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I rest my head on Harry's shoulder, the two of us watching a movie on my laptop. He's offered to stay with me today because of my pain, his worry still so high. It made him concerned someone choked me, and I had to reluctantly tell him what had actually happened.

He just kept his arm wrapped around me and I curl closer to him, his head resting on mine.

"You're so warm," I whisper, my head lifting to look up at him. He smiles and I watch his dimples appear, the beautiful boy continuing to shine in my eyes. Harry's a very attractive boy, and I don't mind what he's feeling. I had a feeling, with everyone telling me so, that he likes me, but I'm trying so hard to understand where I am with my own feelings.

"I got you," he says simply, keeping me close. My eyes close and I relax on him, his hand holding my waist. He's calm with me and we relax, but I find my heart beginning to race when I feel him kiss my forehead.

A smile covers my lips and I wrap my arm over his torso, hugging him even closer to me. The relaxation I feel has me taking a deep breath, sleep overcoming me.

When I wake up, I look around for Harry but see a note taped to the wall. I smile, his words telling me he'll see me today. He's so cute.

I get up and go to take a shower, washing up before I get dressed. I make my way into my dorm again and I hear my phone ringing, rushing to grab it.

"Hello," I say, my eyebrows frowning.

"Carly, will you come home tonight?" I hear my mother ask, my lips pressing together.

"No," I say tempted to hang up. But I don't because she starts talking.

"Carly, I just want to see you. I'm off tonight," she says and I sigh.

"Mom, you aren't ever home. I can't. I have homework," I say, her sigh heard. I can tell she's upset, but she has bailed on me more than a fair share. She's getting a taste of her own medicine at this point.

"Just...I miss my little girl. Okay?" she says, my head nodding.

"I miss you too mom," I sigh, saying goodbye before hanging up. After gathering my things, I make my way to the library and move to my table. Harry's already nose deep in a book and I smile, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He jolts and turns his head to look up at me, my smile down at him leading him to take a deep breath.

"You scared me," he chuckles, my arms letting him go to sit beside him.

"How's your essay?" I ask, his head nodding.

"Pretty easy. Just gotta find quotes," he says, my head nodding. I grab his hand and he smiles, looking at me.

We do some work, reading and highlighting. I let his hand go to start typing, but what shocks me is when he sets his hand on my thigh. I wonder if he knows he's doing it, but I don't mind. It's curious to see what he does when around me.

"Carly," he whispers, my head turning to look up at him. He looks nervous and I set my hand over his, grabbing it to ease the worry. "W-Would you, um, maybe go out...with me?"

I smile and he flushes, looking down at his lap. "Of course I would," I smile, leaning over. I kiss his cheek and he flushes even more, my head leaning on his shoulder.

"You're so cute, Harry," I smile, knowing that Harry isn't used to this, but I want him to be happy. He seems to be more comfortable with me now.

"You're pretty," he says without hesitation in response, my head lifting.

I'm unable to wipe the smile off my face and I get back to work, holding his hand as I read. We get up to go and he laces our fingers together, the two of us going on our date.

"What can I get for you all?" the waitress asks us, my head looking up at Harry. He orders and I do as well, his nerves growing visibly. He's fidgeting and I reach over, grabbing his hands.

"What are you so nervous about?" I ask, his hands tightening on mine. He looks up at me and I can see him visibly relax now, the behavior so interesting to watch.

"I-I don't want to screw up. It makes me very nervous," he tells me, my hands holding his tightly. He watches as I lift his hands and kiss his knuckles, my eyes then looking up at him.

"Just be yourself, Harry. You're doing just fine," I tell him, his hands staying on mine.

"I-I like you," he repeats, my lips curving. I tell him the same and he holds my hands across the table, my eyes taking him in. He's so attractive as I look him over, his head turning to the side at the sound of clattering plates. His profile is beautiful; sharp jawline and perfect nose making him flawless.

He turns his head back to me and I smile, his lips curved. Our food comes shortly after and we let each other go, eating. It's fairly quiet and he look so shy still, my eyes watching him closely.

"What do you want with me, Harry?" I ask, wanting to see his standpoint. For all I know, he likes me as a friend, but he potentially likes me as more. I've never had more with anyone and I don't know if I'm ready. Harry barely has experience and I don't know how good of a leader I could be.

But what do I know.

He looks a little shocked at my question, but he straightens himself out. I reach over and take his hand, his fingers wrapping around mine. He clearly relaxes and I brush my thumb along his knuckles, his eyes looking into mine.

"I, um, I want to take you on dates," he tells me, making me smile broader. But he continues when I had assumed he was done. "And I-I want...I want to hold your hand. B-Be with you a lot. I-I feel...good...comfortable with you."

I squeeze his hand and I keep the hold as I maneuver to sit beside him. He looks at me and I move my hand out of his and up to his cheek.

"Are you sure?" I ask, wanting to make sure he's okay with anything going on between us. But I find my eyes trailing to his lips and the full pink lips are absolutely gorgeous. He's told me he's only had a kiss and I wonder what it would take to get him to go further.

"You are the only one, you know, that talks to me and likes me. Y-You give me a chance," he says, my hand staying on his cheek. Just looking at him, I see him in a whole new light. He's perfect.

"Because I see past everything that everyone is always stuck on. You have a beautiful voice and I know you have fears, but I want to take them away," I tell him, his hand taking mine again. I kisses the back of my hand and I smile, leaning towards him. I kiss his dimple and he smiles broader, knowing he's caught my full attention.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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