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"Yes, I'm fine, James," Theresa says, my head nodding.

"And everything went well on the test?" I ask, her head nodding. I kiss her hair and walk upstairs, saying hello to my parents. I grab my bag and go to work out, walking to my car. After I workout, I go for a run in the park and freeze when I see the girl I like. In my entire life, I've barely spoken a word to her but I can't help but admire how beautiful she is.

I haven't dated much, just the dates to dances, but nothing came of them. Maybe just a small kiss and then an occasional 'date' but nothing much.

But I think Gisele is beautiful. Strong jawline, flawless features, long brown hair. I'm infatuated by her.

I start to jog and cool down, then walk back to my car. Then I hear her small voice behind me.

"Hi James" she whispers, my body turning around. She looks shocked I've acknowledged her.

"Hey Gisele, how are you?" I ask, still catching my breath.

"Good, you?" I smile and start talking with her, finally making the beautiful girl smile myself. She's such a beautiful sight.

"Want to go get some food?" I ask, her head nodding. I grab her hand and take her across the street to the pasta place, her hand staying in mine. I'd proudly show I'm with her by holding her hand.

We eat dinner and I get to know her, finding it fascinating she's in the orchestra. She plays violin and I think that's so cool, such a beautiful instrument for a beautiful girl.

"I've got to be honest with you," I say, finally growing a pair to tell her I like her. She simply nods and I run my hand through my hair.

"I really like you. Like...I've had a crush on you since freshman year," I say and her eyes widen and her jaw drops. I guess she wasn't expecting that and I hope this doesn't backfire.

"A-Are you serious?" she asks, my lips curving.

"Completely. Is that...bad?" I ask, gauging her reaction. I can't tell what's going on in her mind.

"No, no, it's just," she stops and blushes, "I have a huge crush on you."

A huge smile covers my face and I can feel a weight being lifted off my chest. "No way," I beam, so thrilled right now.

"James," she laughs, my body getting up. I go sit beside her instead and I kiss her cheek, her laugh growing.

"I'm just gonna flat out say we should start dating and be together," I say, no fear at the moment. It just proves how into her I am and I really just want to prove to her I like her.

"Are you sure? I-I mean, saying hi to you was a shot in the dark," she blushes, my forehead resting on hers.

"I've wanted to talk to you for years. I've been to focused on other shit to do so, but I'm glad you showed me you're willing to take charge," I grin, her cheeks so flushed she looks like a strawberry. She couldn't look any more beautiful though.

"Stop it," she whispers, my arm wrapping around her shoulders.

"I like confident girls. You got that," I smile, her eyes looking into mine. I brush my nose with hers and she noticeably stops breathing.

"Wait," she whispers, my hand moving so I brush my index finger beneath her chin.

"Are you...are you going to kiss me?" she whispers, my eyes so focused on her.

"I was planning on it," I grin, her eyes closing. She flushes and looks down, but I lift her chin again. "Don't be shy. It's okay."

"It's my first kiss," she blurts, my heart racing.

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