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I sit in the diner, working on homework. Jackie took it upon herself to have her boyfriend come over and give karma a try. They're louder than fighting lions when they have sex.

The bell rings and two arms wrap around me, my eyes falling to the painted nails. I laugh, knowing exactly who it is.

"Hi, baby," I smile, looking up at Harry. He's a trooper and let me paint his nails to help me figure out what color I wanted on my nails. He just kept it on and I think it's ridiculous but cute all at the same time.

"Hey. I got a haircut," he says, my eyes looking up. His curls are still bouncing on the top of his head, just the back of his head is trimmed up again. I smile, admiring how he looks. Though he's still growing this mustache/beard and I'm unable to get over how good he looks with it.

"Handsome as always," I gleam, happy with the beautiful boy.

"So you're coming over tonight to work on the paper. My mom wants to know if you want to stay for dinner though," he says, my head nodding.

"Absolutely. Though was it your mom or Harper that really wants me to stay?" I tease, his smile growing.

"Okay, it's Harper. She claims she's going to convince mom to let her dye her hair blue like yours," he laughs, making me laugh as well.

"What can I say? I'm a great role model," I laugh, his arm wrapping around me as we laugh.

"The best. But I already told Harp no so we'll see how this blows over," he grins, setting a kiss to my cheek.

"My mom called me this morning," I tell him, his eyes watching me. I know he doesn't know how to respond and I didn't really either. She goes monthly to see if I'll come home and I never will. She's nothing to me anymore.

"I didn't answer, but I listened to the voicemail," I say, his hand holding my waist tighter.

"She wants closure, Carls," he says, and I only nod, not knowing what to say. It sucks to think that I lost a mom because she was never there, but now she wants to be. It's overwhelming and I don't know what to do with myself.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore," I say, his lips parting. I can tell I'm upsetting him but I don't exactly know how to deal with my feelings. I have so much pent up emotion and it's dying to come out, but I want nothing to do with it right now.

"Carly," he starts, but I shake my head.

"I'm done talking about it, Harry. Stop," I beg, getting upset too. My mom's always been a touchy subject and I don't want to talk about it with Harry, who's life situation was a little worse than mine.

"I-I just...wanted to help," he gets out, and I stand up. I wrap my arms around him to halt any panic attack, and I just want a hug from my boy. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and I nuzzle my head into his neck, my eyes closing.

"You are. It's me. I can't stand that she's trying hard when I've reached an age where I don't need her. It's over between us."

He nods but keeps me close, my eyes opening to peer over his shoulder. Parker and a few of his friends are at a booth and he's looking at us, but I don't care anymore. I'm with Harry, and he's all I want.

"I-I get it. M-My dad...I haven't talked to him since that night," he tells me, staying strong.

"And I don't want you too because he's done more damage than good. You need to be strong," I say, Harry turning his head to look at me. He lightly pecks my lips and I smile after, grabbing my stuff. I toss a tip onto the counter and we walk out, Harry grabbing my hand. He walks with me down to the dorms and I curl into his side, wanting to be close to him. He leans down and presses a kiss to my hair, walking with me into the building. When I open my room, Jackie and her boyfriend are tucked beneath the covers. The smell of sex is in the air and I drop my bag, Harry closing the door behind him.

"Might wanna get out. We want another round," Jackie tells me and I roll my eyes.

"His dick will fall off. You've been going at it for hours," I reply, Harry stepping beside me.

"You're jealous," her boyfriend calls and I look up with a face of pure 'are you serious'.

Harry snorts and I start laughing, looking up at Harry. He tugs me into him and I kiss his dimple, so happy he's growing more courageous with me.

"Trust me, my sex life is perfect," I say, but look at Harry the whole time. He's the true perfection; art in a human form.

"Maybe Harry would have more to explore if you pierced more," Jackie calls, my stomach dropping. There isn't much Jackie doesn't do and she's pierced more parts of her body than I can think of.

"Harry, you like pleasuring Carly?" her boyfriend asks, my hand tight on his waist. I hate that they keep asking him these questions, but Harry isn't given the chance to answer.

"Because if you do, just like I do with Jackie, she pierced her clit. And holy shit it makes sex even better," he continues, Jackie giggling. I was with her for that piercing and she screamed in pain, but claims it's one of the best things she's ever done.

"You pierce your dick and I'll pierce my clit," I retaliate, his face falling flat at the mention of hurting his precious dick. It's half his brain and he drives me insane.

"You're a piece of ass, Carly," he groans and I roll my eyes, grabbing my keys.

"And she's my piece of ass, so shut it," Harry states, his words strong. I take his hand and we walk out of the dorm, my hand pulling his head down to mine after the door shuts. He presses a kiss to my lips and I'm wrapped into his arms, his warmth so comforting.

"I like you for who you are," he tells me, my eyes shining as I look at him. We both smile at each other and I set a chase kiss to his lips, cupping his cheek.

"And I like you for you. You're perfect to me," I smile, making him blush. I kiss his dimple and he hugs me close, my eyes closing as I stay close to my boy.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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