wasn't what I was expecting.

"Well, just be honest. Take deep breaths before and just relax. Talk to her easily and ease into telling her. I'm sure she'll understand, but it's okay if she tells you she doesn't like you on a relationship level," I tell him, his head looking down.

"I like her a lot," he whispers, turning his head to look at me.

"Do you talk to her, or is it just from afar?" I ask, his lips releasing a sigh.

"I-I talk to her," he says nervously, my head nodding.

"Then you'll be fine. Whoever you like I'm sure will like you back. Just talk it out with her. That's all. Just like what we're doing," I say, his head nodding. He takes my hand again and looks back into my eyes.

"Thanks," he says, pushing a small grin onto his lips. I grin and nod, standing. I hold his hand as we walk some more, his fingers shifting to lace through my own.

"I have to get going. Jackie and I are going to a party tonight," I tell Harry, his hand tightening before loosening. It was almost a signal of not wanting to let go.

"Okay," he says, walking me back to the house. It's a shorter walk and Harry lets my hand go as I turn towards the sidewalk.

"I'll talk to you later," I tell him, his head nodding. "Thank you for inviting me. You have a wonderful family."

He blushes and I reach up to him, kissing his cheek. "Bye Harry."

I wave and he waves back, watching as I walk away. My feet carry me back to the campus and I walk into the fraternity, searching for Jackie, but someone grabs my wrist.

"I regret it," Parker yells, my eyebrows furrowing.

"What? Just...stop," I say, his hand tightening around my wrist. He smells of alcohol and I start to get worried.

"Come back to me baby. You're what I want," he says, grabbing my wrists and burying his head in my neck. I try to push him away and he won't budge, his teeth biting my neck.

"Stop!" I yell, trying to draw someone's attention because clearly Parker's won't be reached.

"No. Baby, shh. Let's go," he says, moving to grab my ass. I yell, but no one takes a second look. He shoves me back and I stumble, his body pressed to mine on the wall.

"You need to stop!" I yell, his hand covering my mouth.

"You need to listen to me. I will have you," he whispers, my eyes filling with tears. He starts trailing his other hand against me and I start to freak out when his hand runs against me, my eyes squeezing shut.

"Hell no!" I'm let go and I fall onto the ground, Jackie's boyfriend punching Parker. Jackie helps me up and rushes me out the door, her arms wrapped around me.

"Just breathe," Jackie whispers, holding me together. I'm crying and shaking, the campus police asking us questions. I tell them everything and the officers handle it, Jackie taking me to the dorm.

"Get some rest, Carls. It's okay now," she whispers, hugging me close.

I fall back onto the bed and cry myself to sleep, staying in bed until I finally sleep. When I wake up, I have bruises on my wrists and painful hickeys on my neck. I don't want to get out of the dorm and I refuse to go out today, thankfully the weekend brings no classes.

Jackie sits on her bed doing homework while I stay here, unable to do anything. I can't think straight and I can't do anything without thinking of Parker's painful regret.

A knock on the door sounds and Jackie moves to open the door, but nothing is said. I can tell already it's not her boyfriend, and I lift my head, my eyes widening.

"H-Harry?" I say in confusion, his eyes falling onto my neck.

"Carly," he says, his feet walking past Jackie. But my eyes fall onto the flowers in his hand and I nearly have a heart attack, Jackie leaving the room and closing the door. I sit up, his body sitting in front of me, and he looks me over.

"What...oh my gosh," he says, grabbing my hand and looking at my wrists.

"It's okay. I just...got in a situation last night," I attempt to explain, his eyes wide as he looks me over.

"A sit- what kind of s-situation?" he asks, my hand grabbing his. I don't know why he's here and he seems so worried.

"That guy I used to do stuff with was drunk," I start, his lips parting.

"No, no, no. Carly...he hurt you," he says, my hands holding one of his tightly.

"Yes but I got out of it. It's okay," I say, his head shaking. He lifts his hand and brushes over my neck, my eyes closing. He removes his touch and I look back at him, his eyes meeting mine.

"Why are you here Harry?" I wonder, his lips parting. He sighs and I watch as he reaches behind him, grabbing the flowers he brought.

"I, uh, wanted to give this to you," he says, my lips curving. The gesture just made my day and I get up, hugging him.

"Oh my God, thank you. I feel so much better now," I smile, his dimples showing as he smiles at me.

"What are these for?" I ask, his shoulders shrugging.

"I just...saw them. Wanted to get them for you," he says, my smile unable to leave my lips. I look back at him and he's blushing, my body kneeling beside him.

"You're lying. What's the real reason?" I grin, his dimples so cute. I poke one and he looks up at me, my eyes watching his fill with worry. I'm very confused for a second, but then I realize it. It comes crashing down on me. I just need him to say what I think he's going to say before I start to freak out.

"Um, Carly," he whispers, my head nodding. I'm on pins and needles waiting for him and then I grab his hand, holding his tight. "I, uh, I really like you."

I knew it and I feel my lips curving, my smile broadening even more. He looks relieved and I hug him, his arm wrapping around me.

"You're so cute, Harry," I smile, his eyes looking down but the smile is so bright. "I like you too."

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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